Atoka County,
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Copyright 2002 by Susanne Hamlet Shatto Compiled from images viewed on Atoka County, Oklahoma 1930 census This enumerator occasionally misspells names Atoka County, Oklahoma District 4 - 7 Caney Page 1a Surname Given Name Corbitt Charley V. Mary E. E. Odell Lola M. Lucille M. Fannie F. McBride M. Lee Fannie R. Odell A. Beulah B. Ray E. Jenkins Harris N. Effie Ervin W. Fay Christina Boyd R. Lawson Charley E. M. Jewel Vester L. Murine ?. Marie M. G. L. Childress Alice L. Lawrence (grandson) Helen (granddaughter) Burrow Birtie E. A. Wilena M. Lorianda M. Paul M. Leon A. Fields Dallas H. Alice N. Evelyn L. (granddaughter) Chappel Virgil C. Zula M. Tinnonn F. Joseph L. Wayne R. Josephine M. L?le Milton Vista John M. Smith Nancy L. Inez M. Skilese Della C. Wanda D. Byington Albert Maggie Edna (stepdaughter) 1b Byington Agnes (stepdaughter) Lewis Effie (stepdaughter) Lewis Edwin Lucy Cleveland David G. Jewel (sister) Akers Tom M. Hall Timothy T. Naomi B. B. Roy Thomas A. Carter Clarence Edith L. Louise O. Renfetta Clarence S. Henderson Lacy B. Albert D. Ruby D. Cox Minnie B. (servant) Simpson L. Nora Halliman Al?ine N. (niece) Gilbert William H. Mitchell Ralph W. Sally C. Ralph V. Jr. Jenkins Doan E. Etta E. Fre?lon F. Blackburn Lela L. (sister-in-law) Hart Harry J. Nellie B. Herbert J. Harold D. Virginia T. Margaret E. Clark Cora W. glover Ben V. Virginie N. G. T. Francis L. Henry L. Bennie I. Bobbie R. Gilbert Adolph Dollie J. Lindley Arlen M. Ruby L. Poer Marlow S. F. (stepson) Lindley Harriet (mother) 2a Lindley John A. (brother) Jimson K. Ellis Mason John T. Henry W. Reid Velma H. (cannot read relationship) Robinson Raymond M. Annie C. Viola D. Newman I. Allen Connie Francis Belle H. Mallie E. Ralston M. Tucker John E. Ruby D. Manning Leon (stepson?) Bertha F. (stepdaughter) S. Lester (stepson) Mason Fuller A. Dimple O. Aherne Thomas ?. Bessie B. Adair Ple?s S. Cora B. O?nn Martha E. Winninger John N. Cordelia L. Dollarhide Christopher Winnie L. Bessie L. (niece) Young Jessie L. (nephew) Reid Carl R. Lavern V. Carl J. Carter Ella M. Christina ?. Charles D. Tucker William L. Birtha M. Altis D. Luke (uncle) Folsom John N. Carolina J. Fannie P. Perkins Serena Simeone D. Delilah M. McKee Neeley E. Dollie F. Neeley E. Jr. 2b McKee Joseph W. Mary F. Ingrim Irvin H. Ida L. Marlin M. Irvin ?. Lowetta M. Bobbie J. Archer Baker B. Eddie E. Eugene T. Betty J. Folsom Oscar Blanche Oscar Jr. James O. John B. William J. Mary L. Adair Carl C. Francis L. Hester Thomas M. Bessie Mary M. Jacobs Ben Esther Brown Charley H. Mary Z. Mary V. Alderson Jerry J. Stephason Ira Eliza J. Bessie J. Vera V. Attly Alice Hester Collin W. Fay A. McPherson Charley E. Alice E. Zelma I. Ruth M. Edens R. Horace K. McGruder Sam L. Essie M. Goldie L. Vera M. S. Lee Webb William A. Cara A. 1930 census Atoka County, Oklahoma District 5 Outside Caney Town Northeast Page 1a Surname Given Name Lang James F. Agnes M. Mildren ?. Frank J. Betty J. T?oyed D. Laibe R. Meadower Jessie R. Minnie E. Ralph E. Lenard L. Emma T. Meadweven John L. Emma J. Orville E. Noak Charley E. Charley H. Womack Sam P. Iva B. Wonda W. Minty