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The Anadarko Record

Transcribed and Contributed
by Sandy Miller <>
for The Caddo County Genealogical Society.
The Anadarko Record
John R. Lane, Editor
C.O. Robertson, Manager

The Anadarko Record
Friday, Dec. 6, 1901
Vol. 1 No. 17
Advertising Scheme of Commercial Club The Commercial Club has adopted a unique and convenient plan of advertising Anadarko and Caddo county. The plan is a good one, very convenient, yet not expensive. It is to have the inscription given below printed on the reverse side of the envelopes of all business and professional firms in the city. Here is the inscription:

'$300,000 paid annually to Indians at Anadarko, Caddo county, Okla., which is spent with our business men. United States Indian Agency permanently located here. Townsite sold in August 1901, for $186,644, all of which will be spent in Anadarko and Caddo county for public improvements. Both county and city on cash basis and no indebtedness. Located in the famous Washita river valley, which runs through the county east and west. Unlimited water adjoining townsite. Soil cannot be beaten in production of cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, alfalfa and other hays. Finest fruit country in the world. Graded schools with eleven teachers. Population of city 3500. Population of county 23,600. For information address Commercial Club.'
The Record Broken According to the old saying, that might be termed a myth, of there being no one able to eat thirty quail in thirty days by eating one each day, it seems as though it were not very true, for today MR. E.B. WILCOX finished eating his thirty quail in thirty days, eating one per day, at the Delmonico restaurant on C street. It was provided that the quail were to be furnished gratis provided Mr. Wilcox could accomplish the difficult task.--Tribune.
Correspondents Wanted

