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Miller Application # 20301

Sarah Wood nee Edmonds

Kansas City, Missouri


Cousin to Miller app. # 1171 - Lewis H. Scruggs

m. John Wood

Child - Frank Harman - 19 years b. July 17, 1888 (child by another marriage)

Commissioner of Indian Affairs

Washington, D. C.


I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined.

1. State Full Name:

English Name - Sarah Wood

Indian Name - unknown

2. Residence - # 3157 Bell Street Kansas City, Missouri

3. Town and Post Office - Kansas City

4. County - Jackson

5. State - Missouri

6. Date and Place of Birth - 40 years January 3, 1867 Iola, Kansas

7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately:

Through my mother, Anna Eliza Edmonds, now Creech who is a daughter of my grandmother, Clarrisa J. Loveless who is a daughter of Ann Stubblefield-Scruggs-Parker.

8. Are you married? Yes

9. Name and age of wife or husband - John Wood 42 years

10. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage.


English name - John Edmonds

Indian name - unknown


English name - Anna Eliza Edmonds

Indian name - unknown

Maiden name - Anna Eliza Herrell

11. Where were they born?

Father - Illinois Mother - Missouri

12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time

Father - Illinois Mother - Missouri

13. Date of death of your father and mother?

Father - March 19, 1875 Mother - Living

14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where.


15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, give date of death-

1. Emerson Tate b. 1861 Living

2. Ida Loyd b. 1869 Living

3. Clarissa Nichols b. 1873 Living

4. John Edmonds b. 1873 d. 1903

16. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father’s and mother’s side, if possible-

Father’s Side


Indian name not known


Indian name not known

Mother’s Side

Clarissa J. Herrell, now Loveless

Indian name not known

Emerson Herrell

Indian name not known

17. Where were they born?

Grandfather and grandmother Herrell born in Illinois

Clarissa J. Herrell born in Missouri

Emerson Herrell born in Tennessee

18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?

Both Edmonds lived in Illinois and both Herrells live in Carthage, Missouri

19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, give dates of deaths

(1) English name - Anna Eliza Creech; Indian name - not known; Residence - Kendrick Town, Missouri

(2) English name - Lucy Hinkle nee Herrell; Indian name - not known; Residence - Carthage, Missouri

(3) English name - Miza Rinehart; Indian name - not known; Residence - Carthage, Missouri

(4) English name - James Herrell; Indian name - not known; Residence - Carthage, Missouri

(5) English name - Louis Herrell; Indian name - not known; Residence - Fredrick, Arkansas

(6) English name - Charley Loveless (1/2 brother); Indian name - ; Residence - Carter, New Mexico

(7) English name - Pete Loveless (1/2 Brother); Indian names - ; Residence - Purcell, Oklahoma

( above are all children of Clarrisa J. Herrell)

20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-


Clarissa Loveless and her mother, Ann Stubblefield-Scruggs-Parker. My mother is Anna Eliza Creech nee Edmonds and her mother is the................

Submitted by Catherine Widener


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