Atoka County, Oklahoma Genealogy
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Elizabeth Jane Guy Heald

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She was born in Indian Territory: married Charles Hobart Heald at Elm Grove, I.T. on April 10, 1861. She was the mother of ten children. She died in 1887 at the age of 47 and was buried in the Millcreek Cemetery. She was reinterred by her six living grand-children at Boggy Depot on April 11, 1992. Boggy Depot was the site of her home during the early years of her marriage. We feel that we've brought Liza Jane back home and we're glad. Peace

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Eliza J. Guy Wife of C. H. Heald
May 4, 1841 - Nov. 26, 1887.

Boggy Depot Cemetery

© 1996-2024 by J. M. Felihkatubbe, OKGenWeb ~ Atoka Co. Coordinator

State Coordinator: Linda Simpson Asst. State Coordinator: Mel Owings