Transcribed and
by Sandy Miller
for The Caddo County Genealogical
The Anadarko Record
John R. Lane, Editor
C.O. Robertson, Manager
Friday, October
18, 1901
enterprising candidate for mayor,
was born in Johnson county,
Missouri forty years ago. His
father and grandfather were
Democrats of the good old Thomas
Jefferson type and he comes by
his democracy honestly. Mr.
Divers is a business man of the
broad expansive type. He owns and
operates through competent help a
large paint and paper hanging
establishment at both Enid and
Lawton, besides the one in
Anadarko, his home town, which he
personally oversees in
partnership with MR. ERNEST
His opponants have circulated a
report that he is an Enid man and
has no interests in Anadarko.
This is a great mistake when we
stop to consider the fact that
besides his business, he owns
three fine residences in the
third ward of Anadarko, besides
the store building where the
Bellamy and McVicker drug firm is
located, in fact every foot of
real estate that he prosesses is
in Anadarko, and he is constantly
on the alert for an opportunity
to invest more in this his home
town as he firmly believes she is
the coming town of the new
During his residence of four
years in Kingfisher where he
resided before removing to Enid,
he served two years as councilman
in his home ward and acquainted
himself with the ruling of a
progressive Oklahoma city. His
opponents overlook the fact that
MR. SHERMAN does not own any
property whatever in Anadarko,
yet they take especial pains to
portray Divers as a non resident,
when he undoubtedly owns more
property in Anadarko, or as much
as any other business man in the
town. He is bitterly opposed to
granting valuable franchises to
private individuals or
corporations and has declared
himself as favoring Anadarko's
owning and controlling her public
Mr. Voter it is up to you, you
are the man to decide, Divers is
a broadminded man with the
taxpayers of Anadarko at heart
for he certainly is one of your
kind, pure and simple. When you
cast your vote for Divers you are
voting for a laboring man and a
laboring man's friend, a man who
employes more men, or as many, as
any contractor in the city. A man
who will look after the affairs
of Anadarko in a zealous
painstaking manner and will prove
a good mayor. Vote for Divers, he
is the working man and the
business man's friend and has the
welfare of Anadarko in stake.
The position of Chief of Police
needs a man of determination and
of iron will, a man who has the
courage to police this town in a
painstaking manner and see that
no ordiances are violated. The
Democratic convention selected
such a man when they nominated
J.F. HEFLEY as their candidate.
Mr. Hefley is a Tennessian by
birth, he has never voted
anything but the democrat ticket.
His father was a democrat and
instilled those principles into
him all during his boyhood.
Before removing to El Reno where
he resided the past four years he
served as Deputy Sheriff of Miami
county under SHERIFF JOHN H.
BRICKETT, for two terms. During
this time he handled some of the
most daring criminals ever dealt
with in Miami county, Tex., and
never had a warrant which he
could not serve.
Mr. Hefley should receive the
vote of every loyal democrat at
next Thursday's election, not
only every loyal democrat but
every voter who is interested in
seeing Anadarko a clean, orderly
city. Vote for Hefley and you
vote for an efficient man.
W.W. PRICE, democratic candidate
for City Clerk, was born in
Monticello, New York, and is
forty-seven years old. He has
followed the profession of
business law ever since his
removal to Atchison, Kansas in
1859 <sic>. That Mr. Price
is a democrat of no small note is
clearly demonstrated in his past
political record. Mr. Price
served two terms in the Kansas
Legislature from 1892 to 1896,
representing Brown county,
Kansas. He might have continued
as legislator indefinately had
not Governor Leedy appointed him
as state grain inspector which
position he held from 1896 to
1898. During the national
campaign of 1898 he stumped his
district delivering some
fifty-six speeches in the
interest of William Jennings
Bryan and in the campaign of 1900
he spoke throughout twenty-eight
different counties of Kansas
under pay of the State Democratic
National Committee. With this
array of evidence Mr. Voter, a
blind man could plainly see the
fitness of the man for this
office. A man standing as highly
in state politics bids fair to
prove efficient timber for a city
office. This man is an old wheel
horse, he is tried and true, his
record is one of which every man
might be justly proud. Can the
republican's say as much for
their man? We defy them to do it.
