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The Anadarko Record

Transcribed and Contributed
by Sandy Miller <>
for The Caddo County Genealogical Society.
The Anadarko Record
John R. Lane, Editor
C.O. Robertson, Manager

Friday, October 25, 1901

Divers, Dixon, Hardcastle, Bitchie, Hall and Ingram Elected on Democratic Ticket


The Republicans get Bristow, Pierce, Cleaver, Baldwin and Three Councilmen The election is over and victory floats from the banner of Democracy. The result was close, the highest majority received by any candidate being the majority of 36 given BERT S. DIXON, democratic candidate for city treasurer. WILLIAM H. DIVERS was elected by a majority of 21 over his opponent. The largest majority given any republican was the majority of 23 given ELSTON, republican candidate for councilman of the first ward.

The weather was fine and the day passed off quietly with only a few exceptions. The total vote cast was 467. The first ward polled 67, the second ward 109, the third ward 190 and the fourth ward 106. The election board will meet today to announce the vote.

The Interior Department Gives Orders For Their Removal Kiowa Agency, Anadarko, Ok., Oct 23, 1901 - The following is the decision of Secretary Hitchcock relating to intrusion upon allotments made to members of the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indian tribes of Oklahoma reeived by the Indian Agent at Anadarko: "There is no authority and no justification whatever for these intrusions upon these allotments. It is believed that any allotment has been irreguiarly or unlawfully made to that extent that it ought to be canceled, the regulations of this Department provide for and point out an orderly method whereby this matter can be called to the attention of the proper officers and can be investigated and determined. So long as an allotment remains upon the records uncanceled it is an effective appropriation of the ground, and no one is authorized to go there upon or take possession thereof with a view to present or future settlement or entry. No individual, other than the allotee, whether he be white or Indian, is justified in attempting to settle upon, improve, or hold any of these allotted lands, no matter how much he may claim or believe that the allotment was irregularly made or procured. An individual cannot, in this way, make hiself informer, witness, and judge, and carry his judgment into effect by taking possesion of the land. No preference right can be obtained by contesting an Indian allotment and no one, other than the allottee, is entitled to occupy, cultivate or improve the allotted land so long as the allottment stands uncanceled.

The agent should make the necessary request for troops, as shown in the enclosed correspondence, and should proceed at the earliest practicable time to remove all intruders from these allotments and put the Indian allottees in possesion. The fact that any intruder may be a Deputy United States marshal or other public officer does not justify his intrusion and will not protect him from removal from the land. In every instance the intruder should be requested to vacate the allottment and be given a reasonable opportunity to do so, in default of which he should be removed with the assistance of the troops, the latter being used only when necessary and only to the extent necessary.

Allotted lands are not subject to exploration or occupation under the mining laws, and no one is justified in holding any alloted land upon the theory that he has located or claimed the same under the mining laws since the time when the allotment was made.

What is said here has no application to lessees of either agricultural or mineral lands whose leases have been obtained in comformity with law. Very respectfully, E.A. Hitchcock, Secretary.

VERDE V. HARDCASTLE, city attorney elect, was assaulted this afternoon by PETE HEFFNER in a cowardly and unprovoked manner. Heffner was an active worker at the polls yesterday and was defeated in his efforts to elect certain men to office. He is interested in a saloon, gambling house and house of ill fame in the first ward. This house has been running in open violation of the territorial laws since the days of the government lot sale, and has had the protection of the army of deputy sheriffs that have been loafing about the saloons with big guns srapped about them. Two of these deputies were candidates on the republican city ticket and had the active support of Heffner on election day. Some of his pimps were prevented from casting illegal votes through the efforts of EDITOR SHAW of the Democrat and Verde V. Hardcastle who was elected city attorney. Shaw was assaulted yesterday by Heffner who struck him on the head, back of his ear with his fist.

This afternoon Heffner called Mr. Hardcastle into the Merchants Saloon and without provocation or warning struck him on the head several times with a pistol.

The standing army of deputy sheriffs were slow to appear on the scene and when they did arrive, instead of taking Heffner and locking him up where he belonged, loafed about the saloon and had a few drinks with him.

Mr. Hardcastle has had his wounds dressed. He has several bad cuts on the back of the head, but they are not serious. At this writing Heffner is hunting someone to go his bond and the deputies are escorting him around among the saloons.

The new city officers have a duty before them that they should perform promptly and thoroughly and that is of freeng the city of the dives located north of the Rock Island track near the depot. If these places have not received the protection of the republican county officials they have at least received the benefit of their neglect to perform their duty. They have flourished in opposition to territory law and public decency, and we hope the city laws and city officials will be equal to the occasion.

The respectable people of the city cannot afford to have these houses continue to exist and should lead their aid in helping the officers to do their duty.