The Record wants a good correspondent at every postoffice in Caddo county who will send it all the news of the neighborhood each week. For further particulars call or write.
PROFESSIONAL CARDS R.B. Mitchell, V.V. Hardcastle MITCHELL & HARDCASTLE LAWYERS Rooms 2 and 3 Morgan building, South Side of Square
J.M. SCHOENHEIT, ATTORNEY. Specialist in Corporation and Criminal law. Anadarko, Okla.
DR. W.W. KERLEY Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty
C.V. LIMING Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Will practice in all the Courts. Office in Miller Bld'g.
J.S. NICHOLSON, DENTIST Office upstairs, corner B and 7th streets. Anadarko, Okla.
F.E. PENN & CO. Law and Real Estate Building Loans, Insurance. If you want to buy or sell, come and see us. 5th St., east of Court House. Anadarko, Okla.
C.O. CRANSTON, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Diseases of the Eye a Specialty. Glasses Fitted. Office in Morgan building, South Side Square. Phone 49.
E.C. & O.M. DOWNING All kind of Tinwork, Galvanized Flues, Roofing, Spouting and Well Caseing. Everything first class at reasonable rates. N. side C St. between 3rd and 4th Sts. Anadarko, Okla.
Dr. E.B. Mitchell Anadarko, Okla. Office in Miller Block, Northeast Cor. Courthouse Square
John R. Lane Attorney-at-Law Office with Record, northeast corner Square.
Smoke the "Annie Darkie" 5 Cent Cigar Put up in tin foil to hold the flavor and aroma. Always fresh. Strictly hand made. If you don't see them call for them. KELLIER, Maker A St. near 6th Anadarko, O.T.
Who Wants a Home? The National Home Building Co. of Wichita, Kansas, will buy or build you a home on easy terms. For full particulars call on F.E. Penn & Co., their special agents. Office east of Courthouse square on 5th St.
LIMING & PRUETT Attorneys-at-Law They deal in the exchange and rental of city property. They have relinquishments and school land leases for sale. They have Indian land for lease. List your property with them. Call at their office in Miller Bldg. or address.
Everybody Eats at Ralston's Restaurant The best and most popular place in town. Meals 25 cents., 21 meal ticket $3.50.
Belisle & Holcomb Hardware and Implements Block 57, lot 11 Anadarko, Okla. We handle everything in the Hardware and Implement line, and sell at prices to suit everybody.
A 25 foot business lot in WOODWARD has been sold for $2,000.
The gas well at LAWTON is down 125 feet and discharges gas and oil.
GUYMON has opened another fight for the county seat of BEAVER COUNTY.
GOVERNOR SEAY recently sold land just south of KINGFISHER for $30 an acre.
CALVIN HILL, an ex-rough rider, is a candidate for the PAWNEE postoffice.
The law prohibiting the trade in cigarettes in Oklahoma is said to be a dead letter.
LUTHER E. POTTER, of Rose, Kansas, has been appointed ag farmer at the PONCA INDIAN SCHOOL.
J.P. RENSHAW has tendered his resignation as clerk of the court of the Fifth judicial district.
The voters of a number of Oklahoma counties have turned down propositions for county high schools.
The towns of HOBART and LAWTON have an enterprising line of merchants as shown by the columns of the papers published there.
STILLWATER is actively engaged in trying to secure the Katy. PAWNEE and PAWHUSKA are said to be in a combined effort with Stillwater.
The sheriff chained a train to the track at PARKERSBURG, O.T., until a judgment of $76.60 was satisfied. The treasurer of the road was on the train.
An OSAGE INDIAN living at the mouth of SALT CREEK, 3 1/2 miles north of RALSTON, while digging a well struck a two foot vein of coal at the depth of about 80 feet.
GOVERNOR FERGUSON was appointed before a call was sent him to go to Washington. It was the president's choice without solicitation or backing delegations.
GOVERNOR FERGUSON, was in his youth, a Methodist preacher, but left that work to attend the Kansas State Normal from which he engaged in school teaching.
WILLIAM H. LUCKEY, the man at KELL who is said to have shot his wife, but who says his wife shot him, is said to be one of the men who helped capture Jefferson Davis.
The Blackwell, Enid & Southwestern line has bought 100 new freight cars, four new cabooses and three new engines. Quite a number of the new cars have been received.
It is proposed to make the CHILOCCO INDIAN SCHOOL an agricultural college and an appropriation of $100,000 will be asked to enlarge the institution to the capacity of 1,000 students.
GOVERNOR FERGUSON was given a royal farewell when he started for Washington on the 2nd. The WATONGA band and glee club, with 200 citizens, went with him as far as GEARY, where a reception was given him with great enthusiasm.
ATTORNEY GENERAL HORACE SPEED went to Washington to confer with the department of justice concerning the negro question in the new counties. Mr. Speed received letters from negroes who had been threatened in the new country by people telling them that they must leave the new country and their claims on account of their color. The reply of the United States attorney was right to the point, saying that he would prosecute every case where there was evidence. But few negroes have been compelled to leave their claims; the report of 100 such cases is not true. A line of action will be determined upon by the department.
ENID made extensive preparations to entertain the Oklahoma Swine Breeders Association on December 11 and 12.
BRINTON TOWNSHIP, POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY, tried to get the county to fix the sand roads and failed. The township and volunteer work of the people has put the sand under. The roads are graded into a good shape so that they will shed water and then a thick surface of clay is added. There has been several bad rains, it is stated, and yet these roads remain like asphalt pavements in the rough.
CLEVELAND, PAWNEE COUNTY, a nine-year-old town, is about to build its' first church.
It is said that all the territorial judges, with one exception, will be reappointed.
GUTHRIE promoters of public interests have daily meetings and hope for the various lines of railway that are surveying in that direction.
Examinations of applicants for appointment as conductors and instructors in the normal institutes will be held in Oklahoma City on December 28.
ERIN SPRINGS, I.T. is to have a national bank.
Three bears were killed by hunters near SPIRO, I.T. and shipped to Fort Smith.
ARTHUR TANDY, who was struck by a train at ARDMORE died without regaining consciousness.
TULSA has another gas gusher with a strong flow. It is to be used for burning vitrified brick.
The attorneys of ADA and ROFF, I.T., are asking for the removal of U.S. COMMISSIONER DEANEE.
COLONEL DORITY of ADA, I.T., has been appointed to a positon in the Norfolk navy yards.
The fullblood CHEROKEES held a meeting at TAHLEQUAH and notified the Dawes commission they would not enroll.
A.S. GRAY, a citizen of ARDMORE, has been arrested for shipping game to Chicago. The game warden of Chicago worked up the case.
W.E. SUMMERS and H.U. JEFFRIES and J.E. JEFFRIES, father of H.E., are held on charges of a number of burglaries at ARDMORE.
STEVE and LIGE GRASON, brothers, quarreled and Steve shot Lige and killed him. The brothers are CREEK INDIANS and the tragedy occurred at OKMULGEE.
MRS. OLIVE MARTIN, prominent in the Grand Rebekah assembly of Indian Territory, while temporarily insane, killed herself with a revolver. This occurred at VINITA.
The old DELAWARE INDIAN CHURCH, built at SILVER LAKE, I.T. by CHIEF JOHNNYCAKE many years ago was constructed of black walnut lumber, now worth $100 a thousand feet.
The proposed new tax bill before the CHEROKEE legislature levies on non-citizen holders of capital stock in banks one-half of one per cent of their investments in such stock.
SOLOMON HOTEMA, the educated CHOCTAW, who killed two women whom he believed had bewitched his family, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.
The CHEROKEE legislature proposes a tax of $1,000 a year on each place selling non-intoxicating ales, tonic, meads or any other form of drink, intended as a substitute for malt or spirituous liquors.
The lessees of Indian allotments in the CREEK NATION have taken their case to the courts. They claim to be subjected to losses of the expense of making improvements and ask to be reimbursed for their costs.
Two negroes were lounging about a pile of baggage at the CHICKASHA depot when a small hand grip which was on a pile of trunks was knocked off and the fall exploded a revolver which was in it. The negroes were terribly scared.
The principal chief of the CHEROKEE NATION sent the following nominations to the senate: NED McKAY, superintendant of Cherokee colored high school; BLUFORD HOUSBORG, superintendent of Cherokee insane asylum. The nominations were confirmed.
The meeting of the Oklahoma stockmen at Wichita will be marked by some unusual features. In addition to the regular business of the assocation, there will be special sales of live stock, riding and roping contests, and visits to the packing houses during the afternoons.
The CHICKASHA Teacher's Association elected the following officers: President, JAMES M. OSBORN, Pauls Valley; first vice-president, JOHN CARR, Ardmore; second vice-president, MISS VINCENT, Marietta; secretary MISS ETHEL WILLIAMS, Davis; treasurer E.E. RAGWELL, Davis.
Oklahoma won the national banner at the recent W.C.T.U. convention for making the greatest addition to her membership the past year.
The CREEKS are extremely impatient to receive their deeds from Washington except the CRAZY SHAKE BAND who are all opposed to the deeding of allotments. JUDGE TOWNSEND, holding U.S. court at ARDMORE, dissolved the injunction restraining the tribal authorities from closing the stores for refusing to pay tribal taxes.
The latest from the head center is that the president will offer the governorship of Oklahoma to JUDGE FRANK DALE following the precedent of the appointment of the democrat of Tennessee to the federal bench.
A few days before the failure of a clothing merchant of BLACKWELL, boxes containing $600 worth of his goods were hauled to a house in the country and storage was asked for the 'boxes of household stuff'. It was all taken back and sold with the rest of the stock for the benefit of creditors.
'Gov. Grimes' a Few Days

