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The Caddo County Times April 10, 1902

A quiet wedding took place at the Congregational church Sunday
evening. T.C. Hobson and Miss C.E. Witte were the contracting
parties. Both are residents of Anadarko and will make this their
home. Rev. J.W. Moats perfomed the marriage ceremony. The Times
wishes the couple happiness and prosperity and will make them a
weekly visit to cheer them along life's rocky way. [T.C. Hobson
and Miss C.E. Witte were married 06 Apr 1902]
It is with pleasure we announce the marriage Tuesday of Mr. Wm.
H. Starkweather to Miss Mildred Potter by Rev. Keller. Mr.
Starkweather is a stalwart young blacksmith on the North side
while Miss Potter is one of Anadarko's charming young ladies. The
young couple start lifes' stormy journey right by becoming
readers of the Times and we wish them all the joy and prosperity
possible. They left yesterday for Garfield county to be gone
about three weeks. [William H. Starkweather and Mildred G. Potter
were married 08 Apr 1902]
The Caddo County Times May 1, 1902


A pretty home wedding took place last night about nine o'clock at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. Methvin when their daughter, Emma
Belle, and Mr. John P. Blackman pronounced the vows which made
them man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Blackman will leave today for
Macon, Ga. and Washington, D.C. on a wedding tour and expect to
be gone about 30 days. On their return they will go to house
keeping on Mrs. Blackman's farm in the canyon south of the city.
The Caddo County Times June 19, 1902


Miss Mabel Harriet Stelzner and Mr. Edward M. McAdams were
married early Monday morning at the Presbyterian church. A
wedding breakfast was given to a few intimate friends. The bridal
party left on the noon train for Salt Lake and adjacent points
and will be gone about one month, after which they will be at
home in Joplin, Mo.
The Caddo County Times July 3, 1902


James Carrick and Lulu Spencer of near Sickles were granted a
license and were married yesterday by Judge Crum. And hereby lies
a tale. When the youthful couple applied the day before and asked
for a license the Judge refused to grant it on account of the
extreme youthful appearance of the bride. She insisted she was 15
and produced a written order from her papa granting her
permission to become Mrs. Carrick. Judge Crum informed her that
it was necessary to have her mama's consent also and furnished
her a blank to have her mother fill out granting her consent.
They returned yestrday with the permit properly signed up and the
Judge granted the license and proceeded to marry them. The groom
gave his age as 21.
The Caddo County Times July 24, 1902


'Muck' Miller and Russie Bentley were married Saturday evening at
the home of George Gardner by Judge Crum. 'Muck' and 'Russie'
fell in love, but papa and mama Bentley opposed the match and
would not give their consent to the marriage. Nothing daunted,
the young people put their heads together and planned for a
romantic elopement. Judge Crum was invited to be at the home of
Mr. Gardner Saturday afternoon about half past five. The bride
and groom were there and a carriage was in waiting. Young Dr.
Hume and Miss Gardner acted the part of best man and bridesmaid.
The solemn vows were taken and then the bridal couple were
hurried to the depot to catch the 6:40 train for Chickasha. After
a short wedding tour of a few miles the couple returned and went
to housekeeping in a suit of rooms in M.M. Smith's house.
The Caddo County Times October 2, 1902

The M.E. parsonage was the scene of a very pretty home wedding
last night when Maggie May Keller, daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
Keller, was united in marriage to C.D Humble of Lamont, Okla.,
the father of the bride officiating. The wedding was a very quiet
one, only the immediate family of the bride being present. The
ceremony was performed at 6 o'clock and the happy couple left on
the evening train for Lamont, where the groom has a cozy little
home in readiness for its mistress. The bride is one of our most
popular young ladies, an earnest worker in the M.E. church, a
graduate of the Guthrie Business college, and has been for some
time stenographer in the county attorney's office. The groom is a
young man of splendid qualities, who is engaged in the mercantile
business at Lamont. The best wishes of a host of friends follow
this young couple to their new home.
The Caddo County Times October 9, 1902


El Reno, O.T., Oct. 2 - Mr. Frank Gillette jr. and Miss Ada
Montgomery were married at the residence of the brides parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Montgomery, yesterday. The groom is the son of
Judge and Mrs. Frank E. Gillette, and is a young man of exemplary
character and fine business abilities.