Sam P. Rex K. Robins Bud D. Belle Daisy Myrtle Bessie McOskle Jane (sister) Reid R??y W. Vera E. Ralph B. Vernon Lay Verna C. Lucille C. Stanley A. Clyde V. Rudolph L. Boose John L. Minnie Claude Oma McCray Lucinda C. Scroggins Alvin T. (son) George L. (son) McBrayor James B. (son) Carl T. (son) Ward C. (son) Park William D. Laura E. 1b Park Ray D. Snow Ernest E. Bertha N. Alice L. Buster Betty J. Ernest U. Noak Edwin Goldie E. Trazier Andy J. (maybe Frazier?) Alma Dortha M. Cecil T. (brother) Toney John T. Nora E. Irma Ray W. John R. Esther M. Helen M. J. T. Kathryn Ray William M. (father) Jackson John P. Ella L. Charles H. Albion McGraw Homer Nettie L. Mabel L. Jessie R. Sullivan George W. Fannie Gladys Francis S. (maybe Trancis) Robert A. Elbert C. Louty William B. Iva L. Cecil W. Lester Z. George O. Vivian H. O. P. Cathern M. Christine Cary James A. Lillie B. Mary C. Belle L. 2a Cary Dollie J. James A. Jessie M. Brewer Lillie L. Thomas A. Cary Minnie A. (mother) Cole James E. Bulah B. Harvey R. Anie M. Gaston Ollie Ruby Eldrige Floid E. Albert T. Mamie E. Floid E. Helen M. Johnson Ernest E. (uncle) Montgomery Lee E. Beckie Hicks Mike Lilly Eshmel Minnie Joe Odia (nephew) Finch James R. Oda Charlie Carl Velma Flora M. Fitzpatrick Will H. Annie (name crossed out) W??? (son) Fitzpatrick Bonica Melba Shults Henry N. Jessie (could be Jennie) Richard B. Andy W. Georgie B. Harvey H. Tun Ballie C. Garlin H. Wa?ily C. Floid Wilber Leonia 2b Robbins Wiley O. Maggie J. Benny I. Georgie A. Wiley J. Read W. Dandridge Eady D. Nacy James A. (Noris crossed out) Earl L. Haylen V. John Ed S. Harriet Sylvester Maliotie (mother) Lillie Davis Paul Ruben A. Fay E. Leroy Little J. Claude A. Cole Perry A. Annie S. Barber Maggie (daughter) McComo?? Myrtle (daughter) Mar?al (daughter) Cole Willie E. Allen Sally (mother) Bonn Robert S. Abbie M. Andy Claude Mary L. David K. Nancy B. Dandridge Robert L. Amada Allieon Sallie Laaron Ema (niece) Williams Maggie (mother) Gra?en Leflore Thompson Barrie Anderson Willison Durant Emily David Scott Perry O. 3a Scott Ida L. Bernice L. William S. Franklin Isaac A. Mary R. Tate F??adie M. Ella F. Ray M. Mosey Ralph D. (lodger) Winkle Tom C. Lucy K. Ewall R. Ernest J. Mabel R. Howard John E. Idallia D. Ernest D. Katie L. Joe H. Robert W. J. E. Robert John (father) Sewell Cicero H. Margaret A. Anna L. Harrison W. Bertha B. Billie J. Mays Virgie J. Johnnie S. Wilson Tom B. Rosa L. Walton B. Thomas E. Francis M. William L. Whittington Henderson E. Mary E. Thomas F. Kinion E. Joseph E. Campbell George W. Effie R. Francis M. Joseph Anthony Henry Sara Marie Mobles Cova Nylan L. 3b Mobles Minnie R. Clydie Jones Hallons Fay Howard Harald Herman Adeline (mother) Jackson Lamar Lucille Stella V. Peel John Z. Maggie Drda James Edward Abrey Thelma Cary Joe S. Ruby E. William E. Joe K. Watson Robert R. Lillia Vaster Haskel Denham Reller (or Keller?) Dandridge William A. Czerina Floyd Skannie Clark John D. Sorlie Brown Martha L. Opal P. George E. Homer (brother) Chavers Robert H. Johnie M. Jewell C. Tom H. Edna E. David H. (brother) Morris Jim Y. Maggie James A. Dovie O. Forrest Opala Hubbert 4a Morris Rea Jackson Edmond Charys C. Sam (brother) Hodges Jessie Lula Henderson Paul S. Sam Julius Lillie Ester L. Ema G. Jacob Folsom Martha Viney Jacob Wilson Nancy Simon Alice Glover James B. Lula E. Ruby Lula E. Benjamin S. Sarah George W. Sanders Charles D. Clydie B. Doyle Herbert Ernest Billie P. Duffee Clarence A. Docie Daphnie Georgia Wonda Wilmer F. Willis William H. Mamie Charley Rosa L. Herman Hayden Gladdis Waller Eva Asberry Eva M. Ira V. Graham William A. 4b Graham Lillie Raymond Zoan Ruth Morrison John C. Veda M. Samuel Williams Lewis May Roberts Jim M. Ellen Artur M. Lula McGraw Joe Etta Joseph Jr. Billie W. Black Walter V. Edna M. Walter O. Goldie M. Florence H. Harry S. White Lizzie C. Curtis A. Alla L. Mary L. Thomas A. Jr. Dilbert B. (Griffin crossed out) Henry L. (father) Myles Jacob G. Pearl Elmo Virine Blakley Walter S. Melvina Eugene Susie Walter B. Cecil Sammie Dortha Blakley Albert Lillie Sandermill Wilmer Anna M. Lofty Lize Peck Winnie Sallie Jessie 5a Peck Delmer Elbert Rufus Brannal Lila Jeff Ellen Joseph E. Lola M. Baly Mary (mother) Powell James Lain Lige H. Sarah Theodore Pauline Opal Victor Gladys Graham Charly C. Ola Carl Jr. O. C. Webb Oscar F. Ida Lottie Weston Sam Minnie Clarence Laurence Autrie Marie 1930 census Atoka County, Oklahoma District 6 Outside Caney Town Southeast Page 1a Surname Given Name Wade Clifford Lucile Merritt Robert L. Willie E. James L. Evelyn Robert E. Clyde E. Fay T. Allen Lonnie Agnes Janie M. Ernest L. Davis Allen Henry Agnes Allen Luther M. Luella James C. Walter L. Donahue Willis D. Eunice F. White James F. Sarah B. Edear J. Velma V. Mamie E. Turnbull George W. Townley Sarah E. Clifton T. Cleburne D. Ruby Z. Johnson James ?. Lorene V. Elva S. Juanita J. W. Thoms E. Sample Connie R. Burnia Lawrence C. Haskell C. Gleen D. Taylor Jessie A. Erma L. Francille Halman James D. Laura A. Lillie B. 1b Holman Anna J. Davis Everett (lodger) Greer John L. Mercenia E. (mother) Kelen Jessie M. (sister) Byrum Velmer Marie Dwight E. Dufur Martin Willie M. Almageen Speers Frank D. Eatha C. Eunice G. Dorothy D. Winnapeg F. Speers Willie L. Sadie M. Keller S. Elva M. Lucille N. Frankie L. Francis M. W. L. Willis Edward E. Mabel I. Eugene Oliver E. Jessie R. Bonnie A. J. Ernest Dillon Richard P. Susan (mother) Cook Teddy L. Virginia P. Speers Leesaie G. Ruth E. Patricia N. Ward Willie G. (?father) Craven Cecil (lodger) Davis Roy Myrtle Raymond C. Ernie A. Margie L. Brister O. C. Floyd T. Lavern Spearg?? R. Hoskins John C. 2a Haskins Opal J. Junior Hayal Arp Fort C. Hattie Opal L. Pauline B. Claudine R. Wilma B. Alison C. Margie J. Landreth James E. Alfred H. James E. Cleo V. Ward Timothy L. Turner Paul H. Lena B. Bonnie M. Logan John A. Jimmie L. Edith L. Bide William T. Lemonie H. Anderson Eula M. (stepdaughter) Robert Opal M. (stepdaughter) Ward Daisy Wheeler Clifford Valsie Pearl W. Helen ?. Opal M. Dorothy J. Burleson David A. Thelma A. Mary L. Davis T. Minshere Ben W. Gassy C. Ben W. Jr. Annie B. John W. Leonard C. Fryer William P. Mary P. Davis Steve H. Minnie A. Troy W. Grace F. Claude L. 2b Davis Sybel Emert Gilbert R. Ida R. Wallace W. Hugh M. Mary L. Cecil G. Troy M. Ruby R. Burroughs R. George Malloy Jennings Allen P. Julia