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Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: March 12, 1937
Name: Mr. G. R. Lynn
Residence: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: 1855
Place of Birth: Kentucky
Father: E.S. Lynn, born in Kentucky
Mother: Levina Hailman, born in Kentucky
Field Worker: Maurice R. Anderson
Interview #1095

My father and mother moved to Texas from Kentucky, when I was six years old. I grew up in Texas.

When I was ten years old I helped my father hunt out yearlings that were not branded. We would round up several, drive them home and brand them.

I joined the Texas Rangers in 1872. One time, I believe it was in 1882, I helped my cousin, Moses Lynn, and my father drive about four hundred head of cattle to Kansas. We went over the old Chisholm Trail and crossed Red River at Red Bluff.

I came to the Indian Territory in 1887. I came from Texas to the Territory in a wagon working two yokes of steers. I settled near Madill.

I farmed and raised some cattle. I have raised as high as two thousand bushels of corn a year. Of course, corn was cheap. One year I lacked ten acres gathering in all my corn, so I just turned my stock in on it. There were about five hundred bushels of corn still in the field.

There was lots of turkey and wild game there then.

I lived near Madill until 1907 when I moved to Pauls Valley where I have lived ever since.

My father and mother are both buried in Texas.

Submitted to OKGenWeb by Brenda Choate September 2003

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Updated:  08 Jan 2025