The bonny bride is one of El Reno's most charming young ladies.
She has lived here for a number of years and has hundreds of
friends who wish her Godspeed through life with the partner of
her choice.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Fisher of Fort Worth, Tex.
John A. Goodwin was best man and Miss Anna Roberts was maid of

Last Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's
parents on East Oklahoma avenue, Miss Ellen Mehew was united in
marriage to Edwin L. West of Kingfisher, O.T. Rev. J.W. Moats,
pastor of the Congregational church officiating. After an elegant
breakfast, the happy couple left on the 11:43 train for
Kingfisher, their future home. The bride is well and favorably
known in Anadarko, and has the best wishes of many friends for a
long and happy life with the young man she has chosen for a life

The groom is a young business man of Kingfisher, and at present
is manager of a department store at that place. They received
many beautiful and costly presents.

Monday, Oct. 6 at 4 o'clock p.m. at the residence of her parents
on west Oklahoma avenue, Miss Johanna Nathan, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Nathan, and one of Anadarko's fairest and most
popular young ladies, was united in marriage to Mr. Henry DeFord
of Edmond, O.T. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fait, pastor
of the Presbyterian church. It was a quiet home wedding, only the
immediate family and a few close friends of the contracting
parties being present. An elegant supper was served, after which
the bride and groom departed on the 6:55 o'clock train for
Oklahoma City, where they will spend a short time before going to
Edmond, where they will make their home. Mr. DeFord is engaged in
the mercantile business at that place and Mrs. DeFord is a
graduate of the Edmond Normal. This young couple have the best
wishes of the citizens of Anadarko, for a happy and prosperous
The Caddo County Times October 16, 1902


Monday at high noon, at the Congregational Manse, Rev. J.W. Moats
performed the marriage ceremony uniting the hearts and lives of
Miss Dessie Piatt of this city and Mr. Loman Watrous of Mounain
View. The young couple will at once begin housekeeping on the
groom's claim near that city. The best wishes of friends and of
the Caddo County Times folow them to their home.
The Caddo County Times October 30, 1902


The wedding bells rang again a week ago yesterday to announce the
marriage at Stillwater of John F. Vaughan of this place, to Miss
Myrtle Aberecombie of Stillwater. The announcement of the
marriage was a surprise to John's friends as they had no idea he
intended becoming a Benedict. Nevertheless, they extend greetings
and congratulations in which the Times joins.

After the marriage ceremony the young couple left immediately for
Anadarko where they are comfortably located and 'at home' to
their friends.
The Caddo County Times November 13, 1902


The following marriage licenses have been issued since our last

JAY PRICE STUART, age 52 and MARY GOODIN, age 47, both of
Comanche county.

JOHN L. SIEBUDLE, age 25 and MINNIE RAY, age 19, both of Caddo

WM. R. CHANEY, age 22, of Wautonga and CARRIE JOHNSTON, age 18,
of Hinton.

JAMES BREME, age 21 of El Reno, and BLANCHE STUCKER, age 20, of

AARON BONAN, age 38, and NELLIE REED, age 31, both of Caddo

JOHN H. JOHNSON, colored, age 25 and MARY WHITFIELD, colored, age
23, both of Caddo county.

W.H. SEEDORF, age 49, and MARGARET OPPEL, age 34, both of Caddo
The Caddo County Times November 20, 1902


THOS. A. HOVENDEN, age 24, to OLGA L. FREDERCIKSON, age 18, both
of Caddo county.

RALPH L. SWAN, age 21, to MINNIE WHITTINGTON, age 20, both of
Caddo county.

DAVID C. DIXON, age 23, to GEORGIA E. PRICE, age 23, both of
Caddo county.

ARTHUR THOMASON, colored, age 25, to HATTIE DAVIS, colored, age
21, both of Caddo county.
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 2, 1902


This seems to be the time of year for weddings, notwithstanding.
"In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of

November 30 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.D.
Brown of Fort Cobb, occurred the wedding of their daughter, CORA
BROWN to ALLEN JEWETT of Fort Cobb, Wm. J. Grant, minister of the
M.E. church at that place, officiating.

WILLIS J. KIMMEL of Enid, O.T. and ELEANORA WARD of Kendalville,
Indiana, were married at the Congregational manse of this city,
Nov. 29, Rev. L.R. Parker, officiating.

