Atoka County,
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Copyright 2002 by Susanne Hamlet Shatto Compiled from images viewed on Atoka County, Oklahoma Page Surname Given Name 1a Butler Sam W. 1a Butler Clara A. 1a Butler Sam W., Jr. 1a Butler Jack E. 1a Butler Marjorie V. 1a Flint Edmond (servant) 1a Taylor George T. 1a Taylor Desdemona H. 1a Taylor Elizabeth E. 1a Taylor Frances A. 1a Taylor Stuart D. 1a Skinner Ira D. (boarder) 1a Cook I. L. 1a Cook Mable R. 1a Cook Rowe William 1a Cook Anne V. 1a Mellon O. A. 1a Mellon Charley B. W. 1a Mellon Wendell F. 1a Cook H. H. 1a Cook Mary 1a Cook Mary L. 1a Cook Mabel S. 1a Warren Ed H. 1a Warren Alice 1a Warren Walter W. 1a Warren **** 1a Warren Myrtle 1a Warren Eugene 1a Warren **** (looks like Luralee) (sister-in-law) 1a Mayfield Lee R. (boarder) 1a Fox Harold (boarder) 1a Parham Carl A. 1a Parham Luella 1a Parham Eloise 1a Parham Eugene 1a Parham Ludie 1a Parham John (looks like Penman) 1a Parham Katie 1a Groff David O. 1a Groff Nonnie D. 1a Cook B. R. 1a Cook Eva F. 1a Cook B. R. Jr. 1a Cook Francis 1a Turner W. C. 1a Turner Eulalia 1a Turner Beth 1a ?elle Russell 2 1b ?elle Emma H. 1b Cooper J. Clyde 1b Cooper Blanche M. 1b Cooper Jean M. 1b Dodderer Jesse W. 1b Dodderer Edna 1b Dodderer Mary F. 1b Dodderer Betty J. 1b Cobb Charles P. 1b Cobb Fannie P. 1b Stilley W. D. 1b Stilley Maggie L. 1b Lambert J. H. (brother) 1b Lambert May 1b Harrison Mary B. (boarder) 1b Ware Leila M. (boarder) 1b Rainey Walter M. 1b Rainey Lula 1b Walsh Allen 1b Walsh Louise 1b Walsh Betty R. 1b Linebaugh Annie Y. 1b Gann Minnie (boarder) 1b Vestal Annabel (boarder) 1b Braden Pearl (boarder) 1b Wright Virginia (boarder) 1b Robeson Wallace (servant) 1b Robeson Margaret (servant) 1b Case D. W. 1b Case Nora E. 1b Case Mildred 1b Case Alvin 1b Case Juanita 1b Stephens T. E. 1b Stephens Sallie 1b Stephens Sallie J. 1b Stephens Ernest 1b Sauls John 1b Sauls (No entry) 1b Raines Emitt 1b Raines Clyde 1b Raines Lee A. 1b Raines Lois E. 1b Raines Clifton 1b Raines Genievive 1b Brighany M. L. 1b Brighany Ida 1b Baxter John E. 1b Baxter Alta 1b Baxter Emitt 3 2a Baxter Ruth 2a Baxter Lucile 2a Baxter Stella 2a Baxter Billy C. 2a Baxter Hobart M. 2a Maxwell Charles G. 2a Maxwell Retta E. 2a Maxwell Teddy W. 2a Maxwell Edna E. 2a Maxwell W?lton 2a Pettyjohn William H. 2a Pettyjohn Edith 2a Pettyjohn Mary G. 2a Pettyjohn Sam 2a Pettyjohn Ernestine 2a Pettyjohn Frances 2a Betts Wallace 2a Betts Lannie 2a Grove Annabel (sister) 2a Goodrich Crail M. 2a Goodrich Mary K. 2a Conwill C. M. 2a Conwill Ruth 2a Conwill Mavis M. 2a Conwill Ruth 2a Hooks Thomas F. 2a Hooks Irene M. 2a Hooks Billie S. 2a Hooks Thomas L. 2a Mathis Ernest J. 2a Mathis Bess M. 2a Mathis Ernestine L. 2a Mathis Frances 2a Mathis Garland J. 2a Locke Horace H. 2a Locke Asenath 2a Locke Donald K. 2a Locke Pricilla M. 2a Locke Charles 2a Locke Victor H. 2a Griffith Anna K. (sister?) 2a Griffith Betty L. (sister?) 2a Kern Luke K. 2a Kern Annie R. 2a Kern Clara R. 2a Kern James Y. 2a Kern Louise L. 2a Pe??worth Z. V. 4 2b Pe??worth Della 2b Pe??worth Madeline 2b Pe??worth Malcolm 2b Byers Harry C. 2b Byers Carrie I. 2b Byers Camilla A. 2b Byers Ralston R. 2b Byers Ferma R. 2b Byers Sybil L. 2b Byers Maurine M. 2b Cox Lorena (servant) 2b Ingram Martin 2b Ingram Anna 2b Ingram Clydie 2b Ingram Clara 2b Ingram Petria? L. 2b Menninger Margaret B. 2b Menninger Martha R. 2b Menninger Charles B. 2b Ins??re Thomas J. 2b Ins??re Lena B. 2b Ins??re Mary A. 2b Ins??re Mary A. 2b Paxton Hettie 2b Carter Jimmie (line drawn through Carter) 2b Paxton William 2b Paxton Loyd 2b Music John G. 2b Music Julie 2b Music Pauline 2b Music Durward 2b Wyrick Ben C. 2b Wyrick Alta 2b Wyrick Florene 2b Wyrick Ben C. Jr. 2b Wiesen?anger Bill T. 2b Wiesen?anger Viola 2b Wiesen?anger Kathleen 2b Wiesen?anger Eugene 2b Carney Mary 2b Rogers Mary M. 2b Rogers Dwight 2b Harris L. C. 2b Harris Mary 2b Harris Margaret 2b Harris L. C. Jr. 2b Harris Marion E. 2b Harris Martha D. 2b Harris Mattie (aunt) 2b Boone John F. 5 3a Boone Ruth C. 3a Boone John F. Jr. 3a Boone Dorothy A. 3a Boone Mary A. 3a Boone James T. 3a Kimbrough Cecil 3a Kimbrough Velma 3a Kimbrough W. B. 3a Mo?ey J. B. 3a Mo?ey (blank) 3a Warden W. C. 3a Warden Bernice 3a Warden Doris 3a Warden Jack 3a Warden W. C. Jr. 3a Warden J. F. 3a Warden Bea 3a Warden Murrell 3a Warden Audrey 3a Paxton Rita 3a McLaughlin Nettie (niece) 3a Malone J. H. 3a Malone Josie 3a Malone Lucile 3a Malone Doris 3a Malone Billie 3a