The Record has no ambition to pose as a reformer, but it realizes that the power of the law must be brought to bear more forcibly upon vice and crime if we would make this a city where its citizens, male and female, are safe from assault and insult. A more rigid enforcement of the law is needed in many respects, and we have only singled out the dives of the north part of town because they are the most infamous beds of crime that are to be found. The dives must go.
It is a safe proposition that the new county is democratic.
The standing army of deputy sheriffs did manage to pull their man through for chief of police.
The voters of Anadarko saw a difference between a man who came here and helped to build the town with his money and one who came here with a commission in his pocket.
The city campaign has been hard fought on both sides and, as a whole, honorably conducted. Now, let us all pull together for the best interests of the city. Anadarko is bigger than party.
THEODORE PRUETT, the defeated democratic candidate for police judge, is one of the best young men on any ticket and we hope he will make more money practicing law than the office of police judge is worth. The successful candidate is also a good man.
The Record favors single statehood for Oklahoma and Indian Territory. It requires the wealth and citizenship of each to make the grandest state of the union. The agricultural wealth of Oklahoma and the mineral wealth of Indian Territory are each necessary to the formation of the greatest commonwealth it is possible to establish in the great southwest. Double statehood would make more offices and give more politicians coveted positions, but single statehood will add to the greatness of the new member of the union.