THEODORE PRUETT is one of the
leading attorneys of our town. He
is also the Democratic nominee
for Police Judge. He is a solid
Democrat coming from Hickory
county, Missouri where Democracy
is expounded from the cradle up.
He is a bright young man, has a
thorough knowledge of the law and
has every qualification for
making an excellent Polce Judge.
Cast your vote for Pruett.
nominees for Justices of the
Peace on the Democrat ticket, are
both leading business men of
Anadarko and are worthy of the
loyal support of all good
Democrats. Both men have resided
in Oklahoma for a number of years
and are versed with Oklahoma in a
general way. If you want Justice
of the Peace who can be depended
upon to give fair and impartial
hearings of the work brought
before them, cast your vote for
Hall and Ingram.
Among Anadarko's most popular
young men there can be found none
of more sterling worth than BERT
S. DIXON, our candidate for city
treasurer. His straight forward
business dealings as teller of
the National Bank of Anadarko
have won for him a host of
friends who predict his election
as a certainty next Thursday. Mr.
Dixon was connected in an
official capacity with the
Citizens Bank of El Reno before
being tendered his present
position in Anadarko and is
thoroughly prepared to care for
the city's money in a careful,
painstaking manner. Dixon is
reliable, he can be depended upon
to make a good city treasurer.
Vote for Dixon.
VERDE V. HARDCASTLE, our popular
nominee for city attorney, was
born in Franklin county, Arkansas
thirty three years ago. Mr.
Hardcastle began the study of law
after graduating from the high
school in Savannah, Mo. at the
age of seventeen. After two years
study in Savannah he removed to
St. Louis where he was for a
number of years in the employee
of one of the largest law firms,
which said time completing a
three years course in the law
department of the Washington
University. He then engaged in
active law practice for three
years before removing to this
territory. While in St. Louis he
was prominent in politics, being
one of the charter members of the
famous Jefferson club, its
treasurer and vice-president. Mr.
Hardcastle's father came to
Oklahoma in 1889 and he followed
him four years later, locating in
Oklahoma City, where he was
engaged in practice until coming
to Anadarko August 2nd. That he
is a thorough Democrat, a wheel
horse, one of the party's pillars
in Oklahoma is manifested in his
being twice elected chairman of
the Democratic committee of
Oklahoma City and is the present
Secretary of the Territorial
committee. Mr. Hardcastle has a
wife and son four years old, is a
Past Chancellor of the Knights of
Pythias and a member of the Woman
of the World. He is amply
qualified in both experience and
education for the duties of the
office of City Attorney. A fact
attesting to his ability as a
competent lawyer is his having
drawn the legal papers
incorporating our city which were
received without corrections,
while the papers of both Lawton
and Hobart were returned as
incomplete. His territorial
experience, his knowledge of the
needs of a growing city in this
its critical time makes him
decidedly more competent than his
opponent Mrs. Boys who is a much
younger man, a territorial
resident of only three months and
consequently unprepared to fill
the needs of Anadarko. Cast your
vote for Hardcastle.
The Democratic ticket represents
a list of the best Anadarko
affords. Each and every one are
men without question as to their
integrity and each and every one
have the welfare of Anadarko at
heart. Taken as a whole these men
came here with a view of building
up a model city, they invested in
the town with an honest motive,
the motive of making this their
home, can the republican
candidates say as much? Let us
see where they stand, beginning
with SHERMAN, candidate for
mayor, the county record's do not
show that he owns a foot of
ground in Anadarko or in Caddo
county. Now answer for yourself
Mr. Voter, could he
conscieniously consider a
valuable franchise before a city
council meeting not being
interested in our town? The facts
of the matter Mr. Voter is this,
Sherman is over here on a little
junketing trip from Cleveland
county and when his commission as
under sheriff expires he will go
back to Cleveland county and
begin raising wheat and apples on
the Sherman farm. He hasn't
invested in Anadarko, indications
are that he won't, and its
dollars to doughnuts that he
never will reside in Caddo
Mr. Sherman's clan have had the
running of this county and have
expended $13,519.19 from August
6th to September 30th, or the
small sum of $564.92 a day.
