Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory

Chickasaw Council Senate and House, 1890

Members of Senate Members of Senate
1. Wall Lewis 7. Billy Hawkins 13. Hogan Keel, House Interpreter 21. Thempson Pickens
2. Martin Newbery 8. Amos Colbert, Interpreter 15. Benjamin Pipey, Speaker House 22. Gorege Colbert
3. Johnson Keel 9. Albert McKinney 17. Bob Kemp 23. Isom O. Kyaube
4. Willis Brown 10. Robert Newberry 18. Sam Tyumby 24. Wall Alexander
5. Billy Goforth 11. Benj. Kemp, Clerk House 19. John Keel 25. Dr. Falater
6. Charley Mule 12. Hogan Keel 20. Chilli Alexander 26. Hagan Maytubly



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   All Rights Reserved
 Linda Simpson