Indian Pioneer Papers - Index
Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: November 17,
Name: Mr. Perry
Post Office: Maysville, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: March 19, 1874
Place of Birth: Texas
T. J. High,
Information on Father: born in Texas
Information on Mother: born in Texas
Field Worker: Maurice R.
Interview #9295
I was born in 1874 in Texas. I came from Texas to
the Indian Territory in 1905 and went into the drug business at a little place
called Hewitt in the Chickasaw Nation; now known as Wilson.
I stayed there one year and moved to Maysville hauling
my things by wagon; there were very few roads then. We just had to make
our own roads. I went into a partnership with Mr. Cook who at that time
owned a drug store at Maysville. There was lots of sickness in this part
of the country at that time and there were five doctors in the little town of
I remained in the drug business until 1907 and at that
time I went into the hardware business. I was interested in church work
and this caused me to sell out my part of the drug business.
In 1908 I was ordained a Missionary Baptist preacher and
have been engaged in church work since.
I live in Maysville where I have lived since
Transcribed and submitted
by Brenda Choate <
> November 2000.