Malone Leroy 3a Malone Daniel 3a Malone Joyce 3a Lawrence Sadie 3a Lawrence Earl 3a Bailey O. L. 3a Bailey Roo 3a Bailey Donald L. 3a Belcher Alvin 3a Belcher Edith 3a Sumter C. J. 3a Sumter Li??ie 3a Sumter Charles J. 3a Sumter Fa???ally A. 3a Sumter Gardner 3a Sumter Eugene 3a Downing Sam 3a Downing Maude 3a Miller Wilda S. (mother) (Miller crossed out) 3a Russell J. J. 3a Russell Lily 3a ???? Lena (surname crossed out) 3a Russell Alice 3a Russell Garland 6 3b Russell Ida M. 3b Russell King 3b Russell L. V. 3b Russell Frances 3b Russell Kenneth 3b Noah Robert 3b Noah Sarah 3b Solomon Tompson (cousin) 3b Wade Arron (stepson) 3b Wade Cordelia (wife) (I assume wife of Arron) 3b Josh Eliza (boarder) 3b ???? Mary (boarder) 3b McIntosh J. J. 3b McIntosh Lucile 3b McIntosh Lorena 3b McIntosh Clifton 3b Folsom S. W. 3b Folsom Esther 3b Folsom Jeremiah 3b Folsom Billie J. 3b Cl?ver John 3b Cl?ver Irene 3b Seawell John 3b Seawell Clifton (brother) 3b Surrell Alton H. 3b Surrell Vista 3b Surrell Harold 3b Surrell William 3b Abbott George M. 3b Abbott Minnie B. 3b Abbott Marjorie 3b Abbott Jane 3b Wallace Mary F. (boarder) 3b Gooding Minnie A. (aunt) 3b McGuigan Ada 3b Wright Charles S. 3b Wright Frances L. 3b Wright Leslie 3b Wright Clifford P. 3b Akers M. C. 3b Akers Linnie 3b Akers Dale 3b Folsom Rhoda 3b Allen Grace 3b ???? May (sister) (surname crossed out) 3b Copeland W. P. 3b Copeland Gulane 3b Copeland Louis 3b Copeland Penelope 3b Copeland Loyd 7 4a Copeland Max 4a Waddle Roy 4a Waddle Dottie 4a Waddle Grace 4a Propps Clara 4a Propps Vera M. 4a Propps Violet J. 4a Thompson Jack 4a Thompson Laila 4a Vail Rosa 4a Vail Iva D. 4a Vail Mary F. 4a Vail Billy 4a Vail Sam 4a Vail Rosa L. 4a Turner R. H. 4a Turner Olga 4a Turner Henry J. 4a Turner Charles 4a Turner Roy 4a Turner Dorene 4a Turner Alfred 4a Turner Rosa L. 4a Chitwood John A. 4a Chitwood Aurellin? (father) 4a Chitwood Rose 4a Chitwood John A. 4a Chitwood Richard P. 4a Chitwood Emily J. 4a Chitwood Bernie R. 4a Stone James A. 4a Stone Clara 4a Kennedy Roy 4a Kennedy Areta 4a Kennedy Mary L. 4a Armstrong James E. 4a Armstrong Pearlee 4a Armstrong Maydell 4a Armstrong Marie 4a Armstrong James E. Jr. 4a Armstrong Isaac (father) 4a Armstrong Gishie (mother) 4a Armstrong James 4a Stampes John 4a Stampes Lena 4a Stampes Aline 4a Stampes Dol??? 8 4b Stampes Annchea 4b Nussick Wallace H. 4b Nussick Anna 4b Nussick Jennie J. 4b Nussick Paul 4b Colbert Lucile (servant) 4b Narolin Tempie (mother) 4b Narolin James F. (brother) 4b Turnto Agie 4b Turnto Maryetta 4b Turnto Edna L. 4b Turnto Mary L. 4b Whalen Randal 4b Whalen Daisy 4b Whalen Kenneth 4b Whalen Raleigh 4b Whalen Ralph 4b Whalen Leon 4b Whalen R. O. (brother) 4b Lebow W. G. 4b Lebow Aldace 4b Lebow William 4b Lebow Carol 4b Lebow Mollie 4b Lebow Dwight 4b Harrell Jefferson 4b Harrell Dale 4b Powell L. R. 4b Powell Leona 4b Powell Jack 4b Powell Leo 4b Johnson William H. 4b Johnson Myrtle ?. 4b Johnson Frankie M. 4b Johnson Robert L. 4b Johnson Louise 4b Johnson Raymond 4b Jones J. R. 4b Jones Sarah A. 4b Jones Theodore V. 4b Hacker W. E. 4b Hacker Beulah 4b Hacker Cleo 4b Hacker Basil 4b Rosinsky A?ser D. 4b Rosinsky Pearl 4b Rosinsky Roland S. 4b Ray Dee M. 9 5a Ray Sarah 5a Green W. N. 5a Green Alma 5a Green Helen 5a Green Juanita 5a Green Mary J. 5a Green Betty L. 5a Fulton Harold J. 5a Fulton Gladys 5a Fulton Mary L. 5a Fulton Jeanne 5a Ralls Joe G. Jr. 5a Ralls Maria 5a Wylie John 5a Wylie Emma T. 5a Wylie Mary M. 5a Huddleson E. M. 5a Huddleson Martha M. 5a Blankenship Frank 5a Blankenship Thelma 5a Fly J. (boarder) 5a Fly Eunice (boarder) 5a Kleen John 5a Kleen Mary A. 5a Wientraub Morris 5a Wientraub Hedwig 5a Wientraub Doris 5a Wientraub Siegfried 5a Brockmier Fred W. 5a Brockmier Lola L. 5a Brockmier Pauline 5a Brockmier Carl 5a Timmings Jane (mother) 5a McBride J. M. 5a McBride Florence I. 5a McBride Florence 5a McBride Charles William 5a McBride J. M. Jr. 5a Lankford Mary (mother-in-Law) 5a Chappel W. L. 5a Chappel Fannie 5a Chappel David W. 5a Derrick Margaret (boarder) 5a Fisher Harold (boarder) 5a Williamson P. 5a Williamson Nelly 5a Williamson Geraldine 5a Slack J. V. 5a Slack Delia 5a Weeks Ernie 10 5b Weeks Pattie 5b Rolater Josephine 5b Stanford P. M. 5b Stanford Mollie E. 5b Fielder J. N. (Roomer) 5b Millard Jerry 5b Millard May 5b Mohaker Lucy 5b Mohaker John R. 5b Mohaker Meredith 5b Price George T. (father) 5b Baker E. G. 5b Baker Mollie 5b Baker Jake 5b Baker Haplion 5b Baker Kathrine 5b Baker