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Council Creek Cemetery

Pottawatomie Co. OK

Submitted by: J. Woodruff jwoodruff@mcloudteleco.com

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Council Creek Cemetery is located east of Norman and southwest of Pink.  On Hwy. 9 east of Norman go about three and one half miles east past Harrah-Newalla Road or three miles west of Hwy. 102.  Turn south off Hwy. 9 onto a blacktop road and proceed through Pink for eight miles from Hwy. 9 to Hwy. 59B.  Then go west for one mile and then four more miles south on a gravel road. The cemetery sits behind an old church on the west side of the road.   I have listed the graves by row with plots proceeding from south to north.  The first row begins on the east and higher numbered rows proceed to the west end of the cemetery.  Examples:  R3-4 would be the fourth grave in from the south end of the third row behind the old church.  Note:  This is a very small cemetery with many more graves than readable stones.

Lot Number  Last Name  First & Middle  Born  Died  Comments 
R3-7  CALAHAN  GRA ?  4/18/189?  2/8/1918  Difficult to read it
R3-9  CALAHAN  N. F.  3/11/1873  5/10/1944  
R3-10  CALAHAN  ELLEN  3/3/1873  1/1/1945  
R4-8  CALAHAN  RICHARD G.  8/25/1919  12/24/1996  Mayes Funeral Home Norman
R4-10  CALAHAN  JESSIE C.  6/5/1894  5/28/1967  
R4-11  CALAHAN  JANNIE  5/13/1894  7/23/1971  Wife of Jessie C.
R1-1  CLICK  BABY  No dates     
R5-2  COGGIN  EARNEST  9/6/1921  11/16/1999  Husband of Ellen F.
R2-8  COSLOW  EARL Z.  12/5/1941  3/7/1994  
R4-9  CRAWFORD  VERA E.  12/19/1916  8/19/1989  
R3-8  DEAN  ABBIE JEAN  1/27/1930  3/11/1930  
R5-1  DONE  INFANT  9/29/1901  9/29/1901  Daughter of B.C. &M.S.
R3-4  DUNLAP  CLIFTON  No dates     
R3-5  DUNLAP  BABY  No dates     
R2-9  DUTTON  IRA LELDON  5/10/1905  4/30/1995  m. Margie 8/10/1926
R7-6  DUTTON  JAMES ANDREW  9/22/1871  9/21/1907  
R7-7  DUTTON  MARY A.  9/7/1871  6/10/1962  
R4-5  GIDDENS  KIZZIE ANN  1867  1898  
R4-6  GIDDENS  FANNY  No dates     
R4-7  GIDDENS  SUSAN  No dates     
R7-4  GLASS  EMMIT G.  8/14/1914  8/15/1946  
R2-1  HOPKINS  BABY  No dates     
R2-2  HOPKINS  LIZZIE  No dates     
R3-1  HOPKINS  MRS. SOL  No dates     
R3-2  HOPKINS  LEE  No dates     
R3-3  HOPKINS  S. E.  11/18/1825  2/21/1899  Wife of G. I.
R4-1  JUDY  BABY  No dates     
R7-1  KERNAGHAN  JOHN A.  1844  1924  
R7-2  KERNAGHAN  S. J.  11/19/1855  2/17/1903  Wife of John A.
R7-3  KERNAGHAN  BABY  No dates     
R6-5  KINGSLEY  SAMUEL WILLIAM  8/13/1937  8/13/1937  
R6-6  KINGSLEY  MARY ALICE  6/19/1936  6/19/1936  
R6-7  KINGSLEY  MILDRED V.  4/6/1910  11/18/1995  
R7-5  McBRIDE  BABY  No dates     
R6-4  OWENS  BABY  No dates     
R3-11  REID  C. E.  9/16/1886  6/1949  
R3-6  SCARBROUGH  BABY  No dates     
R6-1  SOUTHARD  MRS.  No dates     
R6-2  SOUTHARD  BABY  No dates     
R4-2  THOMPSON  F. K.  1908  1999  Cooper Funeral Home
R4-3  THOMPSON  RUBY MAY  1/11/1906  8/7/1920  
R4-4  THOMPSON  BABY  No dates     
R6-3  THOMPSON  EFFIE  No dates     
R4-12  WATTS  RAMONA (CALAHAN)  5/27/1930  10/5/1995  Wife of Lloyd M.
R4-13  WATTS  LLOYD MATHEW  6/24/1924  4/23/1995  
R2-3  WILLIAMS  DOROTHY ELLEN  3/3/1934  7/16/1941  
R2-4  WILLIAMS  LEONARD R.  12/25/1904  7/16/1985  
R2-5  WILLIAMS  OPAL B.  9/1/1911  4/26/1995  
R2-6  WILLIAMS  JOEY LEN  11/6/1964  7/1/1986  
R2-7  WILLIAMS  ROBERT L. SR.  1940  1998  Cooper Funeral Home