The Tribune wishes these happy couples the richest blessings this
life can afford.
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 5, 1902

A marriage license has been issued to JAMES F. CUSSEN, aged 27
and ALICE IMKINISH, aged 19. Both of Ft. Cobb. [Married 10 dec
The Caddo County Times December 11, 1902

Marriage Licenses Issued

Dec. 3 - to JAMES F. CUSSEN and ALICE IMKINISH, both of Ft. Cobb.

Dec. 8 - to SAMUEL L. FERRIS and BERTIE HERRING, both of Caddo

Reuben E. Vangegriff of Foster, I.T. and Miss Maggie Martin of
Mt. View, O.T. were united in marrage, Tuesday, Dec. 9, by Judge
Chas. L. Crum.
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 12, 1902


Probate Judge Crum issued marriage licenses today to CHAS.
FRANCIS of Rich Hill, Mo., aged 25 years and ANNIE JOHNSON, of
Granberry, Texas, aged 20 years. [Charles Francis and Anna
Johnson were married 11 dec 1902]

SHERIFF HUDSON of Granberry, Texas, aged 20 years to ELVA
JOHNSON, of Granberry, Texas, aged 18 years. [Sheriff Hudgins and
Elsa Johnson were married 14 dec 1902]
An Indian wedding occured Wednesday evening at the new home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hazelett at the west end of the town. Mr. F.E.
Cousins, the bridegroom is the west end barber of this city. The
bride Miss Alice Inkinish, is an accomplished Caddo Indian and a
cousin of Mrs. Nora Halylett. Rev. A. Tabor performed the
ceremony. [James F. Cussen and Alice Imkinish were married 10 Dec
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 20, 1902

Announcements and invitations are out for the wedding of Miss
FANNIE SAMUELS to Mr. JOSEPH F. PAXTON, the teacher in Greek and
Latin in the Norman University. Miss Samuels was formerly an
instructor in the north ward schools in El Reno and resigned her
position just before last Thanksgiving and went to her home in
Anadarko. The wedding is to take place in Anadarko on December 23
at Miss Samuel's home. -- El Reno American
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 23, 1902



ANDERSON HOFLER and VIREY BATEY, colored, both of Caddo county.
[Anderson Holder and Virey Baty were married 29 Dec 1902]

FLOYD E. ROYER and LUCY V. RUNDLE, both of Apache. [Floyd E.
Royer and Lucy V. Rundle were married 25 Dec 1902]
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 23, 1902


Floyd Royer of Apache Review fame was a caller this morning and
we supposed he was visiting the capitol of the county on
important business and incidentally called on us fraternatly. We
thought that Bro. Royer was looking a little pale and had a far
away, longing expression of coutenance and acted nervous, but we
attributed it to the fact that he probably felt strange in a
large place like Anadarko. But we were fooled entirely. It wasn't
that at all that made him nervous The rascal was simply talking
to us in order to kill a little time and gain sufficient courage
to apply for a marriage license. He went direct from our office
and did the act, and we would never have guessed the truth had
not the lynx eyed reporter for the Tribune found the record of
the affair at the proper official's office. Well Bro. Royer,
here's hopin', etc.
MAX OTTO and ELLA DINZLER, both of Bridgeport. [Max Otto and
Ella Denzler were married 26 Dec 1902]

JOSEPH F. PAXTON, Norman, O.T. and FANTINE F. SAMUELS, Anadarko,
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 26, 1902


A Pretty Home Wedding at the Residence of W.W. Price.

G.R. INGLES and Miss MAUDE PRICE were united in marriage last
evening at 8 o'clock p.m. at the home of the bride on East
Oklahoma Avenue. Judge F.E. Gillette officiating.

At the hour above named, Miss Georgie Oldham began the wedding
march. Judge Gillette entered the parlor followed by the bride
and groom. Miss Alice Mayhew, Miss Alice Ingles, James Underwood
and T.W. Price, stopping in the archway between the parlor and
the sitting room the ceremony was performed.

The bride wore a dress of white silk, the groom wore the
conventional black Prince Albert.

