Hargrove College
Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma


The original Hargrove College was located at 10th
& D Street NW. The building burned down in 1894. |
Hargrove College was rebuilt in 1909 at the Carter
Seminary on Chickasaw Blvd. NW. It burned down in 1957. |
In a small park at 10th & D Street
in Ardmore is a plaque placed by the Oklahoma Methodist Historical Society in 1964
which reads "
Hargrove College 1895-1914
could this be a typo and should read something else???????
A Methodist college once stood here, begun by the City of Ardmore it was given to the Indian Mission Conference of the Methodist Church, named in honor of Bishop Robert K. Hargrove. In 1907 the school burned but was rebuilt north of the city. It exerted a vital religious & educational influence throughout the
area. |
Photos and comments courteous of Butch Bridges
"This & That" |
Every now and then I get an email with a photo attached that almost knocks my socks off. This week that happened. I received a photo of the old, no longer here, Hargrove College. The college was built in 1909 and burned in 1957. It was located at the Carter Seminary in Ardmore. This is truly a glimpse into the past!
Saturday, March 11, 2000 Vol 4 Issue 151
"Go out D st. N.W to 9th. ave (Ardmore) and you will find a little park located between 9th & 10th avenues. There is a plaque that was placed there by the Oklahoma Methodist Historical Society in 1964 which states, "Hargrove College 1895-1914" "A Methodist college once stood here, begun by the City of Ardmore it was given to the Indian Mission Conference of the Methodist Church, named in honor of Bishop Robert K. Hargrove. In 1907 the school burned but was rebuilt north of the city. It exerted a vital religious & educational influence throughout the area." I don't know where it was rebuilt but when I was growing up on 12th. Ave the entire block north of the little park, which would be all the area between 10th & 11th N.W stood vacant. No houses appeared on that block for many years - I was told that the land was a part of the Hargrove College campus. You may find
a history of the school in Paul Frame's History of Ardmore." |
When the Bloomfield Academy school buildings were
destroyed by fire, January 24th, 1914, [ located
where ] the old Hargrove College property was
purchased and Bloomfield was moved to Ardmore.
Chronicles of Oklahoma Index
Hargrove College XVI 264; XVII 363; XXIII 140; XXX 241; XXXI 445
It [Bloomfield Academy] was not again rebuilt but the
school was moved to Ardmore, where the old Hargrove College property was
purchased for its accommodation and where it has since been conducted. http://digital.library.okstate.edu/chronicles/v002/v002p366.html
During the year 1896 a bill was signed granting a
charter to Hargrove College of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in
Pickins County at Ardmore, giving the college authority to issue
diplomas. The same act provided that twenty pupils could attend at the
expense of the Chickasaw Nation. http://digital.library.okstate.edu/chronicles/v006/v006p215.html
Saturday, March 18, 2000 Vol 4 Issue 152
Last week I had the place right but the building wrong. I'm talking
about Hargrove College. The original Hargrove College in Ardmore was
located at 10th and D Street NW. It burned down in 1894. Here is a pic
of it.
The second Hargrove College was located at the Carter
Seminary on Chickasaw Blvd NW. It burned down in 1957.
Every now and then I get an email with a photo attached
that almost knocks my socks off. This week that happened. I received a
photo of the old, no longer here, Hargrove College. The college was
built in 1909 and burned in 1957. It was located at the Carter Seminary
in Ardmore. This is truly a glimpse into the past!
Saturday, March 11, 2000 Vol 4 Issue 151
"Go out D st. N.W to 9th. ave (Ardmore) and you will find a little
park located between 9th & 10th avenues. There is a plaque that was
placed there by the Oklahoma Methodist Historical Society in 1964 which
states, "Hargrove College 1895-1914" "A Methodist college
once stood here, begun by the City of Ardmore it was given to the Indian
Mission Conference of the Methodist Church, named in honor of Bishop
Robert K. Hargrove. In 1907 the school burned but was rebuilt north of
the city. It exerted a vital religious & educational influence
throughout the area." I don't know where it was rebuilt but when I
was growing up on 12th. Ave the entire block north of the little park,
which would be all the area between 10th & 11th. N.W stood vacant.No
houses appeared on that block for many years - I was told that the land
was a part of the Hargrove College campus. You may find a history of the
school in Paul Frame's History of Ardmore."
Carr, S. J. (Mrs.).
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder. The OSU Library Electronic Publishing Center, Digital Collections,
Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 2, No. 4, December, 1924: 379.
Jun 2002 http://digital.library.okstate.edu/
Other sources which may
contain information on this subject:
Hargrove College. Minutes
of the faculties of Hargrave [i.e. Hargrove] College, Nov. 8, 1895-March
14, 1895, Ardmore, I.T. Commerce public schools records, Commerce, Texas.
[Texas?] : F.T. Ingmire, 1980 Cover title: Log book, Hargrave College
faculties minutes, Ardmore, I.T., 1895. Students, Commerce public
schools, Hunt County, Texas, 1901-1912. Includes index.
Paul Frame's History of Ardmore - find
out more about this book