Wilmoth 5b Baker Gilbert Jr. 5b S??well Jennie (mother-in-law) 5b Rhodes D. A. 5b Rhodes Betty 5b Rhodes Essie 5b Rhodes Delta 5b McCleary Julian (boarder) 5b Browder Ed (boarder) 5b McFee R. A. (boarder) 5b Call Ray (boarder) 5b Lang Matt (boarder) 5b Carmen W. F. (boarder) 5b Daniels G. B. (boarder) 5b Bowen H. C. (boarder) 5b Heath Mary 5b Heath Barney 5b Heath Frances M. (daughter in law) 5b Nail Joel 5b Nail Jennie 5b Lucas Millie 5b Lucas W. May 5b Lucas Willie Jr. 5b Hayes W. H. 5b Hayes Mary 5b Hayes Mary H. 5b Slope Zetta 5b Slope Louellen 5b Caudel J. E. (roomer) 5b ***more T. H. (roomer) 5b Woodruff P. W. (roomer) 5b Ham R. G. 5b Ham Lena B. 5b Ham Atho L. 11 6a Ham Roy H. 6a Sparks A. A. 6a Sparks Sarah 6a Sparks J?y (could be Joy or Jay, female) 6a Sparks Arthur A. 6a Prather Jennie 6a Evans ?eedy C. 6a Evans Clara 6a Evans Patricia 6a Temple Louise 6a Temple Thelma 6a Norris Hayden (nephew) 6a Lohman Jack 6a Lohman Lily 6a Goforth Grace 6a Baker Grover 6a Baker Hattie 6a Baker Floyd 6a Baker Lois 6a Baker Leo 6a Baker Fae 6a Morgan Freeman 6a Morgan Wilma F. 6a Nunnally Claude 6a Nunnally Beulah 6a Nunnally Inez 6a Nunnally Claude Jr. 6a Sparks Ferman 6a Sparks Mary 6a Norwood I. S. 6a Norwood Minnie G. 6a Marlow O. E. 6a Marlow Floyd 6a Marlow Irvin 6a Marlow Jay 6a Marlow Ruby 6a Lawrence Barney 6a Lawrence Bonnie 6a Lawrence Lonnie 6a Lawrence Otis 6a Lawrence Pearl 6a Lawrence Edith 6a Lawrence Allie M. 6a Lawrence Thelma 6a Lawrence Ima G. 6a Lawrence Bonnie J. 6a Moffatt George 6a Moffatt Ba?ie 6a Moffatt Allen 6a Moffatt Roy 12 6b Moffatt George 6b Moffatt H. D. 6b Moffatt Alice 6b Moffatt Mary J. 6b Moffatt Hamilton 6b Collins Steve 6b Collins Beulah 6b Collins Verda 6b Collins Jacquelline 6b Collins Billie 6b Collins Joyce 6b Collins Marjorie 6b Tramell W. W. 6b Tramell Mollie 6b Tramell Otis 6b Edwards Grace (niece) 6b Miller R. L. 6b Miller Maggie 6b Brain W. F. 6b Brain Alice 6b White Howard 6b White Wilma 6b White Harwood B. 6b Kuykendahl Oscar 6b Newman Louise 6b Newman Nelson (son-in-law) 6b Newman Nelson Jr. (grandson) 6b Reynolds Anna 6b Wallace Irene R. 6b Wallace Claude (son-in-law) 6b Dodderer J. M. 6b Dodderer Kathrine 6b Allen Robert (roomer) 6b Williams Stanley (roomer) 6b Kuykendahl O. A. 6b Kuykendahl Josephine 6b Morris Henry O. 6b Morris Alma 6b Morris Henrietta 6b Morris Gary O. 6b Morris Clarice 6b Lovelace S. I. 6b Lovelace B?ll 6b Lovelace Foster 6b Miller J. R. 6b Miller Minta 6b Miller Henry B. 6b Miller Lucile (daughter-in-law) 6b Miller Nona M. (granddaughter) 6b Smith Doria 13 7a Smith Ernest 7a Smith El?ora 7a Smith James L. 7a Smith Larson D. 7a Smith L. B. 7a Franklin Cora (mother) 7a Franklin Je?? (sister) 7a Mason Ray W. 7a Mason Verdi 7a Mason Ralph W. 7a Mason William H. 7a Do?ie Nathan 7a Do?ie Eva 7a Farr Ernest 7a Farr Nina 7a Douglas Frank 7a Douglas Connie 7a Douglas Frank Jr. 7a Douglas Betty J. 7a Douglas John R. 7a Ralls J. G. 7a Ralls Eva A. 7a Ralls Claude 7a Ralls Anne E. 7a Compton Si F. 7a Compton Rena 7a Compton Wanda J. 7a Martin Hordy 7a Martin Pauline 7a Blankenship Lee (stepson) 7a Maxwell Neal 7a Thomas Mah???ly (line drawn through Thomas) 7a Thomas Myrtle 7a Maxwell Dorothy B. 7a Moore Roy A. 7a Cole J. D. 7a Cole Annie 7a Gibson Frank (roomer) 7a Gibson Mary M. (roomer) 7a Gibson William F. (roomer) 7a Mayo Ernest 7a Mayo Esma 7a Wilkinson J. L. 7a Wilkinson Mildred 7a Wilkinson J. L. Jr. 7a Wilkinson W. B. 7a Stanford R. P. 7a Stanford Dora 7a Stanford Opal 7a Stanford Frances P. 14 7b Robertson Mary L. 7b Durgan Marshall 7b Durgan ?in?y 7b Durgan Dora M. 7b Durgan Louise 7b Murrow Janie 7b Inge T. T. 7b Rollins J. W. 7b Rollins Mary 7b Rollins Ruth 7b Rollins Wilma 7b Fitts Lela (roomer) 7b Johnson L. N. 7b Johnson Alma 7b Johnson Marie 7b Peashy Naomi 7b Peashy Pauline 7b Peashy Treva 7b Fry J. G. 7b Fry Emma 7b Fry Artie L. 7b Fry Gladys M. 7b Fry William C. 7b Fry Merlin 7b Proctor J. L. 7b Proctor Ruth 7b Proctor Frances J. 7b Proctor Doris O. 7b Proctor J. L. Jr. 7b Proctor Steven O. 7b LeFavers C. J. 7b LeFavers Rosie 7b LeFavers Charlie W. 7b LeFavers Irma L. 7b LeFavers Bertha 7b LeFavers Edward D. 7b Roper S. 7b Burleson Bethel (niece) 7b Burleson Frank (nephew) 7b Com??? Hattie 7b Com??? Loreta (sister) 7b McGahey Eva 7b McGahey Myrtle A. 7b Gray Frank 7b Gray Lou 7b Fulton J. S. 7b Fulton Arlee 7b Yarbrough Elsie 7b Yarbrough Thelma (servant) 7b Jackson W. S. 15 8a Jackson John 8a Douglas Dudley 8a Douglas Eva 8a DeArmon Jean 8a