S. Nutall Cline W. Maud L. Claude L. Clara m. Henry C. Herbert A. Robert O. william G. Bobbie G. McBride Jodie R. Artie T. Dorothy M. Edward L. Peck Will H. Lulu B. Virdie Callie F. Buckner Joe H. Arkie D. Marion J. Homer R. Umber Joe F. Jessie C. Margarette Teddy B. Clyde C. Paul R. Gussie E. J. Arthur Dorothy M. Mears Thomas M. Lelia J. Annie J. Mary E. Nollie B. Fredrick W. Robert A. 3a Mears Murphy L. Flanigan Hel? Synthy C. Arnie Terry W. Smith Jessie M. Dora A. Gardenhire Jewel R. (daughter) Smith Verna (son) ? Gladys E. Rosco J. Simeon L. Estaline A. Lavone Theresa Hayden A. Doset Sarah A. (mother-in-law) Dollarhide Jack C. Winona Geordine Storie Lillie (housekeeper) Toney George W. Hettie C. Steward Lillian E. (granddaughter) Davis Homer E. Fay L. Paul E. Francis J. J. H. Jr. Littleton Albert A. Irene I. Noah M. Thelma B. Fredrick Odua L. Etta A. Virginia L. Leonia H. Whittington Kenion E. Mary A. Evander J. Lloyd F. James E. (grandson) Oscar L. (grandson) M. Marie (granddaughter) Ward W. Henry Vasthye Wilson Glen Stayer Allen W. Ollie Virgie L. 3b Price Otto A. Mary J. Jones Charley W. Manda V. Clarence E. Lester ?. H. Goldie H. Dawson Joe F. Rebecca F. Homer F. Gladys B. R. B. J. Earl Rudy L. Mary M. Mabel L. Arthur William E. Florence Edna M. Fredrick E. Mary W. Edith M. Francis S. Laurine M. William M. James H. Maloy Luther P. M. Ora James P. Dean I. Logan John H. Lulu M. (sister) Minnie A. (sister) Taylor Willie L. Reba E. Laverne W. Velma M. Fryer Oscar H. M. Caolyn Ida F. Thompson Sarah A. (sister-in-law) Potts J. Seabern Ida L. Marie E. Ida B. Ruth M. Helen D. Oleta D. Daily John P. (stepson) James S. (stepson) 4a Sanders Vernon R. Lyle R. Charley R. Sanders William B. Charley P. Andy L. Hooten William B. Lizzie M. Robert W. Chester F. Vernon U. Jimmerson John F. Eva B. E. J. L. C. Jeweldean Artexi Howard John H. Alphia E. Wesley T. Jewel H. Edna L. Grady L. J. C. Wanda J. Dallow Mary V. (mother-in-law) Leonard Clyde E. Henrietta Graham Troy Charlie Clinton W. Bashom C. T. W. Jr. Vesta L. Fryer Sam R. Pearl A. Baxter Oscar B. Mittie M. Ingram Gronvil C. Linnie M. Freeney Ellis D. M??tsel Ingram Wallie B. Emmie A. haskell R. Eula Simpson Richard C. Bessie E. Melvin C. Pauline D. 4b Simpson Dollie R. R. B. Jr. Simpson Ollie Annie Lois A. Cleveland Grover L. Bessie P. Veda L. Z. L. J. Walton Calvin H. Alvin L. Priddy William T. Adams James E. Lois L. Williams Edward Fannie B. Clarence D. Clara B. Howard O. Harold C. Armstrong William Alma Jessie J. L. C. Jerntha C. Simpson John P. Lillie M. William M. Alona J. Mary J. Hauser John H. Mary H. Robert E. David E. Jessie . Benjamin F. Jesse H. Leotta L. Parham Curtis Pearl V. Curtis Jr. Marlin D. Taylor Arthur R. Edna Herbert D. Winford Jr. Miller John H. Margaret M. W. Edward Roland Parham G. 5a Roland Sarah L. Roland Eugene H. Eula M. ?. Refern Billie J. Fryer Norah R. Richard N. Audrey M. Pete D. Joe Clorene Thomas J. Graham McKnight Frank J. Betty Thelma F. Jonnie L. Peters Elisha W. Edna G. William N. Joe E. Jack Jean Dean Kenneth R. White Fred G. Lucy L. James W. Raymond A. Rae M. C. E. Mammie R. Riem Erdman M. Jannie T. Herbert L. Virginia G. Earhart Lee J. Kate Duward