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Indian Country Home Page Postal Routes of 1903 1900 Census EDs

Counties with Corresponding 1900 I. T. Enumeration Districts 

The 1900 Census of Indian Territory covers the Quapaw Tract and the Five Nations:  Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole.  Using the census data now available online, it's possible to find records and still not easily pinpoint the modern-day location because present-day counties did not exist in 1900. 

The following table, organized by present-day county, provides links to both sketches of the ED boundaries and to various maps that show the referenced township boundaries [1972 Maps], rivers [1915 maps], and treaty lines [DoT Maps].  A green background indicates that a county is ready for the preparation of a computer-generated map:  the sketch has been completed and the corresponding USGS map has been rescanned in color.  

For those counties whose sketches are not yet online, some EDs may be included on the EDs Worksheet.

County I.T. Entity Worksheet  1915 Map 1972 Map DoT Maps 1900 EDs.
Adair Cherokee Nation Sketch Adair 1915 USGS Color Adair DoT 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44
Atoka Choctaw Nation Sketch Atoka 1915 USGS Color Atoka DoT 99, 101, 105, 111, 112, 113, 182
Bryan Chickasaw Nation Incomplete Bryan 1915 USGS Color Bryan DoT ?
Bryan Choctaw Nation Incomplete Bryan 1915 USGS Color Bryan DoT 114, 116
Carter Chickasaw Nation Carter Carter 1915 USGS Color Carter DoT ?
Cherokee Cherokee Nation Incomplete Cherokee 1915 USGS Color Cherokee DoT 28, 33, 34, 37, 43
Choctaw Choctaw Nation Sketch Choctaw 1915 USGS Color Choctaw DoT 116 & 117
Coal Chickasaw Nation Sketch Coal 1915 USGS Color Coal DoT ?
Coal Choctaw Nation Sketch Coal 1915 USGS Color Coal DoT 102, 103, 104, 105, 112, 181, 182
Craig Cherokee Nation Sketch Craig 1915 USGS Color Craig DoT 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 ED Map
Creek Creek Nation Sketch Creek 1915 USGS Color Creek DoT 53, 54, 55, 56 Partial Map
Delaware Cherokee Nation Incomplete Delaware 1915 USGS Color Delaware DoT 7, 26, 27, 28
Garvin Chickasaw Nation Garvin Garvin 1915 USGS Color Garvin DoT ?
Grady Chickasaw Nation Grady Grady 1915 USGS Color Grady DoT ?
Haskell Choctaw Nation Sketch Haskell 1915 USGS Color Haskell DoT 75, 76, 85, 86
Hughes Choctaw Nation Hughes Hughes 1915 USGS Color Hughes DoT 102
Hughes Creek Nation Hughes Hughes 1915 USGS Color Hughes DoT 68
Jefferson Chickasaw Nation Jefferson Jefferson 1915 USGS Color Jefferson DoT ?
Johnston Choctaw Nation Johnston Johnston 1915 USGS Color Johnston DoT 113, 182
Johnston Chickasaw Nation Johnston Johnston 1915 USGS Color Johnston DoT ?
Latimer Choctaw Nation Sketch Latimer 1915 USGS Color Latimer DoT 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96
LeFlore Choctaw Nation Incomplete LeFlore 1915 USGS Color LeFlore DoT 73, 74, 86, 87, 88, (89?), 90, 93, 94, 106, 107, 179, 180 
Love Chickasaw Nation Sketch Love 1915 USGS Color Love DoT 147, 148, 150, 151, 174, 177
Marshall Chickasaw Nation Marshall Marshall 1915 USGS Color Marshall DoT ?
Mayes Cherokee Nation Incomplete Mayes 1915 USGS Color Mayes DoT 17, 18, 19, 24, 28
McClain Chickasaw Nation McClain McClain 1915 USGS Color McClain DoT ?
McCurtain Choctaw Nation Sketch McCurtain 1915 USGS Color McCurtain DoT 108, 109, 118, 119
McIntosh Cherokee Nation Incomplete McIntosh 1915 USGS Color McIntosh DoT 41, 189
Murray Chickasaw Nation Murray Murray 1915 USGS Color Murray DoT ?
Muskogee Cherokee Nation Incomplete Muskogee 1915 USGS Color Muskogee DoT 41, 42, 47, 48
Nowata Cherokee Nation Sketch Nowata 1915 USGS Color Nowata DoT 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 
Okfuskee Creek Nation Okfuskee Okfuskee 1915 USGS Color Okfuskee DoT ?
Okmulgee Creek Nation Okmulgee Okmulgee 1915 USGS Color Okmulgee DoT 56, 57, 58
Ottawa Quapaw Tract Incomplete Ottawa 1915 USGS Color Ottawa DoT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Partial Map
Pittsburg Choctaw Nation Incomplete Pittsburg 1915 USGS Color Pittsburg DoT 76, 80, 81, 84, 85, 92, 96, 99, 100, 101, 102
Pontotoc Chickasaw Nation Pontotoc Pontotoc 1915 USGS Color Pontotoc DoT ?
Pontotoc Choctaw Nation Pontotoc Pontotoc 1915 USGS Color Pontotoc DoT ?
Pushmataha Choctaw Nation Incomplete Pushmataha 1915 USGS Color Pushmataha DoT 97, (98?), 99, 106, 109, 110, 111
Rogers Cherokee Nation Incomplete Rogers 1915 USGS Color Rogers DoT 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24, 31
Seminole Seminole Nation Sketch Seminole 1915 USGS Color Seminole DoT 70, 71, 72 Partial Map
Sequoyah Cherokee Nation Sketch Sequoyah 1915 USGS Color Sequoyah DoT 42, 43, 44, 46, 46, 47   Partial Map
Stephens Chickasaw Nation Stephens Stephens 1915 USGS Color Stephens DoT ?
Tulsa Cherokee Nation Sketch Tulsa 1915 USGS Color Tulsa DoT 22, 31 
Tulsa Creek Nation Sketch Tulsa 1915 USGS Color Tulsa DoT 52, 53, 56, 57 
Wagoner Cherokee Nation Wagoner Wagoner 1915 USGS Color Wagoner DoT 49, 50, 51
Washington Cherokee Nation Sketch Washington 1915 USGS Color Washington DoT 10, 11, 20 
USGS Color Map Counties Covered
Cherokee Central Muskogee, McIntosh
Cherokee East Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Wagoner
Cherokee North  Washington, Nowata, Craig, Ottawa
Cherokee South Mayes, Cherokee, Adair, Sequoyah
Creek Plus Creek, Tulsa
Choctaw Northeast Haskell, Latimer, LeFlore
Choctaw North Pittsburg, Atoka
Choctaw -- Pushmataha Area Latimer, Pushmataha
Choctaw Southeast McCurtain
Choctaw Southwest Choctaw
Choctaw/Chickasaw North Pontotoc, Coal
Chickasaw North McClain, Garvin, Murray, Carter
Chickasaw Southeast Marshall, Bryan, Johnston
Chickasaw Southwest Jefferson, Love, Carter
Chickasaw West Grady, Stephens
Seminole Plus Seminole, Hughes, Okfuskee, Okmulgee

Questions or comments?  E-mail: Sharon McAllister


OK/IT Coordinators

Linda Simpson
Mel Owings

last updated
Saturday, 01-Apr-2017 15:49:57 EDT

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