DeArmon Annie 8a DeArmon Opal 8a DeArmon Bernie 8a DeArmon Delora 8a Ne?oman E. A. 8a Morris L. A. 8a Rich E. O. 8a Rich Shelly 8a Rich John V. 8a LeFlore Keturah 8a LeFlore Connell 8a Slater Helen L. (daughter-married) 8a Slater Ray W. (son-in-law) 8a Dole C. D. 8a Dole Calya 8a Dole Frances 8a Dole John L. 8a Dole Robert M. 8a McAnnully O. H. 8a McAnnully Minnie 8a McAnnully Edna 8a McAnnully Clifford 8a Thomas J. A. 8a Fitts W. J. 8a Fitts Ruth E. 8a Fitts James C. 8a Elkins O. C. 8a Elkins Mary 8a Elkins Dale 8a Lee???? Dena (niece) 8a Cate R. G. 8a Cate Carrie H. 8a Cate Robert G. Jr. 8a Cate Mark R. 8a Cate Carrie 8a Cate Wendell 8a Cate William J. 8a Cate Ethel D. 8a Garside Ruby (servant) 8a Bates A. B. 8a Bates Carrie 8a Bates Loyd 8a Bates Clyde 8a Bates A. B. Jr. 8a Bates Gladys 16 8b Bates Mildred 8b Cox Frank W. 8b Cox Nettie 8b Hammond John H. 8b Hammond Bertha A. 8b Hammond Alice E. 8b Gardner C. C. 8b Gardner Eura 8b Gardner Mary 8b Gardner Ruth 8b Gardner Charles C. Jr. 8b Gardner William R. 8b Ray D. P. Jr. 8b Ray Nell 8b Ray Frederick P. 8b Smith W. T. 8b Smith Clara 8b Smith Zeno 8b Smith Loyd 8b Southern J. D. 8b Southern Rosa 8b Roach Helen (stepdaughter) 8b Flowers Douglas (grandson) 8b Williams Alva H. 8b Williams Eunice 8b Williams Mary E. 8b Williams Emma R. 8b Williams James D. 8b Bowen Thomas W. 8b Bowen Mary 8b Folsom Hattie 8b Folsom Julius C. 8b Ti??ery Bessie (roomer) 8b Norris C. G. 8b Norris Thelma 8b Norris Omer J. 8b O'Neal George T. 8b O'Neal Effie 8b O'Neal Virginia L. 8b O'Neal Foy 8b O'Neal Nell M. 8b O'Neal Dorothy S. 8b O'Neal Billy 8b O'Neal Gladys D. 8b O'Neal Leroy W. 8b Brown Claude A. 8b Brown Susie 8b Brown C. A. 8b Brown Velma 8b Langley S. T. 17 9a Langley Bela 9a Wells Lassie (stepson) 9a Wells Grady (stepson) 9a Langley Margaret 9a Wells Sea?t (stepson) 9a Clark Sallie 9a Clark Cecil 9a Clark Hershell 9a Clark Lionell 9a Faudrer A. R. 9a Faudrer Lena H. 9a Holmlund Pete (brother-in-law) 9a Bollinger Annie L. (niece) 9a Bollinger Thomas B. (nephew) 9a Faudrer James 9a Ward Co?ie 9a Ward Verida S. 9a Ward Esther 9a Ward Chester 9a Shoemaker John 9a Shoemaker Lily 9a Shoemaker Ira 9a Shoemaker Leo 9a Shoemaker Werta M. 9a Shoemaker Neeta F. 9a Shoemaker Mary E. 9a Smyth Alice (mother-in-law) 9a River Ed Jr. 9a River El???? 9a River Glen D. 9a River Yvonne C. 9a Chism Joseph (father-in-law) 9a Chism Eliza A. (mother-in-law) 9a Lowe T. W. 9a Lowe Nora 9a Lowe Kenneth G. 9a Lowe Thomas Jr. 9a Lowe Rusel 9a Hughes H. L. 9a Hughes Ala 9a Hughes Glenda 9a Hughes Marle 9a Hughes ?etha M. 9a Hollingsworth J. H. 9a Hollingsworth Esther 9a Hollingsworth Alain 9a Sarna W. J. 9a Sarna Georgia 9a Skidmore D. B. 9a Skidmore Belle 18 9b Son C. L. 9b Son Laura 9b Son Lavoy 9b Son Vivian (adopted daughter) 9b Rives J. R. 9b Rives Della 9b Rogers C. H. 9b Rogers Blanche 9b Harkens A. J. 9b Phillips S. A. 9b Phillips Martha 9b Wood William 9b Wood (blank) 9b Wood Ward 9b Curmutt Ada 9b Curmutt Ida R. 9b Faudrer Tabitha A. 9b Coffey Thelma 9b Coffey Jack (son-in-law) 9b Faudrer Charles R. 9b Milam Elsie (roomer) 9b Honeycutt B. L. 9b Honeycutt Mable 9b Honeycutt Binnie N. 9b Honeycutt Loyd 9b Gilstrap Tommy (nephew) 9b Kilmer Tom G. 9b Kilmer Eula 9b Kilmer Jetty 9b Kilmer Billie L. 9b Cooksey B. K. 9b Cooksey Robers 9b Cooksey Ernest 9b Whyte George 9b Whyte Elizabeth 9b Whyte Howard 9b Gann Lily (boarder) 9b Lindemood C. H. 9b Lindemood Daisy A. 9b Lindemood Everett 9b Lindemood Velma 9b Lindemood Zenomia 9b Allison J. F. (boarder) 9b Young Paul T. 9b Young Naomi 9b Young Lenui?? 9b Young James P. 9b Goodson C. D. 19 10a Goodson Hester 10a Corey Jake 10a Corey Hattie R. 10a Corey Rose R. 10a Corey Yvonne 10a Richards Tolosa (mother in law) 10a Sutherland C. A. 10a Sutherland Mattie L. 10a Ma??ker John 10a Ma??ker Emma 10a Roddy J. L. 10a Roddy Gussie 10a Roddy Arnie 10a Roy Helen 10a Roy John (son-in-law) 10a Roddy Gordon 10a Roddy Robert W. 10a Ray D. P. 10a Ray Ella 10a Ray Elinor 10a Ray John R. 10a Ray Myrtle 10a Ray Arthur 10a Ray Corinne 10a Ray Jack 10a Stubbs N. T. 10a Stubbs Lelia 10a Evans Henry 10a Evans Mary C. 10a Evans Henry 10a Chappell J. E. 10a Chappell Ella 10a Chappell Royal 10a Chappell Dorothy 10a Slack W. H. 10a Slack May 10a Slack Clarence 10a Slack A. B. 10a Slack Fred Jr. (grandson) 10a Slack June (grandaughter) 10a Choate Zoe (daughter) 10a Choate Guy (son-in-law) 10a Slack Jack 10a Slack Ruth (daughter-in-law) 10a Chaney K. K. 10a Chaney Josephine 10a Burton Mary