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  Tidbits of information

Many burial certificates were purchased by area residents from local funeral homes or burial associations. These were usually only good through the funeral home or association that sold them. Those certificates sold during the 1960s and 1970s indicated you were a member of the association and were usually in the amount of $200 and cost the member about $10 per year.  These may have been a precursor to the "Perpetual Care" certificates one can get these days from rural cemetery associations- your "guarantee" that by paying the appropriate fees the grave will be cared for (mowing, etc).


by Brian Mavrogeorge, Senior Development Manager
The Learning Company bmavrogeorge@palladium.net
Americans rely heavily on the censuses for family group information. But when searching for children or women who lived prior to 1900 in the United States, these records are not reliable. Infant mortality was high, and children who were born and died between census enumerations don't appear on the census. If you are looking for a woman in the U.S. who died before the 1850 federal census enumeration, the only information you'll find under her own name might be on her tombstone or in a cemetery card file. Tombstone inscriptions, cemetery records, or undertaker records might be the only tangible evidence of these lives.

The Family Tutor for Basic Genealogy Records

by Johni Cerny, offers this advice. http://www.uftree.com

Start your cemetery search by finding the names and addresses of churches in areas where your ancestor may have died. The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has a Web site for locating cemeteries: <http://www.sar.org/geneal/cemtmaps.htm>. Churches with affiliated burial grounds usually kept records of interments in their ecclesiastical registers (sometimes called "Sexton's Books"). The local minister might be able to tell you where these registers are now -- in the original meetinghouse, a central church archive, in the possession of the heirs of the then-presiding minister, or at the office of the current minister. Also, thousands of church burial registers have been microfilmed and can be found in genealogical collections, or at the LDS Family History Library and Family History Centers.

Where to write for info about a burial in any national cemetery system

Executive Communications and Public Affairs Service (402B)
National Cemetery System
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20420

There is no charge for the lookup and reply.
You need to report the following, if known.

  Oklahoma has the:

Fort Gibson National Cemetery
Route 2, Box 47
1423 Cemetery Road
Fort Gibson, OK 74434
Phone: 918-478-2334