Shermanites come too high for
Anadarko and its your vote Mr.
taxpayer that is needed to head
off these costly experiences.
BOYS, the republican candidate
for city attorney and CLEEVER the
republican candidate for city
marshal leave not a dollar
invested in Anadarko. Boys' court
practice in Oklahoma Territory is
limited to three months while
Hardcastle, Democratic nominee,
has been practicing before the
courts of Oklahoma for over
twelve years.
The handwriting on the wall reads
that the republican 'ring' will
be most gloriously defeated and
it behoaves you Mr. Voter to vote
on the winning side. Sherman ran
for the legislature in Cleveland
county and was defeated. His
present position, that of under
sheriff, is by appointment only.
Divers never has had time to run
for but one office and that a
councilman, but he won with a
land slide.
County Superintendent of Public
Instruction C.W. TURNER has
received a letter from Secretary
Hitchcock of the Interior
Department in answer to his
request for funds to maintain the
public schools until after the
county shall have collected
county taxes and become self
supporting. Among other things
the letter states that the
request should be made jointly
with county commissioners through
Governor Jenkins and that he is
of the opinion that it will be
This will be a great help for
Anadarko, much longer than can be
estimated as merchants who moved
here with the boom in August
leaving their famlies behind will
now immediately send for them,
being assured that good schools
are to be established. Ths will
increase our population and the
grocer will laugh as his orders
increase, and then again there
will be an increase of
"marms," school marms,
some ten in number superintendent
Turner says, and our boys will
brighten up a bit more as a
At the Indian Agency sale this
week one hundred and seventy-five
school desks, which cost the
agency a few years ago nearly
$1200 and which were in
exceptionally good shape, were
sold for the pitiful sum of $210.
It is understood that members of
our city board were present but
failed to secure this bargain,
letting the Chickasha board come
over and out bid them.
Our city schools will open
October 28th, or as soon after
the election as possible. Some
political crank or disappointed
teacher might claim fraud should
they start sooner. The children
will have to suffer but this
course was thought best by the
board who held their places by
acclamation rather than election.
Most of the shingles are on the
new courthouse.
JOE ROBERTS took in the sights at
Lawton Tuesday.
The last load of watermelons were
in town Saturday.
The first frost of the season
came Monday morning.
The latest machine for digging
gold seems to be a potato digger.
F.E. RICKEY of El Reno, visited
Anadarko friends this week.
JASPER SIPES, of Oklahoma City,
visited Anadarko Saturday.
JACOB HOOSER is completing a very
pretty home on the east side.
JNO. BROWN of the Brown Com. Co.
of Lawton, was in town Tuesday.
ALBERT STARRET of Mountain View
was a caller at this office
EDITOR KIMBER of the Hobart
Republican was in Anadarko
Tuesday on business.
FRANK WOLF of the firm of Moyes
& Wolf, went to Chickasha
Sunday to meet his wife.
C.O. ROBERTSON's new home is fast
nearing completion. It will be
large and comodious.
WALTER ROBINSON has had a serious
attack of malaria fever. DR.
KERLEY is attending him.
SMITH BROWN of Mountain View was
shaking hands with friends in
Anadarko Tuesday.
E.V. CRAGG, the popular liveryman
of Mountain View, visited his
father, JNO. CRAGG, this week.
JOHN SAWERS of Mountain View was
taking in the sights at this
place Monday and Tuesday.
EDITOR SPIVEY of the Tribune has
purchased property on the east
side and will build immediately.
D.L. SACKETT is convalescent
after a serious illness of
typhoid malaria. DR. WINTON is
attending him.
FELIX ARNELL will begin
housekeeping in the upstairs of
the Missouri Lumber Co. building
this week.
W.R. WARD made a trip to the new
town of Hermann (Binger) this
week and invested in a few good
business lots.
RECORDER LACY, took an early hunt
Tuesday morning. They report
unusual success.
The football season promises to
be unusually interesting this
year, two players have been
fatally injured already.
