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Random Notes on Marriages from Newspaper, Custer County, Oklahoma Territory,
1893-1900 Newspaper on microfilm at Oklahoma Historical Society.

Arapaho BEE Sept 28, 1893.
"A marriage license has been granted J. W. Evans and Miss Lourie Upchurch. The
intending groom is one of the bright, steady and reliable young men of the county
and his chosen bride the accomplished daughter of Rev. D. H. Upchurch. The ceremony
will be performed at the home of the bride on Sunday, October 1st. ... "

Arapaho BEE June 28, 1894
"A marriage license was issued this morning to R. R. Turner and Miss Linnie Wilkes.
The young couple will be married at the home of the bride, at Rathbone, this evening.
Joy be with them."

Arapaho BEE, April 5, 1895
"Thorp-McCoy. Married, at this place, Saturday, March 30th, Dudley Thorp and Miss
May McCoy. Esq. Salyer officiating."

"Barney- Moler. Rev. R. P. Brown was called, upon to officiate at the marriage
of Walter B. Barney and Emma A. Moler at the residence of the bride's father in
D county. The ceremony was performed at noon, April 1st, 1895, in the presence
of many firends and after hearty congratulations a sumptuous dinner was served
in honor of the occasion. All who were present wish the young couple a long and
happy journey along the path of life."

Arapaho BEE, Oct 4, 1895
"Double Wedding. At the residence of J. T. Boston, on Barnitz creek, Sunday, Sept. 29,
Elder S. D. Gilbreath pronounced the words that united Alex. H. McCartney and Miss Cora
Boston of Moore, Okla. and Robert Wilson and Miss Iona Montgomery as husbands and wives.
Mr. McCartney and bride left, Sunday evening for their home, and Mr. Wilson and bride went to
housekeeping on a fine claim in G county. All parties have the
congratulations of this paper and their many friends."

"Just as we go to press we learn that a marriage license was issued to W. S.
McKee and Miss Elizabeth Wilson. May many happy days be theirs."

Since our last issue marriage licenses have been issued to Robt. Wilson and Miss Iona Montgomery
of G county and J. T. Muck of Ellis county, Texas, and Mrs. Sallie Carter,
of G. county." (Custer was "G County" until 1896)

"Notice for Publication - J. F. Pile, vs. Joanna Pile, divorce"

Arapaho BEE, Feb 21, 1896
"License was issued on the 18th for the marriage of Mr. Perry Hull and Miss Nora

"License was issued by Probate Judge Gilbreath authorizing E. E. Fry and Miss Stella
McBurney to become one."

"Married at Hotel Arapahoe on the 18th, Robert Ogden and Miss Cora Nichols. Judge
Gilbreath pronounced the words that made them man and wife."

"On Friday, the 14th, at the residence of Judge Gilbreath, Mr. Simon P. Shreck and
Miss Emma L. Ames were made one, Elder S. D. Gilbreath officiating. The happy couple
went on their way rejoicing."

Arapaho BEE, March 20, 1896
"Hall-Gilroy. Wednesday evening of this week Norman Hall, the popular clerk of the
Simpson Mercantile Co. of this place, and Miss Grace Gilroy, the eldest daughter of
Henry Gilroy, were united in marriage by Rev. J. A. Simms, at the home of the bride's
parents, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the happy couple."

Page 4. "Judge Gilbreath's daughter Mrs. Sallie Yoes, has returned from Van Buren,
Ark. Her husband will join here about May 19th, and will make their future home on
their farm seven miles east of here."

Arapaho BEE, Sept 18, 1896
"C. E. Smith and Pearl Hadden of D county were married at the county clerk's office,
Monday, by Esq. Salyer."

Arapaho BEE, July 16, 1897
Page 4. Elopement. McPherson Prairie Chief and Miss Nightwalker appeared at Probate
Judge Kyte's office last Saturday and asked for a marriage license. The Indian police
were also there with orders from the farmer to stop the marriage. The proper affidavits
were made, the license issued and the couple were promptly married by Rev. Simms.
Supt Seger claims that the girl is only 16 years old and was stolen from her bed at
night by the young buck who is only 19 himself. The old folks are threatening to
prosecute, but from appearances it looks like the young couple can paddle their own canoe.

Arapaho BEE, Sept 24, 1897
"The probate judge issued marriage licenses this week to Thos. J. Darlington, 37 and
Miss Mattie P. Smith, 17; Frank A Reinhart, 19 and Miss Laura A. Meek, 20."

Arapaho BEE, January 7, 1898
"PYLE - CHEVALIER . Mrs. Allie Chevalier, proprietor of the Choctaw hotel, and
J. F. Pyle one of the wealthiest farmers of Custer county, were united in marriage
was night at the hotel by Probate Judge Gilbreath of Custer county. EL RENO BELL."

Arapaho BEE, Feb 11, 1898
"Marriage licences were issued this week to - Mat Miller & Eldora Herren, J. F. Coker
& Annes Gossett, Fred M. Fuller & Rachel Tatero."

Arapaho BEE, Apr 1, 1898
"Hadlock - Grow - Married at Independence, Okla. on March 27th, 1898, H. H. Hadlock
and Miss Anna Grow. ...They left immediately for Kansas City, Mo., where they expect
to make their future home.

Independence Items - Hall Hadlock and Miss Anna Grow were united in marriage at
the Congregational church on Sunday last, at 2 p. m., March 27th, Rev. B. R.
Turner officiating. The bridegroom is the son of D. M. Hadlock, county treasurer
of Custer county, Okla., and the bride is the daughter of H. P. Grow, merchant
of this place. ..."

Arapaho BEE, June 17, 1898
Page 4 . James Fleming and Miss Fannie Riddley, both of Custer county, Oklahoma, were
united in marriage by Rev. Martin Roof, June 12, at the residence of Mr. Newton.

Arapaho BEE, Oct 27, 1899
"Fisher - O'Neal - On Wednesday, Oct 25, 1899. Mr. J. J. Fisher and Miss Hattie O'Neal
were united in marriage by Judge T. S. Hunt at the Judge's office in this city."

Arapaho BEE, December 22, 1899
Page 1. "Jacques - Thompson - Mr. Fred Jacques and Miss Chattie Thompson were married
at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. Dec 12, 1899 in the parlor of the Commercial hotel. The
marriage was solemnized by Rev. W. M. Mayfield, pastor of the Christian church."

Arapaho BEE, January 5, 1900
Page 4. "Kitchell - Pipkin. On Thursday Jan 4th, Charlie Kitchell and Miss Daisy
Pipkin were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. M. L.
Brigham officiating. Charlie is one of the model young farmer boys of Custer county
and the bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pipkin."

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