Soldiers of World War I

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Burke, James Albert Served in the Infantry in France, also in Mexico Birth: July 11, 1890 Death: Dec.13,1960 Burial: Woodland Cementary Cleveland, Oklahoma. Info. By: Son-in-Law, John P. Lock jplock29@swbell.net
Cantrell, William Clerence entered as Pvt. discharged as Cpl. Birth:
entered WW1 at Atoka, Oklahoma Draft Card #35-1-2A
Recieved Purple Heart from wounds received at Oregon Forest. Info. By:
BILLY COPELAND billycopeland@sbcglobal.net
Cockreham, Samuel C.
Oklahoma: Company C; 80 Infantry; 15 Division
Birth: November 23, 1897
Death: May 18, 1963
Burial: Frederick Memorial Cemetry; Frederick, Okla.
Info. By: Michael G. Lewis Lewisdal4@aol.com
Fletcher, John Tyson
Pvt 1 Class 136 Inf. 34 Div.
Birth: 1893
Death: October 3, 1918
Burial: Restland Cemetery, Boswell, Choctaw County, OK.
Info. By: Jean J. Heck hecksrus@verizon.net
Hughes, Irvin Edward
Served WW1 from Tillman County, Oklahoma
Birth: November 10, 1895 - Elm Grove, Illinois
Death: January 21, 1979 - Vici, Oklahoma
Info. By: Niece Beverley (Hughes) Estlinbaum jestlinbaum@cox.net
Lambert, James W. (Jim) 36th Division, 131st Machine Gun Battalion, Company A Birth: 1892 Death: 1976 Burial: Niles Cemetery, Canadian Co., OK
He was a resident of Binger when inducted into the service at Bridgeport in October 1917. Info. By:
Daughter, Barbara Sevier barbara.sevier@fleetmaxsoftware.com
Lovett, Ernest Bailey 3510705 Pvt. Co. B 355th Inf. Birth: April 4, 1896, Leonard, Fannin County, Tx. Death: 23 January 1944 Burial: Britton Oklahoma
He was wounded in action.
He was born in Leonard, TX but lived in Oklahoma City when he joined the army at age 22. Info. By:
Marcia Wilson, Daughter Corkey1214@direcway.com
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