Page Created by Shelley Lynch on April 1, 2008


Alfalfa County's Lookup Page


Alfalfa County, Oklahoma Lookups

Alfalfa County Reference Books and Lookup Volunteers NEEDED

I have listed some of the Alfalfa County books that are available, although certainly not all. If you own any Alfalfa County books, whether listed or not, and will do look-ups, please let me know. If you know of any other published Alfalfa County resources, please let me know this also. As you can see, volunteers are needed.

Feel free to request a look-up from the following books. Please limit your request to one name per request. Please put ALFALFA COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to ensure the message is not overlooked or accidentally deleted. In the first line of the message please put the name of the book in which you are requesting the lookup.

If you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for his or her time.

Alfalfa County Books

Reference Book Lookup Volunteer

County Cemeteries

County Census

County Land Sales

County Marriage Records

History of WoodsCounty

County Probate Records

Stay tuned for future updates!

Page Last Updated:

Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 18:39:35 UTC 

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Alfalfa Couny Coordiator
Marty Myers

OKGenWeb State Coordiator
 Ron Henson 

Assistant State Coordinator 
Bobbi Dunn