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Miller Application # 1616

Polly Morris nee Bear
Ballard, OK

The parents of applicant were enrolled in 1851 by Drennen in Goingsnake District under the names of Cah-nel-sy and Wutty Cah-nel-se. See letter … 

Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
Washington, D.C.

I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905 and may 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined..

1. State full name-
    English name- Polly Morris
    Indian Name- Wa-lie- Ca-na-sha

2. Residence- Goingsnake District

3. Town and post office- Ballard

4. County- Cherokee Nation

5. State- Indian Territory

6. Date and place of birth- 1859 Cherokee Nation

7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately.-

My father, my mother, my sister Ah-gar-te-yah- My brother Car-se-lah-se- My sister Ge-go-nu-lah, My grandfather on father’s side, grandmother on father’s side. My aunt Go-dah-ta-wee- My aunt Ah-yuh-lee My great uncle G-ge-li 

8. Are you married? Yes

9. Name and age of wife or husband- Wilson E. Morris age 55

10. Give name of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage.

English name- Carnelce Bear
Indian name- Car-na-le-shuh Yoh-nah

English name- Elizabeth Bear
Indian name- War-die Car-nelce
Maiden name- War-die Ah-yu-e-nie

Transcriber note: Ah-yu-e-nie = Swimmer

11. Where were they born? Both in North Carolina

12. Where did they reside in 1851,if living at that time? Both Cherokee Nation

13. Date of death of your father and mother-

Father- about 1862 Mother- about 1868

14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land or other benefits? If so, where and when?

They were both on the roll of 1851

15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages and if not living, the date of death-

1. Car-se-lah-ee Bear ? February 1854
2. Tah-wo-gee Bear ? February 14, 1878
3. Ah-gar-te-yah Bear ? September 1860
4. Ge-go-na-lah Bear ? March 1861
5. Ge-go-na-lah Bear ? 1861
6. Ah-gar-te-yuh Bear ? 1860

16. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father’s side and mother’s side, if Possible.

Father’s side 
English name unknown 
Indian name unknown 

Mother’s side
Yoh-nah Swimmer
Nannie Racheal (Polly Murphy)
Na-nie La-gi-lie

17. Where were they born? North Carolina

18. Where were they living in 1851,if living at that time?

Cherokee Nation, Flint District

19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living, if not living, give dates of deaths

1. English name- Fish Hawk
Indian name- Car-nu-ja-wah 
Residence- Goingsnake District, Cherokee Nation

2. English name- Unknown
Indian name- Go-dah-go-wee ( I show Co-tah-ka-wih)
Residence- Cherokee Nation

3. English name- Unknown
Indian name- Ah-yuh-lee
Residence- Cherokee Nation

4. English name- unknown ‘Great Uncle’ 
Indian name- G-ge-lie 
Residence- Cherokee Nation

5. English name- Richard Nedson
Indian name- Gar-nuh-dah-tla-gie Na-de-se-nie
Residence- Cherokee Nation

20. Have you ever enrolled for annuities, land or other benefits? If so, state when and where.

1874, and all the rolls since that time. Was enrolled by the Dawes Commission for land

21. To expedite indention, claimants should give the full English and Indian names, if possible-

Of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835. I have stated as fully as I know- all about my ancestors my parents died when I was small. I Only know my grandfather on my mother’s side as Swimmer. I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed Polly Morris

Subscribed and sworn to before this 25th day of October, 1906

M. K. Shannon (notary public)


Personally appeared before me Charlotte Hogner and N. J. Redbird, who, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Polly Morris, who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have know her for 40 years and 30 years, respectively, and know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and that the statements made by her are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest in her claim.

Witness Signatures of Witnesses

N.J. Redbird Charlotte (X) Hogner

N. B. Littlejohn N. J. Redbird

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of October, 1906

M. K. Shannon (notary public)

Miller application # 1616-Testimony of Polly Morris

Polly Morris being first duly sworn deposes and says…. 

My name is Polly Morris; I was enrolled as a three-fourths Cherokee under the Dawes Commission under the name of Polly Morris # 2078; My father was full blooded Cherokee, my mother’s English name was Elizabeth Swimmer; My parents were born in North Carolina, came to the Indian Territory at the time of the emigration by the Cherokees.; My mother’s mother’s name was Polly Murphy and my grandfather on my mother’s side was named Swimmer; my grandparents were born in the Old Nation and came to the Indian Territory at the time of the emigration; none of my people ever received any Old Settler money; both I and the ancestors through who I claim have always been with the Cherokees; I was enrolled and drew strip payment in 1894; my parents and grandparents were enrolled in 1851 in Goingsnake District; Kar-nah-coo-wah, Co-tah-ka-wih, Ah-yeh-yah-nih, are the brothers and sisters of my father; I don’t know the names of the brothers and sisters of my mother. 

Signed Polly Morris, Stilwell, Oklahoma September, 1908.

Miller application # 1616-Testimony of Nickolas Byers for Polly Morris

Nicholas Byers, being first duly sworn deposes and says… My name is Nicholas Byers; I am seventy-seven years old. I came here with the emigrant Cherokees and was enrolled in 1851; (see 387 ½ Flint). Polly Morris is my cousin; my mother and her mother were sisters; the parents of Polly Morris came to the Indian Territory at the same time I did; the parents of Polly Morris drew the emigrant money in 1852; I know that of my own knowledge.

Signed Nicholas Byers
September 30th, 1908
Ballad, Oklahoma

November 22, 1907
Hon. Guion Miller
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Sir:

Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of 15th just in reference to my Eastern Cherokee Claim, app. # 1616, you say that their names as spelled in the application do not seem to be on the rolls. My father was a Corporal in Co. F, 3rd Indian Home Guards and he enlisted under the name of Cornelius (no other name) His Indian name was Car-nelce., My mothers name was ‘Wattie’, my grandfather on father’s side was Yo-nah, my grandmother on father’s side was Nannie, my grandfather on mother’s side named unknown, my grandmother on mother’s side was named Rachel. The reason I believe that they were on the roll of 1851 is because they were brought to this country with the Eastern Cherokees, and were both old enough at that time to be on the 1851 roll. My parents died when I was very young and I never knew much about their ancestors. Full blood Indians in that day and time were very little civilized, most of them only had one name, and did not keep records of births and deaths as they do now. If there is any other information I can give you, please let me know at once.

Yours truly,

Polly Morris

Transcriber notes:

Dawes # 2078, Census Card # 752 as Polly E. Morris-Flint District-Evansville, Ark.

Married Wilson ‘Bud’ E. Morris Dawes # 2077, Census Card # 752 as Wilson E. Morris-Flint District-Evansville, Ark.

Miller Roll # 19524, app. # 2072 as Wilson E. Morris-54 ys.-Ballard, OK

Wilson ‘Bud’ E. Morris’ parents are Wilson Morris and Ellen Elizabeth Powell and they are my 3rd great-grand-parents.

Submitted by Catherine Widener

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