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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Name: Cobray Hill
Post Office: , Oklahoma
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Information on father:
Place of birth:
Information on mother:
Field Worker:

............ ....skirmish with him at Greenleaf and one west of Okemah and I was still with Checote’s men when we followed them to the Sac and Fox country. I was there when peace was finally made and troops were sent to bring back the revolters.

 I had taken a small caliber rifle and the others made fun of it. Some of them said that if I hit any of Isparhechar’s men with it I might make them mad.


 When Fort Gibson was occupied by soldiers they sometimes found it hard to entertain themselves, they would go and get Sam PERRYMAN, a Creek one-hundred and thirty years of age, with one of the Government wagons. He would tell them stories, etc., and when they took him home, they would put a lot of groceries in the wagon for him.  Perryman lived across the Arkansas River.

Submitted to OKGenWeb by Joan Case <lcase@manti.com> 02-1999.