J.D. BENNETT spent Sunday in
Enid. Mrs. Bennett will remain in
Enid until they can find a
comfortable house here in
A western Oklahoma paper speaks
of a delinquent patron as being
so low that he would have to
'crawl up hill to get into
It would be very hard to decide
as to whether Bellamy &
McVicker or Parker & Coffy
own the finest kennel of bird
dogs in Anadarko.
The Business Mens Club over the
Great Rock Island Saloon, is
ready to open to its members. D.
TURNER placed a fine linoleum on
the floors.
placed an order for a $50 shotgun
to be delivered on or before the
opening of the quail season
October 15th. Several of the Rock
Island officials of Topeka will
come to Anadarko in their private
car and enjoy a big hunt with Mr.
D. TURNER will move his family
here from Concordia, Kansas next
week. They will occupy a part of
his new warehouse until he can
build a suitable residence.
Since PAT CROWE has offered to
spend Christmas with relatives in
Omaha, CUDAHY has lost no time in
calling off the $25,000 reward
offered for his capture.
The large new hotel which MR.
ALLEN is building on his lots on
5th and C street is nearing
completion. It will contain about
thirty rooms and will be two
stories in height.
GEORGE W. FORD, our popular
produce commission merchant, has
had a large platform built from
the track to his wholesale house
to facilitate the unloading of
merchandise in carload lots.
G.E. RALSTON returned from Pratt,
Kansas, Sunday afternoon where he
has been attending his father's
funeral. Mr. Ralston will move
out onto his claim in a few
A striking contrast could be
arranged by printng in parrellel
columns what some papers are
saying about President McKinley
now and what they have been
saying in the past.
Anderson & Kassebaum had a
car of apples on track here from
Topeka, Kansas this week. They
found our local commission man
Ford to be too stiff a competitor
to compete with and took their
stuff on to Lawton.
A whole block of four story brick
business houses are now being
erected in Oklahoma City, while
new roofs dot the entire
residence district. The city
council will let the contract for
nine blocks of witrefied brick
paving in two weeks.
WILL YEARIAH, representing
Stewart Bros. cigar merchants,
St. Joe, Mo., was in town this
week. Mr. Yearian <sic> is
highly elated over the prospect
of our town and its present
condition. He paid $750 for a
business lot on B street north of
the square.
COL. RANDLETT's office force have
been very busy the past few days
making out their annual report to
Secy. Hitchcock at Washington.
The winter supplies for the Ft.
Sill Indian school was shipped
here and inspected before
freighting them overland.
MRS. D. KREITZER, returned from a
short visit with relatives in
Guthrie Friday evening. The
Kreitzers have leased a suite of
rooms in the Edwards building
south of the square and will
reside there until the completion
of their new home on the hill.
poured a kettle of scorched peach
preserves in a barrel of corn
chop that was soaking for hog
feed. The mixture fermented and
the next day the drunkest lot of
pigs and hogs ever seen in
Oklahoma was having a high old
time on the Flickinger farm.
J.J. BAUMAN of Oklahoma City is
investing $2000 in a business
block on the corner of C and 6th
street. It is two stories high,
will contain eleven rooms
upstairs for the hotel Florence,
besides two down stairs sample
rooms. The Democrat, Kohn
furnishng store, Divers &
co., and two unoccupied offices
will be housed on the first
floor. Mr. Bauman is also
building several residences about
Anadarko. He has faith in the
town and thinks it has the best
prospects of any he has visited
so far.
FRED ROY ZILLER visited out of
town Sunday.
contract for a $1600 new house
GEORGE SUTTON, traveling
representative for the Kansas
City Star was in town Tuesday.
At last reports MISS STONE was
still doing missionary work among
the brigands of Bulgaria.
R.Z. McANNICH of Holton, Kas.,
begun the erection of a store on
his lots south of the square.
GEORGE RHEAM of Hiawatha, Kansas,
was in town this week looking for
an up to date livery stable
MRS. V.V. HARDCASTLE will join
her husband this week. Mr.
Hardcastle has a fine suite of
rooms engaged for the winter.
in the city Tuesday. Her new
house on her claim south of town
will soon be completed.
Kansas, winner of claim number
two in the Lawton district spent
Wednesday night in Anadarko.