L. (mother-in-law) 10a Barrett Earl 10a Barrett Pearl 10a Barrett Earl Jr. 20 10b Mix Jim (nephew) 10b Hegdon W. D. 10b Hegdon E. May 10b Sanders R. D. 10b Sanders Jessie 10b Sanders Ruth L. 10b Sanders Christine 10b Ma?ary Harry 10b Ma?ary Mary 10b Dickerson Ione 10b Barker Ella (niece) 10b Fagan Kate 10b Fagan Kathrine 10b Compton H. J. 10b Compton Fay 10b Compton Hardin Jr. 10b Galer P. G. 10b Galer Ida 10b Rice Dee (stepson) 10b Shepard J. W. 10b Shepard Victoria 10b Fugate R. E. 10b Fugate Vera 10b Fugate Donald R. 10b Fugate Wanda G. 10b Fugate Leona 10b Blossom Eugene J. 10b Blossom Clara S. 10b Blossom Ruth 10b Blossom Edwin 10b McIntosh E. B. 10b McIntosh Leola 10b McIntosh Christine 10b McIntosh Thelma 10b Slack O. P. 10b Slack Ola 10b Slack Eugene 10b Collier Claude 10b Collier Carrie 10b Collier Claude Jr. 10b Collier Robert E. 10b Collier Evelyn J. 10b Collier Albert (brother) 10b Turner W. C. 10b Turner Bill 10b Turner Lawrence 10b Turner Edith 10b Cartwright Sam 10b Cartwright Fi?ena 10b Cartwright Dirkson 21 11a Bloo?saw Sherman 11a Hosner R. L. 11a Hosner Betty B. 11a Hosner Virgil 11a Reigh Irkie 11a Reigh Mamie 11a Reigh Billie J. 11a Lowery Pat 11a Lowery Bessie 11a Pemberton W. B. 11a Pemberton Delia 11a Pemberton J. D. 11a McKay J. A. 11a Downing R. O. 11a Downing Oda E. 11a Downing Ray 11a Downing Victor E. 11a Husted W. A. 11a Husted Dacie 11a Husted Joe R. 11a Husted W. R. 11a Husted Mary W. 11a Husted Dan C. 11a Sumter Tom 11a Sumter Gertrude 11a Sumter Tom Jr. 11a McAnulty O. E. 11a McAnulty Alice 11a McAnulty Hal J. 11a McAnulty Marjorie L. 11a McAnulty Billie J. 11a McAnulty Bobbie J. 11a Parker D. G. 11a Parker Elizabeth 11a Parker W. H. 11a Tourneux Louise 11a Clem (blank) 11a Clem Margaret 11a Clem James 11a Clem Alice (not sure of relationship to head) 11a York Sarah A. 11a York Maude 11a D???ner R. W. 11a D???ner Effie 11a Tudor Jewel (Tudor crossed out) 11a D???ner Gus (son-in-law) (might be Tudor, not D???ner) 11a D???ner Dale 11a D???ner Bobbie 11a D???ner Joan 22 11b Morris N. F. (father-in-law) 11b Pitts W. L. 11b Pitts Hattie 11b Pitts Billie 11b Case J. D. 11b Case Elizabeth 11b Case Lucile 11b Case Christine 11b Case Kathrine 11b Case Merline 11b Case Pauline 11b Case Geraldine 11b Case Charline 11b Casper C. C. 11b Casper Vivian 11b Casper Christine 11b Baxter Ruth (cousin) 11b Cox B. G. 11b Cox Emma J. 11b Cameron W. P. 11b Cameron Marci 11b Henderson Valrie 11b Henderson Hamill 11b Flynn E. S. 11b Flynn Lena 11b Flynn Josie 11b Flynn Ruby 11b Flynn Opal 11b Flynn Clarence 11b Faulkenberry Roy (roomer) 11b Faulkenberry John L. (roomer) 11b White J. W. 11b White Rhoda 11b White J. W. Jr. 11b White Ruby M. 11b White Nathan (uncle) 11b Atterberry Martha 11b Atterberry Norma 11b Atterberry Orval 11b Atterberry Doyle 11b Atterberry Doris 11b Atterberry Gretchen 11b Allen S. A. 11b Str??ck T. B. 11b Str??ck Myrtle 11b Str??ck Gladys 11b Str??ck J. D. 11b Str??ck Edison 11b Str??ck Alma 11b Str??ck Gerald 23 12a Str??ck June 12a Str??ck Virginia A. 12a Camp Minnie C. 12a Camp Oscar 12a Camp Sidney 12a Camp Cleptie 12a Camp Carl 12a Camp Leo 12a Stamphill C. ? 12a Stamphill Adell 12a Stamphill Irene 12a Stamphill Aline 12a Stamphill M???? (grandaughter) 12a McGo??? Cecilia 12a McGo??? Henry 12a Harris J. E. 12a Harris Lora 12a Harris J. E. Jr. 12a Harris Edna D. 12a Harris Billie S. 12a Russell L. E. 12a Hawkins W. S. 12a Hawkins Myrtle 12a Hawkins Bill 12a Dyer H. E. 12a Dyer Pearl 12a Dyer Ann 12a Dyer Helen 12a Dyer Billie 12a Jenkins Bell (Sister-in-law) 12a Folsom Lucy C. 12a Jones Leah 12a Ang??? ??? (Son-in-law) 12a Ang??? James F. (grandson) 12a Morgan Viola (boarder) 12a Stuart P. P. (boarder) 12a Barnes S. A. (boarder) 12a Robison Sill*** (boarder) 12a Ledbetter W. M. (boarder) 12a Wilson George (boarder) 12a Madlock Estelle (waiter) 12a Hobbs Richard 12a Hobbs Alta 12a Hobbs Vincent 12a Hobbs Helen 12a Hobbs Louisae 12a Hobbs Richard Jr. 12a Summit W. H. 12a Summit Mable Y. 12a Summit Thomas R. 24 12b Summit Davis W. 12b Summit Jack 12b Frederick Sallie 12b Frederick Josephine 12b Frederick Georgia 12b Frederick Yvonne (grandaughter) 12b Vilmer M. A. 12b Southern Charles (grandson) 12b Blossom H. B. 12b Blossom Sallie 12b Coleman Iva 12b Pemberton L. A. 12b Pemberton John 12b Pemberton Elmo 12b Season L. A. 12b Season Lizzie 12b Season Estelle 12b Season Eskerson 12b VanWinkle Monroe 12b VanWinkle Cleo 12b VanWinkle Lucile 12b VanWinkle Buddy 12b Anderson John 12b Anderson