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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: March 16, 1937
Name: Harry Starr (Negro)
Post Office: Negro Town, Fort Gibson
Date of Birth: 1852
Place of Birth: Close to Evansville, Arkansas
Father: Ellis Starr
Place of Birth:
Information on father: Slave
Place of birth:
Information on mother:
Field Worker: Breland Adams
Interview: #5148
I was born in 1852 close to Evansville, Arkansas. My father was Ellis Starr, a slave that went on Blue Creek during the Civil War. I went to Belle School in the Flint District. I remember the $10.65 bread-money payment. I was a harvest hand in my youth. I remember that I got a job from the contractor that built the early day jail at Tahlequah, I helped dig the basement.

Harry Starr is an old Negro, living in a square brick house, in Negro town, at Fort Gibson. He is considered truthful and should know a lot about things as they were in the early days. However, he has been sick and although I have been to see him twice, I have not been able to get a satisfactory interview as he can talk very little. In about a month, if he continues to improve, I think someone can get a good story.

Submitted to OKGenWeb by Lynda B. Canezaro <LBCane@aol.com> 07-2000.