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   OKGenWeb Indian Pioneer Papers
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Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Indian Pioneer History Collection Of Oral Interviews
IPH 1 VOLUMES   1 -   3
IPH 2 VOLUMES   4 -   6
IPH 3 VOLUMES   7 -   9
IPH 4 VOLUMES 10 - 12
IPH 5 VOLUMES 13 - 15
IPH 6 VOLUMES 16 - 18
IPH 7 VOLUMES 19 - 21
IPH 8 VOLUMES 22 - 24
IPH 9 VOLUMES 25 - 27
IPH 10 VOLUMES 28 - 30
IPH 11 VOLUMES 31 - 33
IPH 12 VOLUMES 34 - 36
IPH 13 VOLUMES 37 - 39
IPH 14 VOLUMES 40 - 42
IPH 15 VOLUMES 43 - 46 
There is no Volume 45
IPH 16 VOLUMES 47 - 49
IPH 17 VOLUMES 50 - 52 
IPH 18 VOLUMES 53 - 55
IPH 19 VOLUMES 56 - 58 
IPH 20 VOLUMES 59 - 61
IPH 21 VOLUMES 62 - 64
IPH 22 VOLUMES 65 - 67
IPH 23 VOLUMES 68 - 70
IPH 24 VOLUMES 71 - 73
IPH 25 VOLUMES 74 - 76
IPH 26 VOLUMES 77 - 79
IPH 27 VOLUMES 80 - 82
IPH 28 VOLUMES 83 - 85
IPH 29 VOLUMES 86 - 88
IPH 30 VOLUMES 89 - 91
IPH 31 VOLUMES 92 - 94
IPH 32 VOLUMES 95 - 97 
IPH 33 VOLUMES 98 - 100
IPH 34 VOLUMES 101 - 103
IPH 35 VOLUMES 104 - 106
IPH 36 VOLUMES 107 - 109
IPH 37 VOLUMES 110 - 113
IPH 38 INDEX ROLL 1  A to Halsell
IPH 39 INDEX ROLL 2  Halsell to Z 
and Addendum
IPH 40 Addenda

Source: Catalog of Microfilm Publications
Archives and Manuscript Division

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Updated:  08 Jan 2025