Guion Miller Applications
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John Morris
Sequoyah Co., Salisaw [Sallisaw], Oklahoma

Cousin once removed from Fannie E. Chandler, MA # 1723. 
Son of Wilson Morris (Chapman # 1194), 
Grandson of Gideon Morris (Chapman #1184).

Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington, D. C.

I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined.

1. State Full Name: English Name- John Morris; Indian Name-

2. Residence- 3 miles North of Salisaw [Sallisaw]

3. Town and Post Office- Salisaw, Indian Territory
4. County- Cherokee Nation
5. State- Indian Territory
6. Date and Place of Birth- North Carolina, Cherokee County.
7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately:

Am an [sic]air of Chikeue, Soane(sp), Aley, Colecha, Chusqua, John Stump and wife.
8. Are you married? NO
9. Name and age of wife or husband- Aney Morris nee Sartakah, 45 years old, and deceased.
10. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage-

Father- English name- Wilson Morris; Indian name-

Mother- English name- Ellen Morris; Indian name- ; Maiden name- Ellen Powell

11. Where were they born?

Father was born in North Carolina. Mother was born in Tennessee.

12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?Both parents residing in North Carolina, Cherokee County.

13. Date of death of your father and mother? Father died January 16, 1887. Mother is still living.

14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where? 1852-North Carolina

15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, give date of death-

Adelad Morris b. 1847 d. 1897 *( m. Jacob Deal)

John Morris b. 1849 d. living

Margaret Ann Morris b. 1851 d. living *(m. Charles Byers)

Wilson Morris b. 1852 d. living

Joseph Morris b. 1855 d. living

Ellen Morris b. 1857 d. living *(m. William Henry Byers)

Mary Morris b. 1859 d. Dead *( m. Joseph M. Rattler Sr. Johnson)

Alcy Morris b. 1861 d. Dead *(m. Samuel 'Cub Pipe' Taylor Adair)

16. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, if possible-

Father's side- Gid Morris and John Powell *(John Powell is his mother's father)

Mother's side- Chickue

17. Where were they born? South Carolina and in Maryland. *(John Powell was born in Maryland)

18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? In Georgia and North Carolina.

19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, give dates of deaths.

Mark Powell, dead

Cornely Powell, living (MA # 3734, Cornilia)

Bob Powell, dead *(Robert Welch Powell)

Frank Powell, dead *(Micheal Francis Powell)

Mary Powell, living (MA # 7585)

Joe Powell, living *(MA # 9166)

Wash Powell, dead

Martha Powell, living *(MA # 7586)

Victoria Powell, living *(MA # 7587)

Osce Powell

20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-

For allotments.

21. To expedite identification, claimant should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835.



(Under this head the applicant may give additional information that he 
believes will assist in proving his claim).


Note: Answers should be brief but explicit: the words 'yes' , 'no', and 'unknown' may be used in cases where applicable. Read the questions carefully.

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed: (Not signed)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November 1906.

Signed: James Denton, Notary Public


(The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicant.)

Personally appeared before me Charles McCoy and John Chuculate, who being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with John Morris, who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known him for 10 years and 10 years, respectively, and know him to be the identical person he represents himself to be, and that the statements made by him are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest in his claim.

Witnesses Signatures: Charles McCoy and John Chuculate

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 20th day of November 1906.

Signed: James Denton, Notary public

Supplemental Application for Minor Children

Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims,

601 Ouray Building, Washington, D. C.


I hereby make application for such share as may be due my minor children of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, if favor of the Eastern Cherokee, and I ask that this be made part of my original application 

No. 3539 (42?)

*(MA # 3542 is for Isaac Chuculate)

State you full name: John Morris 
Residence and post office: Salisaw, Indian Territory 
County: Sequoyah 
State: Indian Territory 
Date and place of birth: January 1, 1849, Cherokee Co., North Carolina 
Are you married? A Widower 
Name and age of wife or husband: Deceased 
To what tribe of Indians, if any, does he or she belong? Cherokee 
Names of all your children who were living on May 28, 1906: 
Sally Morris nee Chuculate 28 years b. April 7, 1887 *(MA # 3541)

George Morris 25 years b. August 2, 1879 *(MA # 3538)

Joe Morris 22 years b. December 18, 1884

Lizzie Morris 9 years b. June 11, 1898

Where they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? If so state when and were and with what tribe of Indians.


(Under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist in proving his claim.)

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed: John Morris

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of June. 1907. 


(The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicant)

Personally appeared before me Eugene Beasley and Ellis Starr who, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with John Morris, who makes the foregoing application and statement, and have known him for 8 years and 35 years, respectively, and know him to be the identical person he represents himself to be and that on May 28, 1906, he had the children living as above set forth, and that the statements made by him are true, and they have no interest whatever in his claim.

Signatures of Witnesses- Eugene Beasley and Ellis Starr

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of June, 1907.

Signed: James Denton, Notary Public


Salisaw, Indian Territory

May, 27, 1907

Guion Miller

Special Commissioner

Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

The claim of Wilson Morris presented by Ellen Morris is she [sic] intitled to [sic] daw his part as she is a adopted [sic] sitison and not a Cherokee by Blood. Please give me this information and oblige a friend and heir.

John Morris

Please send me new supplimentory blanks for minor children.