The following changes taking effect October 23rd are reported at the depot: H.B. WESTLAKE appointed claim agent, vice, G.H. WHITSON. PICK BLACK appointed cashier, vice H.B. WESTLAKE resigned. J.B. BARTLEY, formerly of Richards, Oklahoma, appointed agent, vice, E.A. BALDWIN. H.E. GARDNER has resigned his position as local United States Express agent to accept a similar place at Addington, Indian Territory. NATE HALE, who has held the position of night operator for some time past, has resigned. He will be transfered to some other office.
And the next day it rained.
If you want a good meal try The Delmonico.
List your property with Babler & Lyons, they will do the rest.
If its a suit your after, the Youngheim Clothing Co. can fit you out.
Hot and cold baths. Royal Barber shop, five doors west of First National Bank.
MR. and MRS. JOE GRIMES of Dayton, Ohio spent Tuesday with MR. and MRS. D. KRITZER.
Babler and Lyons sold lot 26 block 46 and lot 29 block 35 today. List with them if you are for sale.
Just unpacked the latest styles in shirts, shoes and neckwear, the Youngheim Clothing Co.
MAYOR DIVERS says that the new police force of Anadarko must wear out shoes instead of pants.
Babler & Lyons have 10 cash buyers for good relinquishments, everything strickly confidential.
SAMUEL L. STRAUSS, the Indian trader at Ft. Sill, spent Friday at the agency, the guest of COL. RANDLETT.
The Chickasha negro imported for voting purposes have returned. Anadarko has no need for such a population and the new democratic administration will not encourage such an element. We have certain other Chickasha importations that should follow the n______ down the Washita.
Public schools will open next week.
The Anadarko Club has fifty bonafide members.
W.E. PITTS of Oklahoma City was in Anadarko Friday.
HON. DENNIS FLYNN spent Thursday night as the guest of COL. RANDLETT.
C.E. LONDON, traveling circulator for the Dallas News, is in the city.
Moyes & Wolf are getting in a large stock of dry goods and shoes this week. Too busy to write an ad.
WM. W. PRICE's wife and daughter will join him next week. They will occupy a suite of rooms at the Hotel Allen.
The county officials are anxiously awaiting the finishing of the new court house. They expect to move the last of this week.
DR. W.B. PALMORE, editor of The St. Louis Christian Advocate, will preach in Anadarko Sunday morning and evening.
MR. KOONTZ's little daughter is very ill. A physician at Guthrie has been wired to consult with the local physician in charge.
County Clerk DYKE BALLINGER's new home will cost about $1500 when completed. The plans were executed by architect A.J. ASHLEY.
T. RICHARDS has over $500 worth of merchant tailoring orders on his work tables this week. He is advertising in eastern dailies for help.
MISS LAURA WHISLER of Edmond, Okla., and MISS MARY P. LINDLEY of Columbus, Kansas, both teachers in our new city schools, arrived Thursday.
B.T. CONNERS of St. Joseph, Mo., who is a property owner of Anadarko and a warm friend of DENNIS FLYNN, is in town for a few days. Bat is an old time traveling man.
ATTORNEY J.L. BABLER has just finished incorporation papers for a brick manufacturing company with a paid up capital stock of $10,000. Anadarko is getting new industries daily.
ALDERMAN BEN LEIBENHEIM made the first suit of clothes for HON. DENNIS FLYNN in Guthrie twelve years ago. Dennis was postmaster at that time when he began wearing tailor made clothes.
MISS MARY P. LINDLEY, one of the new teachers, is a a very competent lady for the school room. The writer destinctly remembers 'impressions' made upon him in the city schools at Hiawatha, Kansas, a few years ago.
DR. CRANSTON has furnished his office on east B street very tastily.
L.L. LEWIS, circulator for the Globe Democrat, was in town this week.
The Woodmen of the World will organize a local camp here next week.
H.B. MITCHELL had the honor of being the first city attorney of Oklahoma
Bennett & Betry report large shipments to both Hermann and Apache this week.
Geo. W. Ford & Co., Wholesale Produce Co., have purchased a new delivery wagon.
J.H. BOONE, of the firm Clark & Boone, spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in El Reno.
MRS. H.B. MITCHELL and three children will arrive Sunday from Oklahoma City.
The National Bank will begin the erection of a new bank building on or about January 1st.
HERBERT D. CALDWELL, city editor of The Tribune, leaves for McPherson, Kansas this Friday evening.
JUDGE W.I. MATHENEY has filed appeals in the matter of several headright cases this week.
The cotton field a mile south of town looks very pretty, showing its while pods ready for the picking.
DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL THOMPSON, who has charge of this district, was in Anadarko this week.
Probably the most unique stable in Anadarko can be seen on A St. near the M.E. church. It is built of baled hay.
G.C. WHITSON and TERRITORIAL SUPERINTENDENT BAXTER graduated at Emporio State Normal together in June 1885.
L.C. VAN NESS and wife spent Sunday in Anadarko. While here they visited
their farm seven miles south of town.
J.J. INGLE, proprietor of the St. Charles restaurant, ran a nail in his foot causing him a great deal of trouble.
JNO. KELLIKER, our enterprising cigar maufacturer, is going to enlarge, adding several workmen to his force. His goods are very popular.
ED CARPENTER has just set up his new $325 Henderson Tire setter. This instrument weighs five tons and sets a tire without heating in ten minutes.
JNO WIMBERLY, county commissioner, came down to add his little mite this week in politics. John wears a fine Stetson hat since his return.
Max Goldman & Co. are opening up a nice line of clothing, boots and shoes. They are expecting another carload of stuff shortly.
TENNYSON BERRY, an Apache Indian living five miles this side of Chickasha, is tailoring for Richards the tailor this week. He learned his trade at Carlisle, Pa.
Taylor & Cummins, the local Val Blatz agents, purchased a horse from ED WILLIAMS this week. He is a magnificent animal, weighs 1508 lbs and is seven years old.
PHILIP HENDRICSON, an Indian, left his ponies tied in Old Town all Monday, Monday night and Tuesday. Philip evidently believes in absent treatment.
MRS. CHANG, a full blood Chickasaw Indian woman and wife of our Chinese laundry man LEE CHANG, got her hand caught in the wringer the other day. DR. C.O. CRANSTON amputated part of one of her fingers.
Chamberlin & Leffler have just completed at an expenditure of $150 a fine bath outfit.
The official school census of Anadarko gives 487 school children of legal school age.
SCHOOL DIRECTOR WHITSON reports the purchase of $3000 worth of new school furniture and supplies of an Oklahoma City house.
The Apache schools will start next week. Two teachers who up to the present writing have not been appointed will have charge.
It is estimated that enough more children will have moved in by the time the city schools open to raise the number of pupils to six hundred.
L.W. BAXTER, Territorial Supt., of Public Instructions, spent a couple of days with SUPERINTENDENT TURNER last week. He went from here to Lawton.
Bridgeport schooLs started last Monday with the following teachers in charge: W.B. WOOLRIDGE, LENA MEYER, ANNA GREGG and LAURA WHISTLER.
MR. KRONING, the shoe manm who is opening up his stock of shoes with M.M.SMITHm the clothier, is a wide awake man at the business. An expert shoe fitter and guarantees every pair of shoes he sells.
UNDER SHERIFF GEORGE BECK is down again with rheumatism.
D. SWANK, the popular contractor, is building houses for the following people this week: D. KREITZER, W.H. CAMPBELL, W.R. DUTTON and W.G. LACEY.
JUDGE E.T. MARSH, of El Reno, spent Tuesday in our town on legal business, leaving Wednesday morning for Topeka, Kas, to take depositions for one of his clients. He is of the opinion that the headright squatter will lose when it comes to a decision.
The County Commissioners meet in adjourned session Saturday. Among other official business to come before them for a hearing will be COUNTY SURVEYOR JONES' report on county roads. The roads, four in number, lead from Anadarko as follows: Directly east to Chickasha, south to Apache by way of the trail road, north to Bridgeport by way of Hermann (Binger), and west to the county line. It is the intention of the commissioners to establish, grade, bridge, and complete these roads as quickly as possible.