Ella 12b Anderson Mildred 12b Anderson Mary A. 12b Green W. W. 12b Green Celia 12b Green Agnes 12b Green Lois 12b Green Clifford 12b Green Leylord 12b Green J. P. 12b Green Easter 12b Cole Walter (boarder) 12b Mason John 12b Mason Etta 12b Mason Th??? 12b Mason Jay 12b Mason Burns 21b Turnbo V. P. 21b Turnbo Ethel 21b Turnbo Froman 21b Turnbo Violet 21b Turnbo Garland 21b Turnbo Thomas 12b Haas Hugo 12b Haas Mabel K. 12b Haas Paul A. 12b Norwood Marshall C. 25 13a Moss B. G. 13a Moss Mary E. 13a Casper Miriam 13a Casper Jake T. (son-in-law) 13a Casper Moss (grandson) 13a Casper Clyde (grandson) 13a Green Rosa (boarder) 13a McCasland C. 13a McCasland Hayden 13a McCasland Hickman 13a McCasland LaHoma 13a McCasland Mark 13a F????ney Addie 13a F????ney Mary L. 13a Marsden Mary (mother) 13a McGuire Marvin 13a McGuire Kathrine 13a Rose F. A. 13a Rose Leila 13a Rose Virginia 13a Rose Betty 13a Tice L. S. 13a Tice Bessie 13a Tice Cary M. 13a Tice O. T. 13a Tice J. T. 13a Fletcher C. L. 13a Fletcher Josie 13a Anderson Winnie 13a Anderson Casey T. 13a Anderson Clintel 13a Anderson Paree 13a Anderson Clifton 13a Anderson Clinton Jr. 13a Togoods Willie 13a Togoods Gladys 13a Harris Martha 13a Grays Sylvester (father) 13a Smith James 13a Smith Lula 13a Clayton Leslie (Clayton crossed out) 13a Hale Rose L. 13a Burris Lorine (granddaughter) 13a Burris Lorenza (grandson) 13a Hale Bertha L. (granddaughter) 13a Cox Matt 13a Cox Nancy 13a Clayton Dewey (grandson) 13a Gould Ada 13a Gould Helen 26 13b Gould Zina M. 13b Gordon Jim (boarder) 13b Clayton Naomi (boarder) 13b Factor Winnie 13b Bailey Lillian 13b Bailey Jack 13b Greenwood Henry 13b Greenwood Blanche 13b Greenwood Ruth 13b Greenwood Buford 13b Greenwood Nadine 13b Greenwood David 13b Greenwood Herman 13b Greenwood Henry Jr. 13b Greenwood Laris 13b Trimble Eula 13b Trimble Arthur G. 13b Trimble Ruth 13b Perkins Mack (boarder) 13b Perkins Howard (boarder) 13b Brown Silas 13b Brown Laura 13b Brown Hazel L. 13b Gibson John 13b Gibson Mollie 13b Miles C. D. (Miles may be crossed out) 13b Gibson Esther B. 13b Gibson Roosevelt 13b Gibson Oletha 13b Gibson Lola 13b Gibson Arthur 13b Clayton Ludi 13b Clayton Armis 13b Clayton Helen 13b Clayton Julius 13b Clayton Ruth 13b Clayton Curtis 13b Clayton Theo R. 13b Clayton Jesse M. 13b Clayton R. L. 13b Clayton Corinne 13b Clayton Sonny 13b Brown John 13b Brown Savanah 13b Richards Viney (mother-in-law) 13b Richards Jake 13b Richards Ida 13b Dieter Arthur 13b Dieter Lottie 13b Dieter Earl 27 14a Dieter Gladys 14a Dieter George 14a Dieter Eliza 14a Dieter Charlie C. 14a Frazier Isaac 14a Sellers ???? 14a Sellers Ed 14a Griffis M. J. 14a Griffis Mary 14a Griffis M. J. Jr. 14a Perkins Grace D. 14a Stuart Mable 14a Stuart Elmer 14a Smith Bob 14a Gary Harriet 14a Shelby Will 14a Shelby Lottie 14a Johnson Leroy 14a Johnson Mary 14a Jackson Ruth 14a Jackson Esther 14a Jackson Henry 14a Jackson Rob 14a Alexander R. O. 14a Clark W. D. 14a Clark Annabel 14a Clark Joe 14a Clark Lula M. 14a Clark J. D. 14a Clark Roland 14a McCasland Clarence 14a McCasland Roxy 14a McCasland Mary A. 14a Garrett Louis H. 14a Garrett Cora 14a Garrett Louis H. Jr. 14a Kilgore Charles L. 14a Kilgore Sathiel 14a Parry Dave 14a Parry Oda 14a Kilgore I. T. 14a Kilgore Vonia 14a B???? Carrie 14a B???? V. F. 14a Anglin Joe 14a Lucas H. G. 14a Lucas Henrietta 14a Lucas Jert 28 14b Lucas Frances 14b Lucas John 14b Lucas Helen (daughter-in-law) 14b Matthews Hugh 14b Matthews Josephine 14b Matthews Juanita 14b Matthews John 14b Matthews P. O. 14b Matthews Burrel 14b Dickerson Joe 14b Dickerson Lottie 14b Dickerson Fred 14b Dickerson Roy 14b Dickerson Oscar 14b Dickerson Glen 14b Moreland C. E. 14b Moreland Mattie 14b Pendergast Elizabeth (mother-in-law) 14b Moreland Ralph 14b Moreland Bessie 14b Moreland Ralph Jr. 14b Moreland Helen M. 14b Jones Paul (half brother) 14b Wilson Mary 14b Wilson Helen 14b Wilson Virginia 14b Wilson Margaret 14b Wilson Mildred 14b Wilson Raymond 14b Wilson Roy 14b Wilson Floyd 14b Green Herbert B. 14b Green Effie 14b Green Adi??? 14b Green Randell 14b Green Warren L. 14b Faudree Kenneth R. 14b Faudree Norma I. 14b Russell F. W. 14b Russell Eulalie 14b Gilbert B. M. 14b Gilbert Retha 14b Gilbert Billie 14b Holland D. C. 14b Holland Cora 14b Aynes Freddie 14b Aynes Raleigh (son-in-law) 14b Honey Harvey (stepson) 14b Honey Frankie (granddaughter) 14b Holland Del 29 15a McLeroy John 15a McLeroy Edna 15a McLeroy Leon 15a McLeroy Juanita 15a McLeroy James 15a