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©2002 Comanche County, OK, OKGenWeb
Transrcibed by Sharon Burnett-Crawford for Comanche County OKGenWeb site only,
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Street Map of Fletcher

1930 Richards Twp, Comanche Co.

Town of Fletcher
District 10
Street: Hornaday Ave
Sheet 4-A

Surname Given Name Relationship Sex Age Marital Birth Place
(self, father, mother)
WILLEY Hollie C head m 50 m IA IA IA  
  Artie wife f 36 m TN TN TN  
  Hollie Jr son m 8 s OK IA TN  
  Mary daughter f 3 s OK IA TN  
SADDLER August head m 35 m KY KY KY  
  Gladis wife f 29 m IL OH IL  
  Billie son m 5 s OK KY IL  
  Genvia daughter f 2 s OK KY IL  
SADDLER Walter head m 64 m KY KY KY  
  Lizzie wife f 59 m KY KY KY  
DITMORE John H head m 49 m KY GA KY  
  Fannie wife f 36 m KY KY KY  
  Cornelius son m 17 s KY KY KY  
  Mary J daughter f 15 s KY KY KY  
  Pauline daughter f 11 s OK KY KY  
  John Jr son m 4 s OK KY KY  
  Clarence son m 3 s OK KY KY  
  Charles son m 1 1/12 s OK KY KY  
GLASS Teley head f 71 wd VA VA VA  
SHILLING Elmer head m 28 m OK LA LA  
  Thelma wife f 23 m TX TX LA  
  Velma daughter f 3 s OK OK TX  
  Elmer son m 2 6/12 s OK OK TX  
DRISKOLL Milton head m 76 m IA OH OH  
  Emeline wife f 70 m IN IN IN  
BLACKWELL Frank head m 21 m OK TX TX  
  Lucile wife f 16 m OK TX TX  
SKINNER Dee head m 22 m TX AR MS  
  Carol wife f 20 m OK MO OH  
  Harrold son m 1 1/12 s OK TX OK  
HINSON William head m 85 m TN TN TN  
  Mary J wife f 87 m TN TN TN  
JENKINS Mary daughter f 59 m AR TN TN  
GLOVER Robert L head m 62 m KY KY KY  
  Cora wife f 52 m W.VA W.VA TN  
BEAN Elizabeth niece f 19 s MS MS AR  
DANIEL John head m 36 m TN TN TN  
  Vivian wife f 34 m TX AL AL  
  Byron son m 9 s FL TN TX  
  Donald son m 7 s FL TN TX  
  Walter son m 4 6/12 s OK TN TX  
  Bennie daughter f 1 6/12 s OK TN TX  
FARR Edith servant f 19 s OK TX TX  
DILL James E head m 50 m TN TN TN  
  Lota P wife f 45 m TX SC IL  
  Jesma A daughter f 16 s OK TN TX  
  James A Jr son m 7 s OK TN TX  
FENTRESS Millard head m 45 m KS IN IN son of Samual Fentress
  Ava Della wife f 43 m KS IA IN listed as Della in 1920
  James M son m 3 s OK KS KS  

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Comanche County OKGenWeb
County Coordinator:
Margie Etter
Sharon Burnett Crawford
This Page Last Updated Wednesday, 07-Sep-2016 11:56:32 EDT
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