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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: May 13, 1937
Name: Sarah A. Harlin
Post Office:  [not given]
Date of Birth: 1829
Place of Birth: Alabama
Place of Birth:
Information on father: 
Place of birth:
Information on mother: 
Field Worker: Lula Austin
Interview: 5654     

Story told to Mrs. C. A. Hancock by Sarah A. Harlin who was born in Alabama in 1829. Mrs. Harlin came to Indian Territory by wagon from Alabama over the Trail of Tears. There were twelve in the party and they were what was thought in those days as well fixed, having a good wagon, fat horses, plenty of provisions and covering. The trip was started on September 15th and by October, their troubles had begun. Three of their horses died, the meat spoiled and sickness came. One little baby died and was buried in a grave of cedars by the roadside. After they journeyed on, the mother was missed and, on going back, was found by the little new grave singing a lullaby. They first landed near old Scullyville, later going to Ft. Coffee, and then to Tishomingo where Mr. Harlin entered the mercantile business. They would go in wagons to Atlanta, Georgia, for supplies.

Two daughters, Lorena and Juanita, had a governess who came from Georgia with Mr. Harlin on one of his trips for merchandise. Mr. G. B. HESTER, who was clerking in Mr. Harlin's store, married the governess. Mr. Hester later went in business at Boggy Depot and became prosperous. During the Civil War, he was appointed Quartermaster and Commissary in the First Choctaw Regiment.

[Note: also see Sarah A. Harlin interview dated August 24, 1937.  http://www.okgenweb.net/pioneer/ohs/harlansarah.html ]

Submitted to OKGenWeb by George T. Huggins <george.huggins@pcusa.org> Tucson AZ,  January 2001.