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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: July 23, 1937
Name: Jolma Bob Frensley
Post Office: Duncan, Oklahoma
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Information on father:
Place of birth:
Information on mother:
Field Worker:
Interview #8046

I was working for Mr. YOUNG one time and we kept missing our horses and I lost mine, also.  I trailed these toward Anadarko and found them.  Caddo Joe, an Indian, had stolen them and was nearly to Anadarko when I caught him.

This land was Indian patrolled but if we ever lost any stock we hardly ever got it back.

The first settlement was around Jim DOAK’s store.  He came here in 1881 and started a store in ‘84.  Mr. NORTON built the first house.  I bought the store later and moved it upon the hill from where it used to be at the curve on Oklahoma highway #22.

Mr. J. R. SNOW had an old log house which he built in 1889.

All that country in here was “Pickens County” before statehood.

Others who helped in settling this country were Henry TUSSEY (?), Joe FEDDLER (?), Jim FITZPATRICK and Jim and Dick FORSYTHE.

Most settlements were close because they had to stop cattle for water and rest and at each stop a store was started.

[NOTE: copy was very hard to read.]

Transcribed and submitted by Sandi Carter <SandKatC@aol.com> 10-1999.