Treasurer - W.H. CAMPBELL
Register of Deeds - W.I. LACY
Probate Judge - C.L. CRUM
County Surveyor - C.H. JONES
County Superintendent - C.W. TURNER
Services every Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer service every Thursday night at 7:30. REV. B. STEWART, Pastor
Services every Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer service every Wednesday night at 7:30. REV. L.B. PARKER, Pastor
Services every Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Epworth League at 7 p.m. Prayer service every Thursday night at 7:30. REV. KELLER, Pastor
Services every Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Epworth League 6:30 p.m. Prayer service every Wednesday night at 7:30. REV. METHVIN, Pastor.
Meets in hall upstairs corner 7th and B street every Tuesday evening. V.C. - L.E. McKNIGHT, Clerk - JNO. F. VAUGHAN
A.F. & A.M.
Post. Adjt. - HENRY GLITCH

East Bound
Passenger arrives from Mangum...11:43 a.m.

Passenger arrives from Lawton...6:55 p.m.

West and South Bound
Passenger for Mangum arrives...3:30 p.m.

Passenger for Lawton arrives...7:55 a.m.

The democratic candidates gave a reception at Millers' Hall Saturday night. An interesting program was carried out, consisting of orchestra music and speeches by candidates and other speakers. W.I. MATHENEY presided as chairman of the evening and performed his duties in his usual good style.

The democrats were proud of the fact that the meeting Saturday was the first political meeting in Anadarko to be honored by the presence of ladies. Refreshments, consisting of coffee, sandwiches and fruit were served after the speakng.

A representative of The Record paid a visit to the above companies' plant and saw many interesting things. The firm is composed of MESSERS. F. OLDFATHER, JOE CONLEY and P.W. FLYNN, who have leased five acres of land on the OTTO WELLS allotment directly south of 7th and boundary streets and are manufacturng brick by hand, working a force of fourteen men in all and paying out a weekly salary of $125.

This force consists of two molders, two fillers, two mud temperers and one mud wheeler, besides several handymen and a burning crew. A windmill pumps water constantly to three gums and while the men are using the mud from one, a crew is tempering and filling the next one, somewhat on the rotation plan.

Experienced brick men claim this dirt to be unusually good brick making material and are looking forward with intense interest to whether or not the first kiln will come up to the expectations.

A kiln of brick ready for burning which process takes some ten or twelve days, contains from one hundred thousand to one hundred and ten thousand bricks - this force manufactures daily an average of ten thousand. The fire in the first kiln was started last Monday and the hot fire will begin the last of the week.

Already contracts have been placed for brick with which to construct four store buildings as soon as the material is ready for use. Quite a number of our merchants have signified their intentions to wait and patronize home industry by using Anadarko brick- their action is comendable.
for the week ending Oct. 24, 1901
MARY and GEO. EMMONS to T.C. COUP, lot 34 block 63.....$250
JAS. W. SHEASLEY to HERMAN A. KLAUR, lot 28 block 49.....$250
T.P. and MINNIE SHUGHRUE to MARY E. KOUT, lot 13 block 23.....$240
MARY E. KOUT to PERRY M. FLINN, lot 13 block 23.....$1000
MICAJAH L. HULL to ANNIE L. BOOTMAN lots 3, 4, 5 block 32.....$110
JAS. Y. CALLAHAN and wife to MAUDIN MOORE, lot 1 block ?.....$300
AUG WERNER to HENRY L. BERGER, lot 13 block 41.....$225
GUS HABERSTROH to N.M. TURNER lot 26 block 46.....$90
ROBT. SCOFFERN and wife to E.E. PATTERSON, lot 22 block 37.....$1000
HORACE G. DATY and wife to HENRY L. WEBBER, lot 16, 17, 18 block 58.....$400
HENRY L. WEBBER to ELIZABETH DOTY, lot 16, 17, 18 block 58.....$400
AUARA ETTERTON to GEO. C. WHITSON, lot 8 block 43.....$100
BONNETT GOLDSTEIN and wife to J.C. MASSEY, lot 10 block 49.....$1700
W.H. KRCHER to W. HARPER, lot 29 block 35.....$1060
Wholesale and Retai Grocers
Sole Agents for Meyer Bros. Celebrated Coffees
Distributors of Niles & Moses Cigars, Golden, Pearl Crown, Beloit
Free Delivery to any part of the City
For the Best FIRE and TORNADO Insurance
in the city, call on
Realestate and Building Loans
Miller Building
Law, Real Estate, Rentals and Collections
5th St. between B and C
The Boss Drayman
Will move your goods cheaper and better than any other drayman.
Specialist in Corporation and Criminal law
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty
5 cent cigar
Put up in tin foil to hold the flavor and aroma. Always fresh. Strictly hand made. If you don't see them call for them.
A St. near 6th Anadarko, O.T.


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