Washington, Dec. 4--Secretary Hitchcock telegraphed WILLIAM GRIMES, secretary of Oklahoma, to act as governor until the newly appointed governor, MR. FERGUSON, takes charge. The latter has taken the oath of office here. Judge Merrick came here too late to be consulted before final action was taken, but appears to be well satisfied with the selection of Mr. Ferguson.
Bill and Ed's lunch room has been sold.
The work on the streets goes merrily on.
H.C. MAXWELL was over from Mountain View Friday.
There is no abatement in the demand for claims.
J.W. JOHNSON took out license as city auctioneer this week.
COUNTY CLERK BALLINGER and wife visited Kansas City this week.
 ALBERT STARRETT of Mountain View is working on the Record staff this week.
JESSE MORRIS of Mountain View had business at this place Thursday.
VERDE V. HARDCASTLE has been acting as city clerk during the absence of CITY CLERK PRICE.
W.W. PRICE was called to Kansas last Friday on account of the serious illness of his sister and father.
JOE COFFMAN of Kingfisher, was in Anadarko Wednesday with a view of investing in Anadarko property.
FRED PFAFF of this place is a personal friend of the new GOVERNOR FERGUSON. Fred thinks Ferguson is all right.
JOHN REECE, who has been on the Record staff, returned to his home in Missouri Saturday, feeling rather ill.
SHERIFF PORTER of Garfield county and CHAS. JOHNSON of Enid, are both investigating Anadarko's bright prospects.
THOS. MILLER was down from Enid Wednesday. Mr. Miller says that he has built him a new dwelling house in Enid since he was here last.
P.M. FLYNN sold his residence on C street Monday. Mr. Flynn intends to buy a good relinquishment and become an independent farmer.
---------------------------------------------------- JACOB GOENAWEIN shipped 3 carloads of stock cattle to El Reno last week to put on his ranch. The cattle were all bought in this vicinity.
The gross receipts of the Commercial banquet on Thanksgiving day was $85.00. Twenty percent of this went to the funds of the Commercial Club.
The city has commenced the work of grading the streets. B street adjoining the court house square will be cut 18 inches and the dirt moved farther east.
ATTORNEY O.O. METTLE is going to move back to Gallatin, Missouri, on acount of bad health of his wife. This makes a vacancy in the Justice court of Anadarko.
To all those in need of dental work had better call between now and the 21st of the month, as I will be away from that date until after the holidays. DR. J.S. NICHOLSON.
The city authorities have the fire bell in place ready for use. It is located on Sixth street between Divers and Texas streets. There will be a penalty attached for ringing the bell without cause. Anyone will and should ring the bell when there is a fire. This is a good thing.
One among the first bills introduced in the House of Representatives was a bill by DELEGATE FLYNN for the admission of Oklahoma into the Union. Nothing is said in the bill about the Indian Territory. Senator Fairbanks of Indiana ntroduced a similar bill in the Senate. It seems that according to the ideas of these statesmen the Indian Territory is to be dealt with when the proper time comes. The writer does not believe in crossing a bridge until you come to it. The affairs of the Indian Territory are not in proper shape for statehood. Whoever heard of a territory being admitted to the Union in which the white people were not permitted to own land? The condition of the Indian Territory is an anomalous one. Her people are energetic, but the land laws are as a millstone around their necks'. The Creeks and Seminoles are receiving their deeds and are permitted to sell a part of their lands. This is the step that should have been taken long ago. It will probably take several years to carry out this plan in all the five tribes. God give them speed. But in the meanwhile we hardly see why Oklahoma should be refused the benefits that arise from statehood. Why not admit Oklahoma right now, and then decide the single or double statehood question when the Indian Territory is in shape to knock at the doors of Congress and ask for admission into this glorious Union? M.W.A. Resolutions
Whereas, on the 26th day of November, A.D., 1901, Neighbor JOHN R. LANE, of Anadarko Camp No. 10,025 M.W.A., was called by the All wise Master Woodman from labor to reward, therefore be it Resolved that in the death of our Neighbor John R. Lane, the M.W.A., has sustained a great loss and the community in which he lived a most respected citizen. Resolved that we extend to his beloved mother, brothers and sisters, the love and sympathy which emanates from the hearts of all true Woodmen and which binds an order in an indissoluble union; and in their future welfare we will ever maintain kind and neighborly interest.