The rooms were beautifully decorated with holly and mistletoe.
After the ceremony the guests were seated around a table filled
with dainties. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing.
The bride is the daughter of W.W. Price and wife of this city.
She is one of Anadarko's charming young ladies, posscesing all
the good qualities requisite to a faithful and true companion.
The best wishes of their many friends go with the couple through

They will go to Atchison, Kansas tomorrow, but will make their
home on a farm three and one-half miles northeast of Anadarko.
[Gilbert R. Ingels and Maude I. Price were married 25 Dec 1902] -

ALLAN MACK and Miss JULIA WARD, both colored, were married at the
residence of Mr. Sanborn in the east part of town last Wednesday
evening by Rev. B.D. Johnson. The groom is the proprietor of the
Anadarko Laundry and a very industrious man. They will make
Anadarko their home. The Tribune wishes them a happy journey
through life. [Allen Mack and Julia Ward were married 24 Dec
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 30, 1902


At the residence of the bride's parents in Washington township,
Caddo county, Oklahoma, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 28, 1902, Miss
MARY BRADEN was united in marriage to Mr. JOHN H. GRIFFIN. Rev.
Wm. I. Bethel of the Presbyterian church in Anadarko officiating.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Braden and is
one of the most popular young ladies of Washington township. The
groom is an honorable and well known young man and is highly
respected by all the citizens of Newkirk, Oklahoma.

The young couple left Tuesday for Newkirk where Mr. Griffin has a
nice home of his own and a good position.

JESSE O. COTHLIN and MARY SAMLER, both of Cement.
[Married 30 Dec 1902]

ARTHUR B. REEDER and MARY WINHIP, both of Binger. [Arthur B.
Reeder and Mary Winhit were married 11 Jan 1903]
Anadarko Evening Tribune December 31, 1902


The Burwell (Neb.) Mascot has the following in relation to the
marriage of Sheriff Thompson, our own Jim, to Miss Myers
Christmas morning.


One of the neatest social events of the season occurred at the
home of W.H. Myers and wife on Bluff street this (Christmas)
morning. Promptly at nine o'clock as Mrs. D.E. Anderson played
the wedding march, JAMES THOMPSON and BIRDIE MYERS took their
place in the arch under the bay window and Rev. C.A. Powers, in
his pleasant way, spoke the words that bound these two popular
young people in Holy Matrimony.

After congratulations, numbers were passed around and each party
requested to find the table of the same number which mixed the
guests up in a very pleasant way. A nice wedding breakfast was
served. About sixty invited guests were present and a large
number went to the train to bid them adieu as they departed for
their future home at Anadarko, Oklahoma. As they boarded the
train a heavy shower descended upon them and the many short
blasts of the whislte announced a happy couple aboard.

James was principal of the Burwell schools about eight years ago
and was a general favorite among Burwell citizens and is at
present sheriff in Oklahoma. Birdie is the daughter of W.H. Myers
and wife and has been one of the most popular and respected
teachers of the Burwell schools for the past four years and many
were the tears shed by her pupils when it became known she was to
leave them. The Mascot joins with a host of friends in wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson a long, happy and prosperous life.

The following is a list of the presents. Large hand glass, R.W.
Hanna and wife; Butterknife, H.J. Bunnell and wife; Cream ladle,
S.H. Powell and wife; Scissor grinder, E.B. Hall and wife; Gravy
ladle, W.I. Cram and wife; Set of teaspoons, W.L. Mullen and
wife; Set of knives and forks, H.J. Coflin and wife; Set of
tablespoon, D.E. Anderson and wife; Celery tray, M.E. Guver and
wife; Sugar and Cream ladle, E.B. McKinney and wife; Silver
tankard, J.E. McKinney and wife; Silver nut set, Guy Laverty and
wife; Box of fine stationary, Judge Miller and wife; Picture
frame, Minnie Cameron; Meat Fork, Robert Hanna; Silver cake
basket, Mable Vaughn and Adalade Cornwell; Jelly knife, Lottie
Merritt; Bon bon basket, Mabel Doran and Rebecca Beynon;
Toothpick holder, Alice Webster; Silver Tea set, Messrs and
Mesdames Mitchell, Bailey, Doran, Scott, Beynon, Johns, Hall,
Hanna, Filmore, Johnson and Cram; Table linen, I.W. McGraw and
wife; Curtains, R.G. Wicks and wife; Handkerchief, Mrs. Edith
Myer. A $400 draft by the brides' parents.


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