Ingalls Cemetery
(13114 E. 19th Avenue, Payne County, Ingalls, Ok.)
![Ingalls Cemetery entrance](Ingalls%20Cementery.jpg)
How to locate a grave in Ingalls Cemetery also includes North list and South List
North Map Links are to .pdf files South Map
How to locate a grave in Ingalls Cemetery
Graves are listed alphabetically by first name. Check both the North and South lists.
There is a number after each name.The first number will be the Block in which the grave is located.(Blocks run north and south.) The second number will be the lot in which the grave is located.(Lots run east and west) Whetheryou located the person’s name on the North list or on the South list will determine which map to use. The maps of the cemetery indicate generally where the Blocks and Lots are located.
There are no physical block or lot markers so you can start at the first or last row of headstones and count rows to find generally where the stone is located. The South side’s headstones end with Block 26. The map shows three rows of unmarked graves which are the potter’s field.
Yellow blocks on the map indicate presence of headstone.
Cemetery map by Susy Flaming, 2024. (918-640-5423)
Most headstone photos can be found on