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Tombstone Inscriptions
AAONMS       Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic

AASR         Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (Masonic) 

ABA          American Benefit Association 

AF&AM        Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 

ALOH         American Legion of Honor 

AMD          Allied Masonic Degree 

AMORC        Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians) 

AMOS         Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (see IOOF) 

AOF          Ancient Order Of Foresters 

AOH          Ancient Order of Hibernians 

AOKMC        Ancient Order Of Knights of Mystic Chain 

AOUW         Ancient Order Of United Workmen 

APA          American Protective Association 

AUM          Ancient Order of Mysteries (Masonic) 

AUSA         Association of the United States Army 

AUV          Association of Union Veterans 

B of RTM     Brotherhood of Rail Road Track Men 

BARE         Benefit Association Of Railway Employees 

BAY          Brotherhood of American Yeomen 

BK of M      Black Knights of Molders 

BKA          Benevolent Knights Association 

BLE          Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 

BLF&E        Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Engineers 

BPOE         Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks 

BPOEW        Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World 

BRT          Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen  

CAR          Children of the American Revolution 

CBKA         Commandery Benevolent Knights Association 

CBL          Catholic Benevolent Legion 

CCTAS        Crusaders-Catholic Total Abstinence Society 

CD of A      Catholic Daughters of America 

CK of A      Catholic Knights of America 

CMBA         Catholic Mutual Benefit Association 

COOF         Catholic Order of Foresters 

CSA          Confederate States Army 

CTAS         Catholic Total Abstinence Society 

DAR          Daughters of the American Revolution 

D.O.A./DA    Daughters of America 

DAC          Daughters of the American Colonists 

DAV          Disabled American Veterans 

DOKK         Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan (Knights of Pythias) 

DoL          Daughters of Liberty 

DOLLUS       Dames of the Loyal Legion of the United States 

DON          Daughters of the Nile (Masonic) 

DUV          Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 

EAA          Experimental Aircraft Association 

EAU          Equitable Aid Union 

EBA          Emerald Beneficial Association 

ECVE         Clampus Vitus 

FAA          Free and Accepted Americans 

FAM or F&AM  Free and Accepted Masons 

FCB          Knights of Pythias 

FLT          Independent Order of Odd Fellows 

FMF          Fleet Marine Force 

FOAST        Fraternal Order of Alaska State Troopers 

FOE          Fraternal Order of Eagles 

FOF          Fraternal Order of Firefighters 

FOP          Fraternal Order of Police 

GAR          Grand Army of the Republic 

GALSTPTR     German American Legion of St. Peter 

GLAUM        Grand Lodge Ancient Order of Mysteries-Masonic Order 

GLDS         Grand Lodge Daughters of Scotia 

GUOOF        Grand United Order of Odd Fellows 

HZ           Haro Zaro 

IBBH         International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers 

ICBU         Irish Catholic Benevolent Union 

IHSV         Red Cross of Constantine (Masonic) 

IOA          International Order of Alhambra 

IODE         Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire 

IOF          Independent Order of Foresters 

IOGT         International Order of Good Templars 

IOH          Improved Order of Heptasophs 

IOHH         International Order of Hoo-Hoo 

IOI          Independent Order of Immaculates 

IOJD         Independent Order of Job's Daughters 

IOKP         Independent Order of Knights of Pythias 

IOOF         Independent Order of Odd Fellows 

IOOF-PM      Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Past Master 

IOR          Independent Order of Rechabites 

IORG         International Order of Rainbow Girls (Masonic) 

IORM         Improved Order of Redmen (Sons of Liberty) 

IOStL        Independent Order of St. Luke 

IOV          International Order of Vikings 

ISDA         Italian Sons and Daughters of America 

ISH          Independent Sons of Honor 

IUOM         Independent United Order of Mechanics 

IWW          Industrial Workers of the World 

JAOUW        Junior Order-Ancient Order of United Workmen 

J.O.A.M.     Junior Order of American Mechanics 

J.O.U.A.M.   Junior Order of United American Mechanics 

K.of C.      Knights of Columbus 

K.of P.      Knights of Pythias 

K of FM      Knights of Father Matthew 

K of H       Knights of Honor 

K of L       Knights of Loyola 

K.M.         Knights of Malta (Masonic) 

K.T.         Knights Templar 

K of SJ      Knights of St. John 

K of STP     Knights of St. Patrick 

K of STW     Knights of St. Wenceslas 

K of T       Knights of Tabor 

K of TM      Knights of the Macabees 

K.of C.      Knights of Columbus 

K.of P.      Knights of Pythias 

KC           Knights of Columbus 

KFM          Knights of Father Matthew 

KG           Knights of St. George 

KGC          Knights of the Golden Chain 

KGC          Knights of the Golden Circle 

KGE          Knights of the Golden Eagle 

KGL          Knight Grand Legion 

KHC          Knights of Holy Cross 

KKK          Knights of Ku Klux Klan 

KLH          Knights and Ladies of Honor 

KM           Knights Militant (See KKK) 

KM           Knights of Malta (Masonic) 