WM. C. KRUEGER, doubtless a
nephew of OOMS PAULS, was awarded
the contract to erect the new
Congregational church at this
G.A. MOYES of the firm of Moyes
& Wolf, left today for Kansas
City, Mo. to accompany his wife
to Anadarko, their future home.
Our merchants are becoming quite
versed with the Indian terms, no
kechie, savey, and heap nice are
some of their everyday by words.
C.B. ODELL, republican nominee
for street commissioner, is a
cousin to Governor Odell of New
York. His son is the governor's
private secretary.
J.C. BELL, the hardware man, sold
fifty stoves in three days this
week. He is keeping an eye on the
new town of Hermann and it is
rumored may open a branch store
The M.W.A. will elect from their
members here a deputy. This
position pays five dollars for
every new member enlisted and
quite a few Woodmen are anxious
for the position.
DAVID REARDON and son of Barnard,
Mo, visited in Anadarko over
Thursday night, leaving this
morning for Lawton. Mr. Reardon
is much pleased with our new
The Philomathian Society met with
MRS. CLEVELAND Saturday. The
following officers were elected,
Critic, MISS GAGE; Treasurer,
BILLY KELLY of Santone, Texas,
and BERT STREETS of Iowa, boxed a
ten round bout in the hall over
the Cow Boy Saloon Thursday
night, before an audience of
about fifty people. It was a warm
bout and interesting all the way
through. Kelly won on points.
The National Bank teller BERT S.
DIXON has constantly at his right
hand on his desk a gun that has a
history. It was the property of
the notorous outlaw BILL DALTON
and was carried by him for a
number of years prior to and on
the day of his death. It is a
colts, number 734, a 44 calibre
and besides possessing the modern
gun appliances, is embellished
with an ivory handle. Territorial
Secy. Grimes secured the gun at
Winfield, Kas., at the time
Dalton met his death in an
unsuccessful bank raid.There are
several gruesome spots on it yet
where Dalton's blood stained and
CLEEVER, who sleeps with it under
his pillow as bank watchman,
often dreams of Dalton and his
daring deeds -- the gun is a
veritable hoodoo.
HERMANN [later
called Binger]
Our new sister town eighteen
miles north is experiencing a
wonderful growth. Its being
situated on the survey of the
branch Rock Island road coming
south from Bridgeport to Anadarko
is giving it stimulas with which
to build up quite a city. The
county surveyor will locate a
county road through from Anadarko
which will pass along the east
side of the town. It was named in
commissioner of general land
office at Washngton and is
located on the fertile sugar
creek valley just west of the old
issue station, where Indian
rations were formerly issued and
just below Devils Canyon. The
town was opened by The Washita
Valley Imp. Co., composed of six
Guthrie men of whom J.J. CARSON
is president. In order to give
each investor as near an equal
show for his money as possible
and to place investments within
the reach of all and especially
those of limited means desiring
homes, the lots were sold on the
lottery plan at the rate of $5
Hutchinson & Monsell of
Anadarko have charge of their
local business and for two days
prior to the drawng sold over two
hundred certificates.
Several clerks and business men
were fortunate enough to draw
valuable business lots and
several sales as high as $100 a
lot are reported. L.G. THOMPSON,
who is putting in a large general
merchandise stock of goods is
circulating a petition asking
that he be appointed postmaster.
It is understood that he is
meeting with success and has a
large mumber of names on his
list. Conservative business men
predict that it will make a town
of about one thousand population.
Place Names by George H. Shirk
says the town of Binger was
established November 5, 1901 and
named after Binger Hermann.]
Diver'S & Co's Paint Shop
If you don't believe it come and
get our prices on wall paper,
paints, oils, glass etc. Best
goods and lowest prices because
we make a specialty of the
business. A large force of expert
painters and paper hangers. Sign
painting a special feature.
6 St. north of C
Noble & Clay
Building Stone Quarry
A No. 1 quality, all sizes
4 1/2 miles east of town
Leave orders at Choate Bros. Yard
J.S. Nicholson, Dentist
Office upstairs, corner B and 7th
Mitchell & Hardcastle
H.B. Mitchell
V.V. Hardcastle
Have had experience in Oklahoma
practice for 12 years.