McLeroy Ellen L. 15a Weatherford Margaret 15a Jacob Tom 15a Morris Lankford 15a Morris Mattie 15a Mitchel Arthur 15a Mitchel Tinnie C. 15a Mitchel Arthur W. 15a Mitchel Reuben E. 15a Mitchel Jimmie 15a Mitchel Myrtle L. 15a Mitchel Sarah 15a Morning Mary 15a Morning W. H. 15a Mault?y L. J. 15a Mault?y Gertrude 15a Boyd Chris 15a Boyd Helen 15a Herrington Lee 15a Herrington Daisy 15a Redfield James 15a Redfield Josephine 15a Clayton Clifford 15a Carr Willie 15a Carr Williemay 15a Gra?ehouse W. L. 15a Gra?ehouse Callie 15a Barns Cecil B. (Barns crossed out) 15a Gra?ehouse Lawrence (Lawrence crossed out) 15a Gra?ehouse Thelma 15a Flax Edra 15a Flex Elmila 15a Goodner Berna 15a Gardys Mary 15a Webster Troy 15a Webster Lou V. 15a Webster Margaret 15a Hudson Hughes 15a Hudson Julie 15a Beatty G??? 15a Beatty Annis 15a Swan Essie 15a Swan Fannie 15a Swan Gerry L. 15a Swan George (adopted son) 30 15b Swan Clinton 15b Swan Dean 15b Swan Headare 15b Barnes Myrtle 15b Weatherford D. D. (father) 15b Armstrong Janie (roomer) 15b Angelin Mary 15b Bowman Tom 15b Bowman Mandy 15b Bowman Margurite 15b Bowman Nancy 15b Bowman Henry 15b Bowman Joe 15b Shirley W. R. 15b Shirley Dionie 15b Yarbaugh I. M. 15b Yarbaugh Jennie 15b Gentry William (stepson) 15b Gentry Sam (stepson) 15b Gentry Mary F. (stepdaughter) 15b Bishop Lara L. (stepdaughter) 15b Solomon Betty M. (stepdaughter) 15b Stonebarger Nora 15b Stonebarger Pauline 15b Stonebarger Larane 15b Stonebarger Robert 15b Templeton Victor 15b Moore Jim 15b Moore Mary 15b Moore Leon 15b Moore Eugene 15b Clifford Warren H. 15b Clifford Pearl 15b Clifford Dorothy J. 15b Clifford Billie 15b Dobson Mart 15b Dobson Lily 15b Dobson James D. 15b Dobson Willis 15b Dobson Robert 15b Dobson Clara 15b Dobson John 15b Dobson Lizzie 15b Coldiron Ethel 15b Coldiron Leon 15b Coldiron Lennie 15b Green Chester 15b Green Macy 15b Green Rena 15b Green Lucile 31 16a Green Christene 16a Green Bessie 16a Green Rothadale 16a Jacobs Mariah 16a Ward Jane 16a Lee Mary F. (roomer) 16a Jackson Will 16a Jackson Genevive 16a Crooms Tom 16a Crooms ?innie 16a Crooms Tom Jr. 16a Crooms Henry 16a Crooms Dorothy 16a Crooms Willie M. 16a Crooms Adine 16a Crooms Opal 16a Crooms Jewel D. 16a Crooms Henry Jr. 16a Crooms James 16a Crooms Lidia 16a Crooms John 16a Crooms ??nelle 16a Bell Jinn (roomer) 16a Bell Esther (roomer) 16a Crooms Lenard 16a Crooms Mary 16a Crooms Lenard Jr. 16a Larce Joe 16a Larce Doretha 16a Larce Ethel 16a Brice Beatrix 16a Brice Willie 16a Colter Charles 16a Colter Willie 16a Hudson Cora 16a Hudson Hugh 16a Hudson Cutie (daughter-in-law) 16a Flax Joe 16a Flax Rosetta 16a Flax Eugene 16a Flax Essie 16a Flax Hazel 16a Flax Edna 16a Flax Herman (grandson) 16a Flax Merle (grandson) 16a Flax Imogene 16a Brown Leola 16a Brown DeWitt 16a Brown DePaules 16a Brown Norma J. 32 16b Swan Freeman (roomer) 16b Hyatt Henry 16b Hyatt Minnie 16b Hyatt James 16b Hyatt Rube 16b Livingston A. B. 16b Livingston Mary 16b Clark Lizzie 16b Lallis Will M. 16b Lallis Amy 16b Morningjay Pearl 16b Morningjay Ida L. (granddaughter) 16b Brenner Willa (roomer) 16b Brenner Junior (roomer) 16b Harris Carrie 16b Harris Helen 16b Harris Hazel 16b Cooper Phylis 16b Cooper Frankie 16b Gould Robert 16b Gould Alma 16b Boyd Mabel 16b Boyd J. D. 16b Bailey Doc 16b Bailey Lula 16b Bailey Essie 16b Bailey Willie 16b Bailey Warren G. 16b Bailey Helen (grandaughter) 16b Boyd Don 16b Boyd Nina 16b Young Tom 16b Young Mary 16b Young Effie 16b Young John 16b Young Fredonia 16b Young Henry 16b Young Gladys M. 16b Young Tom Jr. 16b ???? ???? 16b Hill John (Hill crossed out) 16b ???? Valrie 16b ???? Ural 16b ???? Herbert J. 16b Pleasant Beatrice 16b Hampton Laura 16b Flowers Dara 16b Shield Mary L. (niece) 16b Colbert William 16b Colbert Anne 33 17a Woods Sam 17a Woods Mattie 17a Hyatt Julie (granddaughter) 17a Hyatt Albert (grandson) 17a Graff Celeron 17a Graff Martha 17a Jones Emma (niece) 17a Young Z. H. 17a Young Elzie 17a Laurence George (roomer) 17a Gray Edith L. 17a Matt Frank 17a Boyce Plymouth 17a Gant Ollie 17a Gant Irene 17a Gant Priscilla 17a Butler Alfred 17a Butler Lizzie 17a Porter Willie 17a Porter Rozzie 17a Porter Mary 17a Porter Irene 17a Porter Ailsworth (nephew) 17a Vincent Claude 17a Vincent Amelia 17a Graham Joe 17a Graham Mary 17a Brooks Violet (granddaughter) 17a Brooks Raymond (grandson) 17a Moore Clarence 17a Moore Maggie 17a Moore Nathan 17a Moore Georgie 17a Grey Eddie 17a Lawrence George (boarder) 17a Barr James (grandson) 17a