Hofert Dillard Charley M. Elvia S. Leona M. Albert L. Taylor Granville M. Eula L. Council E. Ruth E. A. Alfred G. Jones William A. 5b Jones Dovie L. Dessa E. Fox William L. (nephew) Farris Thomas G. (mother-in-law) Robertson Charles L. (lodger) Tigert Ben F. M. Anice L. Lourine Julia D. M. Burnice Joyce Moffatt Harry A. Sarah Robert ?. Audrey A. Byron W. Bagley Jessie B. Margaret S. E?ick A. Elmer G. Robert R. Valley M. Chesley W. Alvin C. Baily T. Simpson Abner A. Minnie Mae (Plemmons) Robert J. Ruby L. Kitchen Andrew H. Pearl Helen B. Walker Kitty Grace L. Rena mary E. Hawkins William C. Ophelia Williams Claude Opal A. Carles A. Pauline F. Daizy L. Harris Louise M. (mother) Mays Mc?att (brother-in-law) Harper John H. Myrtle Johnie D. Clement James R. Ellen 6a Clement J. R. Jr. Stewart John H. Julia I. Callie M. Floyd H. King John M. Mary A. Mumphord King John E. Nettie R. Emil Austin A. Howard William A. Minnie L. Jewel L. Floyd J. Leroy Clement Henry C. Ethel M. Littia M. Lattie M. H. C. Jr. Watson L. D. Martha W. Simpson Robert R. Nora Lum Albert Garrett Albert Harman Jessie McBride Thomas (lodger) Wilson Henry Dufur James P. Nova Clifford R. Louine V. Debs L. Ruby M. Roland Edward W. M. Jannie Eugene Isabell James J. Eula Olam E. Hugh J. Martin K. Doris F. Hays Brice H. Sina Pickens Josephine L. (lodger) 6b Daney Lourine M. (lodger) Washington Joseph S. (lodger) Pickens Abslum J. (lodger) Turner James S. Mary B. Clara N. Esther M. Turner James S. Jr. (grandson) Ray Charles B. (brother-in-law) Forster Joe Daney Charley Lona George R. Folsom Irena (stepdaughter) Bowen Mary (sister) Rose Jackson (lodger)Atoka County, Oklahoma District 7 Outside Caney Town West (This enumerator sometimes drops letters in names. The enumerator spelled Juanita as Jaunita. I used Juanita.) Page 1a Surname Given Name Taylor Bud Lillie Mary E. Thurman J. D. May D. C. Infant Castilar E. L. Callaway Ruth (daughter) Leon (grandson) Iline (granddaughter) Achilla (granddaughter) Johnson Jim Lillie Thomas Ellen Lenard Allie Myrtle Elton Walker John (brother-in-law) Jesse (brother-in-law) Castilar Guy Jessie Betty J. Otto (nephew) Welch George Sarah George Jr. Honeycutt Ethel (stepdaughter) Watson D. M. May Watson U? (could be a W.) Dollie M. Lillie B. Watson T. G. Ivie Doyle Dodd Sam J. Minnie Carrol Ola M. Alton Lennon Eva Chester Vada Violet Christine 1b Crossland P. H. Zella Harris H. H. May Benefield Anna (relationship crossed out) Singletary Ben Bessie Reid Lee Ollie Leroy Clyde Verna M. Billy Wise Alvin F. Lizzie McDaniel Alpha (niece) Golden Frank Betty Grady Vivian Johnnie Eula M. Roy Sample Terry (father-in-law) Sallie (mother-in-law) Benefield Ira F. Susie Virgil Leroy Ethel Holland Sam Theresa Lester Hamerick W. R. Holland Tom M. Minnie Edward Willie O. J. Odell Odellia Cantrell J. A. W. M. G. W. Benefield Frank T. (could be F.) Doris Flodell Francis Lackey Will J. Nancy J. 2a Lackey Fannie Bertha Kelsey Roy Paul Virgie Beston Odell (grandson) Lackey Columbus (brother) May Odua (cousin) Lackey A. G. Sallie Claud Essie Pauline Floyd Ray Fay Workman Arthur Dessie Wise Josephine Ira Will Charlie Gracie Beula Carlos Wise William Southib John LaRue Johnnie