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Louis Vaughan

Newspaper: The Indian Citizen
July 29, 1897

At his Home in Stringtown, 22nd N. St., Louis Vaughan a prominent young business man of that place and we believe postmaster at the time of his death. The deceased had been a resident of Stringtown with his family and mothers family, for several years and was highly esteemed by all who knew him, as a reliable business man and a trustworthy gentleman in every respect.

He was a member of the Masonic Lodge at this place and several members of the lodge including S. B. Scratch, Rev. J. S. Murrow, G. A. Pate and J. C. Downing, attended his burial at Stringtown on the 23rd. The deceased leaves a wife and two small children to mourn his untimely death.

We sympathize greatly with them in their sad bereavement and commend them to an all wise and just God. He and His promises only can give them comfort.

Notes: Louis’ widow was Nora Annabelle Locke; his parents were Taylor Vaughn and E. J. Greg Vaughn.

Submitted by Barbara Hollman

© 1996-2024 by J. M. Felihkatubbe, OKGenWeb ~ Atoka Co. Coordinator

State Coordinator: Linda Simpson Asst. State Coordinator: Mel Owings