KMC          Knights of the Mystic Chain 

KOL          Knights of Labor 

KOTM         Knights of the Macabees 

KP           Knights of Pythias 

KPC          Knights of Peter Claver 

KSC          Knights of St. Columbkille 

KSF          Knights of Sherwood Forest 

KSL          Knights of St. Lawrence 

KSTG         Knights of St. George 

KSTI         Knights of St. Ignatius 

KSTJ         Knights of St. Joseph 

KSTM         Knights of St. Martin 

KSTP         Knights of St. Paul 

KSTP         Knights of St. Peter 

KSTT         Knights of St. Thomas 

KT           Knights of Tabor 

KT           Knights Templars (Masonic) 

LAOH         Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians 


LGAR         Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic 

LK of A      Loyal Knights of America 

LOL          Loyal Order Orange Lodge (The Orange Order){Orange Men} 

L.O.M        Loyal Order of Moose 

LOOM         Loyal Order of the MOOSE 

LOVUS        Legion of Valor of the United States 

M.W.A.       Modern Woodmen of America 

MAW          Marine Air Wing 

M.W.A.       Modern Woodmen of America 

MBS          Mutual Benefit Society 

MCL          Marine Corps League 

MOLLUS       Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States 

MOOSE        Loyal Order of the Moose 

MOPH         Military Order of the Purple Heart 

MOVPER       Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Mystic Realm

MRA          Royal Arcanum 

N.O.W.       Neighbors of Woodcraft 

NCOA         Non-Commissioned Officers Association (Military Society) 

NEOP         New England Order of Protection 

NL           Navy League 

NOK          New Order Knights (see KKK) 

NSDAR        National Society Daughters of American Revolution 

NSDAR        National Society Daughters of the American Revolution 

NSSUP        National Society Sons of Utah Pioneers 

NU           National Union 

O of A       Order of Amaranth (Masonic) 

O of UF      Order of United Friends 

OCF          Order of Chosen Friends 

ODHS         Des Schwestern Verbandes (Sisters of the Federation 

OES          Order of the Eastern Star 

OGC          Order of the Golden Cross 

OSC          Order of Scottish Clans (St. Andrew's Societies) 

OUAM         Order of United American Mechanics 

PF of A      Patriotic Friends of America 

PH           The Order of Patrons of Husbandry (The Grange) 

PM           Patriarchs Militant (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) 

RA           Royal Academy 

RA           Royal Arcanum 

R.A.M.       Royal Arch Masons 

R.N.A.      Royal Neighbors of America 

RIP          Requiescat in pace, Latin for REST IN PEACE 

RK           Roman Knights 

RMOKHSJ      The Religious and Military Order of Knights of the 
             Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 

RO-AUM       Rosicrucian Order (Masonic) 

ROJ          Royal Order of Jesters (Masonic) 

RSGF         Royal Society of Good Fellows 

RSM          Royal and Select Masons 

RSTV         Rite of St. Vaclara 

RSTV         Rite of ST. Vita 

RTT          Royal Templars of Temperance 

S.A.L.       Sons of the American Legion 

SAR          Sisters of the American Revolution 

SAR          Sons of the American Revolution 

S.A.W.V.     Spanish American War Veteran 

SBCL         Saint Bonifazius Catholic Union 

SBL          Society B. Lafayette 

SCV          Sons of the Confederate Veterans 

S.C.V.C.W.   Sons of the Conferderate Veterans of the Civil War 

S of E       Sons of England 

S.F.W.C.     Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle 

SMAA         Scandinavian Mutual Aid Association 

SNA-AUM      Shrine of North America (Masonic) 

S.O.C.V.     Sons of the Confederate Veterans 

SR           Scottish Rite (Masonic) 

ST           Sons of Temperance 

ST.G S o NY  St. George's Society of New York 

SUVCW        Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 

S of St.G    Sons of St. George 

S.S.M.A.     Soldiers & Sailors Memorial  Association 

S.U.V.C.W.   Sons of the United Veteran's of the Civil War 

SV           Sons of Veterans 

SV           Sons of Veterans of the United States of America 

TCL          Tall Ceders of Lebanon (Masonic) 

TH           Temple of Honor and Temperance-Independent 
             Order of Odd Fellows 

TH           Temple of Honor-Independent Order of Odd Fellows 

TPLF         Temple of Honor and Temperance, IOOF 

TROA         The Retired Officer's Association 

U.S.A.       United States Army 

U.S.A.F.     United States Air Force 

U.S.M.C.     United States Marine Corp 

U.S.N.       United States Navy 

UAOD         United Ancient Order of Druids 

UCV          United Confederate Veterans 

UDC          United Daughters of the Confederacy 

UFL          Union Fraternal League 

UFM          United Friends of Michigan 

UOPF         United Order of Pilgrim Fathers 

UR           The Uniform Ranks designation found on many 

VFW          Veteran's of Foreign Wars 

W.C.         Woodmen Circle 

W.O.W.       Woodmen of the World 

W.O.W.       Women of Woodcraft 

WKSC         White Knights of the Southern Cross (See KKK) 

YMCA         Young Men's Christian Association 

YWCA         Young Women's Christian Association 

Any corrections or additions to this list would be appreciated
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Mel Owings


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