*John Gideon Morris, listed as ¼ Cherokee

1850 Census- # 772-Cherokee County, NC as John Morris-2 yrs.

Chapman Roll # 1196 as John Morris-3 yrs.-Cherokee County, River Valley, NC

Siler Roll # 1195 family group # 10 as John Morris-3 yrs.-Cherokee County, River Valley, NC (mixed)

1880 Cherokee Census # 914-Flint District as Johh Morris-30 yrs.-farmer

Dawes Roll # 17818, Census Card # 7537 as John Morris-Sequoyah District-Salisaw, IT

John Morris Census Card Packet #7537




September 16, 1901

In the matter of the application of John Morris for the enrollment of himself and five children as Cherokee Freedmen; said Morris being sworn and examined by Commissioner Handles, testified as follows:

Q. What is your name? A. John Morris

Q. What is your age, Mr. Morris? A. Born in 1849-1853

Q. What is your post office? A. Salisaw

Q. What District so you live in? A. Sequoyah District

Q. Do you apply to be enrolled as a Cherokee? A. I come to try to apply as a Cherokee

Q. Cherokee by Blood? A. Yes, sir

Q. Do you want to enroll anybody besides yourself? A. I want to enroll my children

Q. What are the names of your children? A. George Morris

Q. How old his he? A. 19

Q. The next one? A. Sallie Morris

Q. How old is she? She is 18

Q. The next one? A. Rufus Morris

Q. How old is Rufus? A. 16

Q. The next one? A. Joe Morris

Q. Joseph, how old is Joseph? A. 14

Q. The next one? A. Lizzie Morris

Q. Elizabeth? A. Yes, sir she is three years old past

Q. Are you married? A. My wife is dead

Q. What was your wife's name? A. Annie Morris

Q. Was she a Cherokee by Blood? A. Yes, sir

Q. How long has she been dead? A. She has been dead pretty near four years.

Q. What was her father's name? A. Her father's name was Sautake.

Q. Is he living? A. No sir, he is dead

Q. Is her mother dead? A. Yes, sir

Q. What was her name? A. Genuchie

Q. They were both Indians? A. Yes, sir

Q. Have you been recognized by the Cherokee authorities? A. Yes, sir

Q. Does you name appear upon any of the rolls? A. Yes, sir

1880 Authenticated roll of Cherokee citizens examined and name of applicant and his deceased wife found thereon as follows:

Page 381, # 915, John Morris, Flint District, adopted Cherokee; Page 381, # 916, Anie Morris, Flint District

Q. Are your father and mother living? A. My mother is living 1896 Census Roll of Cherokee citizens examined and names of applicants found thereon as follows:

Page 1083, # 921, John Morris, Sequoyah District; Page 1083, # 923, George Morris, Sequoyah District; Page 1083, # 922, Sallie Morris, Sequoyah District; Page 1083, # 924-Rufus Morris, Sequoyah District; Page 1083, # 925, Joe Morris, Sequoyah District

Q. Is Sallie older than George? A. No, sir

1880 Authenticated roll of Cherokee citizens examined and name of applicant's child, Sallie, found thereon, page 381, # 919, Sallie Morris, Flint District.

Q. You say that you are a Cherokee by Blood yourself? A. Yes, sir

Q. Is your mother's name on the roll of 1880? A. Yes, sir, I guess it is

Q. What was her name? A. Annie Morris

Q. Are these children all living at this time? A. Yes, sir

Q. Living with you? A. Yes, sir

Q. Annie Morris was your wife? A. Yes, sir

Q. But your mother? A. Her name is Ellen Morris

1880 Authenticated Roll of Cherokee citizens examined and name of applicants mother found thereon, page 554, # 2135, Ellen Morris, Illinois District

Q. How long have you lived in Cherokee Nation, Mr. Morris? A. I came here in 1867

Q. Have you been living here continuously since that time? A. Yes, sir

Q. Were these children born in the Cherokee Nation? A. Yes, sir

Commissioner Needles: John Morris applies for the enrollment of himself and five children, to-wit: George, Sallie, Rufus, Joseph, and Elizabeth. It is duly identified upon the authenticated roll of 1880 and the census roll of 1896 according to the page and number of the rolls indicated in the testimony. He avers that that his wife, Annie Morris, now deceased was a native Cherokee, and she is duly identified upon the authenticated roll of 1880. The names of his four eldest children are identified upon the census roll of 1896. The name of his youngest child, Elizabeth, is not identified upon the census roll of 1896, having been born after the roll was compiled, and it will be necessary for him to make satisfactory proof of the birth of said child. Satisfactory proof is made as to residence, consequently John Morris and his five children, as enumerated herein, will be listed for enrollment as Cherokee citizens by blood.

J. O. Rosson, being first duly sworn, says that as stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes he correctly recorded the testimony and proceedings in this case, and that the foregoing is a true and complete transcript of his stenographic notes thereof.

Signed: J. O. Rosson

Subscirbed and sworn to before me the 16th day of September 1901.

Signed: Commissioner,...

John Morris

Dawes Roll # 17818, Census Card # 7537 as John Morris-Sequoyah District-Salisaw, IT

Miller Roll # 19438, app. # 3539, # 3542 as John Morris-58 yrs.-Salisaw, OK

¼ Cherokee

*Transcriber notes

Transcribed by Catherine Widener, 2003


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