Resolved that these resolutions be spread on the Camp records, that a copy be sent the family of the deceased, and a copy furnished to each paper published in the city with a request that they publish the same.


The council met in regular session Monday night with MAYOR DIVERS in the chair and seven councilmen present. Many bills were audited and allowed. The council passed a street ordinance naming the streets as heretofore published, except that A street was made Oklahoma avenue and C street was made Texas avenue.

An ordinance in relation to sanitary conditions was also passed. An ordinance in regard to shade trees was passed and also one in relation to sidewalks. Council convened Thursday night, but for want of a quorum adjourned to Monday night next.
J.S. NICHOLSON Dental Suregon Cor. of B and 7th Sts. Anadarko, Okla. Minimum Fee Bill: Gold fillings...$2.00 Alloy fillings...$1.50 Amalgam fillings...$1.00 destroying nerve and filling with Amalgam...$2.50 Extracting Teeth...$.50 Using local anesthetic...$.50 Prices for Plates, Crowns, Bridges and all other dental work given on application. No cheap material used nor cheap work done.

Parties will be expected to be prompt in their appointments, as the time will be reserved for them. Terms: Part in advance and balance when services are completed.
The Boston Candy Kitchen A.R. Cooley, Prop. Call and See Us. Southeast Corner Square, A Street Our Specialties: Creams, Caramels, Chocolates, Bon Bons, Wafers, Taffies.