Anderson Lenore 17a Anderson Nadine 17a Anderson Mable 17a Anderson Titha 17a James Oscar (boarder) 17a Boyd Gertrude 17a James George 17a James Mary 17a James George Jr. 17a Cole E. C. 17a Cole Indianola 17a Cole Ernest 17a Cole Ruby 17a Cole Joe 34 17b Morrow E. M. 17b Morrow Clara 17b Morrow I??? E. 17b Morrow Horace (nephew) 17b Sears Lizzie 17b Frazier Don 17b Frazier Gracie 17b Butler Roosevelt 17b Simpson W. E. 17b Simpson Leola 17b Simpson Lucile 17b Simpson Willie M. 17b Carter Ed B. 17b Carter Leebell 17b Kilgore H. C. (father-in-law) 17b Kilgore Rosa L. (mother-in-law) 17b Carnsmore Georgie (boarder) 17b McAlpin P. J. 17b McAlpin Addie 17b Colbert Sam 17b Colbert Janie 17b Colbert Helen 17b Colbert Henry 17b Colbert A??? 17b Colbert Cecil 17b Colbert Annie M. 17b Johnson Leroy 17b Johnson Idella 17b Lyons Jerry 17b Lyons Maggie 17b Swan Lillie (granddaughter) 17b Ward Howard (stepson) 17b Perry Alice 17b Perry Lexie 17b Colbert Charles 17b Littleton Lenora 17b James Lenora 17b McJenkins Robert 17b McJenkins Ida 17b McCutcheon I. B. 17b McCutcheon Blanche 17b Flax Clara 17b Flax Hal 17b Brady James 17b Brady Frances 17b Porter Ira 17b Johnson Mamie 17b Johnson John F. 17b Roy A. P. 17b Roy Hattie B. 35 18a Wilson T. E. 18a Wilson Mary 18a Carter Gray 18a Carter Alta 18a Dean James B. 18a Dean Bertha L. 18a Flowers F. E. 18a Flowers Helen 18a Flowers Dalton 18a Flowers Dorothy 18a Flowers Doyle 18a Flowers Nadine 18a Fain J. Kelly 18a Fain Julia N. 18a Fain J. Kelly Jr. 18a Fain Louise 18a Straughan J. W. 18a Faulkenberry T. C. 18a Faulkenberry Myrtle 18a Faulkenberry Leola 18a Faulkenberry Charles O. 18a Faulkenberry Tim 18a Faulkenberry Nancy 18a Self William 18a Self W. L. 18a Riggs Thomas B. 18a Snider Mary G. 18a Kelley Paul 18a Kelley Inez 18a White Zack (roomer) 18a White Mamie (roomer) 18a Barnum R. E. 18a Barnum Golea 18a Barnum Beuford 18a Barnum Barba B. 18a Barnum Beatrix L. 18a Jackson Henry (relationship not readable) 18a Faudree Theo. 18a Faudree Agnes 18a Faudree Billie J. 18a Hobbs J. H. 18a Salmon Joe 18a Salmon Andrew 18a Salmon Anita 18a Salmon Alonso 18a Stobaugh Lesta 18a Stobaugh Loretta (sister) 18a Vaugh Marie (roomer) 18a Browning Ruth (daughter) (not sure who is her parent) 36 18b Moffatt William 18b Moffatt Alice L. 18b Gremen Esther (niece) 18b Henry T. U. 18b Henry Nettie 18b Faulkenberry Luther (son-in-law) 18b Faulkenberry Merle 18b Faulkenberry Luther B. (grandson) 18b Selby Helen 18b Mason George A. 18b Mason Ada M. 18b Mason Bobbie R. 18b Tobias Simon 18b Tobias Martha 18b Tobias G. J. 18b Hall M. L. 18b Hall Maude 18b Hall Leota 18b Durham Lena 18b Durham John E. 18b Durham Loyd L. 18b Durham Mary L. 18b Durham Walter F. 18b Ward Joe B. 18b Ward Nina 18b Ward Geraldine 18b Ward Jephy E. 18b Nettletoe Kyle 18b Nettletoe Pearl 18b Nettletoe Gerald 18b Nettletoe Jim 18b Nettletoe Elizabeth 18b Nettletoe Sidney 18b Butler D. E. 18b Butler Ola 18b Butler Herbert E. 18b Watkins H. P. 18b Watkins Lucile 18b McCoy Celia 18b Blue Bessie (boarder) 18b Gant Da??? (boarder) 18b Gant Rena (boarder) 18b Brown Frank (boarder) 18b Choate Robert 18b Choate Sibyl 18b Choate LaVerne 18b McCleary B. C. 18b McCleary Lannie 18b Dean J. B. 18b Dean B. K. 37 19a Moody John 19a Moody Lura 19a Zwiegel Abe 19a Zweigel Frieda 19a VanderWood W. H. 19a VanderWood Ola 19a Redling Neal 19a Redling Winetta 19a Redling Neal M. 19a Redling Sarah 19a Redling Sam 19a Wagoner Joe A. 19a Wagoner Nettie M. 19a Wagoner Patrick L. 19a Hacker Cecil 19a Hacker Leah 19a Hacker Mina J. 19a Voto J. D. 19a Voto Teresina 19a Voto J. D. Jr. 19a Phillips Ferman 19a Phillips May 19a Russell Fred A. 19a Wright Isten 19a Wright Martha 19a Wright Ellis 19a Wright Ora M. 19a Wright David 19a Wright Lucile 19a Bussy M. 19a Bussy Charles 19a Bussy Carl M. 19a Bussy Eva 19a Millican Robert 19a Millican Laura 19a Millican Roberta 19a Millican Thomas 19a Ahrens H. T. 19a Nichols Parker 19a Nichols Alma 19a Hill John 19a Hill Ella 19a Cheatam Lena 19a Cheatam Lee (son-in-law) 19a Gould Lena (stepdaughter) 19a Younger Tansel (grandson) 19a White Charlie 19a White Lou 19a Schaap Louis 19a Armstrong Harold B. (boarder) 38 19b Corley William R. (boarder) 19b Darius Garrett end of district 1 Atoka County Jail page 20A 20a Smith John (lodger) 20a Burr??y ? L. 20a Styles Isaac 20a H??alin Calvin (lodger) |
© 1996-2024 by J. M. Felihkatubbe, OKGenWeb ~ Atoka Co. Coordinator State
Coordinator: Linda Simpson Asst.
State Coordinator: Mel Owings |