Atoka County, Oklahoma Genealogy
part of the OKGenWeb and USGenWeb Project
Home | Cemeteries | Census | Lookups | Master_Index | Obits | Photos | Queries | Resources | Surnames | Towns in Atoka Co. | State Resources

How To Submit Data To
Atoka County Site

Do you have Atoka County information you would like to share with others?

We welcome donations of cemetery surveys, tombstone photos, cemetery gate photos, cemetery histories, obituaries, funeral records, biographies, history, marriage records, newspaper articles, school photo(s), school class list(s), town photos, historical photos, and anything else we haven't thought of pertaining to Atoka County. <g>

Click on the type source you would like to submit and following the how to submit guidelines.

Bios - Cemetery Data - Cemetery History - Cemetery Survey - Funeral Records - History - Marriage Records - Newspaper Articles - Obituaries - Photos - School Items - Tombstone Photos

send information to area coordinator

NOTE: If you have previously submitted information to and it is not on the site. Please resubmit. Thank you.


Photos of Schools, Towns, People

  1. Your name and email for contact information

  2. Email Subject "Atoka Co."

  3. Name of school

  4. Location, if known

  5. Year photo was taken

  6. Names of persons in photo

  7. Submit only jpg or gif image files

  8. Additional information may be submitted in .doc or .txt files



Cemetery data, survey, tombstone photo, gate photo, etc.

  1. Your name and email for contact information

  2. Email Subject "Atoka Co."

  3. Name of cemetery

  4. Name on tombstone, if applicable

  5. Dates and other information on stone

  6. Other information you would like to submit pertain to the photo, including a short family history.

  7. Submit only jpg or gif image files

  8. Additional information may be submitted in .doc or .txt files



Obits, bios, cemetery history, town history, church history and funeral home cards or records

  1. Your name and email for contact information

  2. Email Subject "Atoka Co."

  3. Transcription of the obit, funeral card or bio in .doc or .txt files

  4. Submit only jpg or gif image files

  5. Additional information may be submitted in .doc or .txt files



Marriage Records

  1. Your name and email for contact information

  2. Email Subject "Atoka Co."

  3. Grooms Name, Brides Name, Date of Marriage



Newspaper Article, Surveys, Other

  1. Contact us with the type of information before sending files.

  2. If you have surveyed an Atoka County cemetery and would like to share it on this site please contact us before sending files.


© 1996-2024 by J. M. Felihkatubbe, OKGenWeb ~ Atoka Co. Coordinator

State Coordinator: Linda Simpson Asst. State Coordinator: Mel Owings