Garvin Ray Ruby Ray Jr. Imogene Garvin Alice E. Benefield T. M. Molly Robert Floyd Trent Charlie (servant) Ollie (servant) Carrol George Mattie Benefield Joe Connie Glenn Clemens T. L. Dollie Zlemer (might be Elmer) Lackey Jewell 2b Lackey Sadie Andy V. Clement Ray Tamie Elmer Johnson Lester Agnes Genieve Naoma Charles Gossett Allen Myrtle White W. M. Nancy Willia Evans W. A. Hattie Iva Ion Ridgeway J. J. O. L. Ridgeway Leo Edna Mary V. Crossland J. L. Minnie J. B. Herbert Vera Smith Eli Cassie Cullen James Katherine Dewitt Maxine Tigert Roy Lola M. arthur Leona Luella Dorothy Tigert W. M. Laura Lillie William Letha Mammie Mary Ethel 3a Tigert James Inez Campbell J. H. Elizabeth Scott Julius (grandson) ????? Raymond (grandson) Campbell O. J. Gertrude Opal Hyde G. R. Rosie Leta Raymond Myrtle Luella Josephine Ables Lorene (stepdaughter) Louetta (stepdaughter) Melba (stepdaughter) Couch L. Maude John Rufus Harry James Jacobs Nelson Agnes Mary Calvin Houstin Evelyn Austin Daniel (nephew) Lewis Ike (brother-in-law) Laura (niece) Workman Jennings Lora Vernon Helen Oreta R. J. (father) Walden C. H. Susie Willie Helen Richard Junior J. B. J. D. Skyles John (brother) 3b Skyles J. A. Beula Martha Jacob Sallie Alford J. H. Lou Arnold Gladys Roy Lucille (daughter-in-law) McDougal Pl?? (grandson) Charley (grandson) Mary L. (granddaughter) Stapp J. C. Hettie Skidmore George (relationship crossed out) Wilson Hobart Dorothy James Margery Robert (father) Perkins Noah Jiney Lillie Lula Paul Silas Ozia Impson George (uncle) Alford Claud Almeda Doyl Mildred Mack King Jesse Hanna Solomon Williams Ernest (stepson) Nelson Green (nephew) Austin C. C. Nancy Dale John McKnight Walter Belle Willfred Dorothy Earl 4a McDougal John Wyatt (brother) Penick W. L. (nephew) Eunice (niece) William (son) Annie (daughter) Birdie (daughter) Pritchard Monice Sarah Elmer James Gann G. T. Fannie Ira Virgil Virgie M. Bessie Elvis Elva J. Amos M. F. (father) Bailey William (brother-in-law) Danilles N. Onie Clara Blackwood Ruby (daughter) Green Joe Ester Thurmond Ed Pauline Evelyn Ora Cara Billy Sweet D. B. Sallie Ruth Casey Nina Genison Dolvin Darvin Juanita Green J. T. M. B. Jimmy Ollie April Jackson Lonnie 4b Jackson Bertha Jasper Thad?s Kelly Audrey Hamilton W. B. Ola Hazel Baker Frank Sarah Johnnie Ansel Juanita Miller Paul Juanita Lane Bob Stella Paul Eugene Smitharb G. W. Hattie Acie O. D. Haskell (Note: married Virgia Mae Gann) John Smitharb Bertie Mertie Franiella Vernell Smitharb R. D. Emma Orville Louisa Virgil Combest Chester Nina Ona L. Zelfa Lane Ed Addie Joe John Charley Pat Everett Zella M. Denyer A. C. (mother-in-law) Halpin Oscar Birdie Maurine 5a Halpin Alma F. Evelyn M. Lane Francis Galvin Margret (daughter) Lane Tillman Reba Christine Charles H. Ledbetter W. E. Nancy Ernest Beryl J. D. Bessie Allen Buck Domie Ruth Nadine Eugene Moran Julia (mother-in-law) Jay (cousin) Houslin (could be Houstin) (brother-in-law) Ellen (sister-in-law) Allen J. R. Jetta Cleburne Daisy Beatrice Phillips Rayond (stepson) (might be Raymond) Denton (stepson) Haston (stepson) Gaston (stepson) Henegar B. L. Eliza A. L. Maude Oscar Banta C. W. Mary L. McCreary Ernest Stella James Darla