VERD V. HARDCASTLE, of Anadarko, Secretary of the Democratic Territorial Committee, is in the city. When seen by an American reporter he complimented the American upon its excellent news service and admirable manner in which it kept the county posted on the doing of the outside world. "I do not know what Anadarko people would do without it," he remarked. "It has more readers than all outside papers combined." On matters political he stated that within the next few weeks there would be a called meeting of the Democratic Territorial Committee, held probably in El Reno, this city having offered acceptable accommodations. This meeting will start the political pot to boiling and will bring out a number of aspirants for the democratic congressional nomination. A long list of candidates are already mentioned, including ex-senator C.M. Thacker of Mangum, Senator John B. Harrison of Cheyenne, Col. Bob Forrest of El Reno, Mayor Leslie P.Ross of Lawton, C.B. Ames , Wm. Cross and Lee Van Winkle, of Oklahoma City, Edgar Jones of Guthire, Roy Hoffman and Senator Todd of Chandler, Joe Quick of Perry, Senator Freeman Miller of Stillwater and Charlie Wrightsman of Pawnee. He thinks any of these have an excellent show and predicts that the next nominee will give "our Dennis a political Waterloo." El Reno American.
MR. C.F. DYER, of the firm of Dyer & Warren, real estate dealers of Bridgeport, spent Sunday here. Mr. Dyer reports the organization of a commercial club in that thriving little city Saturday night. The officers of the club are: MR. KARNS, president; S. JONES, vice president; C.F. DYER, secretary; FRANK SCHERMERHORN, treasurer.

The membership of the club to begin with numbers twenty, which will be increased rapidly. A meeting will be held next Thursday night at which various matters looking to the betterment of Bridgeport will be discussed. The club will take up the matter of conferring with the Rock Island railroad in regard to getting a road into the city. No better way could be found than to enlist the influence of the club in the matter. It has become the custom, and it is not a bad one, for the new towns to at once organize the business men and good citizens into a body and act together to the advantage of the town they intend to reside in. We wish the commercial club of Bridgeport success in all its undertakings. -- El Reno American
The Week's Review of Apache, in its last issue, has an excellent summary of the progress and advancement of that thriving little city in this new country. It is with pleasure we note the energy of the new towns and are always glad to reconize the enterprise of their citizens. Of inestimable value, however, is the influence of the papers that are being started in new towns and the Review is certainly one of the best in the new country.

Says the Review: "Apache is situated about twenty miles southeast of Anadarko and more than that distance south of Lawton, about twenty miles from the nearest competing point on the east and westward its scope of territory is practically unlimited. This gives the city a scope of tributary farming country that is truly regal in its extent.

"To these advantages must be added the finest natural park in Oklahoma, or the Indian Territory, and water at a depth of from fifteen to thirty feet, which is of the best, and you have before you the inducements placed by Mother Nature to induce settlement here.

"Prior to the sixth of August last there was nothing but the wild grass of the prairie on the north 1/2 of section 21, township 5, range 11 west. Great herds of cattle, the cowboy and the Indian held undisputed sway. Now, less than three months later, there is a thriving little city of eight hundred inhabitants. Business and residence houses are thickly scattered over an area one mile long and one half wide. The calm of nature is broken continually by the thump of the hammer and the hoarse grating of the saw as new buildings arise on every hand. And every one of Apache's 800 citizens is happy, prosperous and contented with his lot and location.

"The city officers of Apache are as follows: Mayor, E.E. BLAKE; City Clerk, F.E. RICHEY; City Attorney, I.F. CROW; Police Judge, E.E. SWIM; City Marshal, SAM WAT." -- El Reno American.
County Officers Sheriff--FRANK SMITH Treasurer--W.H. CAMPBELL Clerk--DYKE BALLINGER Register of Deeds--W.I. LACY Probate Judge--C.L. CRUM County Surveyor--C.H. JONES County Superintendent--C.W. TURNER Commissioners--C.A. CLEVELAND, FRANK FRAWELL, JNO. A. WIMBERLY
For Information On Land Loans and Insurance In Caddo County, call on or write Miller & Ward, Anadarko. If you meet with a loss you want your money and if you will insure with them you will get it, as their companies hold over three hundred million dollars in assets.

They have some choice bargains in city property, relinquishments and Indian lands.

Reference: The National Bank of Anadarko. Miller & Ward, Box 54, Phone 38, Anadarko, Okla.
Go to Shofner & Son for Your Staple and Fancy Groceries, Everything Fresh and Clean and at Lowest Prices. One Block South of P.O. on A St. Anadarko, Okla.

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