J. Lashley J. A. Betta H. Bertha Brammer J. T. Dollie William James 5b Bramarer Thomas (son) Lawranie Hunter Adeline Clarence Jr. (grandson) Alvin (grandson) Edwards W. S. Dora Walker Nora (stepdaughter) Bird (stepdaughter) Alvin (stepson) Smith Edgar Mary Robinson Loring Sophina Laura Calvin Leroy Gladys Jackson G. W. Leona Oran Genieve Prater R. C. (father-in-law) Francis (mother-in-law) Gibby Will Vera Florence Jewell Clara Clifton Crossland Leona (sister-in-law) Marion (brother-in-law) Nail Jesse J. H. Estes Haskell Reed W. D. Ruby Herrod Katharine (niece) Billy (nephew) Betty (niece) Dozier J. J. Snow W. R. Marie Springer W. O. Caroline Faye Woodrow Springer J. L. Della John L. 6a Springer Curtis Bentley Elza (might be Benchley) Velma Lyle Betty Robbie William Cletene Moss C. D. Stanley Oscar (grandson) Thelma (granddaughter) Kalmonth (granddaughter) McNally Josh (brother) Moss F. L. Ella Lee Faye James Irene Nadine Childress Walter Ruthie Culbreath Ray Nettie R. C. Sylvia R. H. Augine Talmage Julius Angus Abbot George Josephine Noah Daniel George Dara Louis John (cousin) Williams Boyd (nephew) Peters A. L. Fannie Thompson Jefferson (son-in-law) Edna (stepdaughter) Wilson Ables (relationship crossed out) Folsom Alice Lovett W. D. Ruben Eula Young Joe Mary 6b Young Lottie (niece) Perkins Shelby Opal Odris Florence Jordan Ira Minnie Lovis Clarence Vera Jack Lucille Mack W. T. (father) Jarvis W. T. (relationship crossed out) Young Cleve Johnnie Melvin Marlin Skelton Gertrude (stepdaughter) VanMeter Guy Helen Elsie J. D. Lollie Lois Osburn C. O. Minnie James Cook M. T. Georgana Birdie Theodore Dane Ed (relationship crossed out) Wilson Mary Eliza Childers Clyde Thelma Carl E. Osh?? Baby Childers Roy Minnie Henry Leroy Marshall David Jewell Brosman Viola (sister-in-law) Hartis H. H. (father-in-law) 7a Cupit J. F. Pearl Harry James Margaret Walker T. A. Ola Viola Henry Vida M. R. C. Maggie Childres Will Pearl Rufus Virgie Lee Roy (could be Ray) Troy L. V. Irene Willie Arley Austin D. T. Bertha Juanita Austin C. C. (Mrs.) Edgar Myrtle Opal Doyl Virgie R. C. Hazel Hicks R. H. R. D. M?aly Clarence (grandson) Miers A. L. Kansada Dolly Alford Green Florence J. W. Dorsey John Wesley Folsom T. J. Hattie Clarence Alvin 7b Folsom Thelma Carter William M. Julia Walter George Elton Beaumont L. E. John Sanders Ernest Effie Curtis E. J. Jack Paul Reid B. J. Sarah Helen Bluford Ella Stella Sydney Anderson M. A. Minnie Pauline James Lessie Richardson J. T. Vina Lester Charley Richardson W. P. Allie Allen Nova L. C. Edna Wannatah??? VanMeter D. W. Mary Lula B. Fonsrow Ridgeway R. J. A. Annie Juanita Pauline Laura Jack Smith Joseph B. Velora Smith Mattie F. 8a Smith Easter Starling Harry E. Jones Emia (sister) Ward Conley J. Mary Bucklea Carl V. Vera Clifton Thomas La?atis (son) Ernest Margaret McKinney Phalin (brother-in-law) Withrow James E. Bertha Marvin Opal Vernon Carthal O. C. Fay May Selvin Corbitt John (brother-in-law) 8b This page is inaccessible at 9a Garvin Carl C. Hubert Man??ow Edward Ralph Birdie W. C. Willaby Venshel Mary Junior Etta Allen Heneritta (could be Henrietta) (mother-in-law) |
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