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"J" Surnames

Albert Gus and Lois Helen (Sanders) Jacobi
Albert Gustav and Mary Monica (Hendricks) Jacobi
Edmond and Geneva Jacobi
John Jacobi Jr.
John Sr. and Anna Katherine (Sittig) Jacobi
Oscar Joseph Sr. and Marguerite Johanna (Casey) Jacobi
Gilbert A. and Betty Jo (Johnson) Jain
B.C. and Jamie Virginia James Family
Linda Lou James
Neoma James
Loren Jarvis Family
Don Jenkins Family
H.H. "Jenks" Jenkins
Charles Darwin and Betty Lea (McGraw) Jepsen
Charlie and Mae (Carter) Jepsen
Peder and Kystine (Appel) Jepsen
Dusty and Racheal Johnson
Ernest C. and Elizabeth (Neel) Johnson
George "Man" and Lorena (Shirfield) Johnson
Joe, Dorenda, Brandon, and Kristen Joiner
Jolly Family
Allen and Victory Jones
Carl and Marguerite Jones
Cullen "Snowball" and Alvertice Jones
Curtis and Naomi (Newcombe) Jones
Gene and Vida Jones Family
George and Sue Jones Family
George Jones Family
Jeffie D. Jones
Jim and Sue Jones
Michael Lynn and Emily Jones
Randall and Annamarie Jones Family
Ricky Dewayne Jones
W.M. "Boolie" and Mary Elizabeth Jones
Elmer and Mary (Burns) Julian
Jerry and Shirley (Slaughter) Julian
Melvin and Pearlie Julian Family
Misty (Huitt) Julian
William Samuel and Alice Bell (Thompson) Julian
Alfred and Barbara Jung Family
Anthony Joseph and Catherine Jung
Anthony Paul and Geraldine (Hale) Jung
Charles and Glenda Jung Family
Charles and Patricia Jung
Joseph and Bertha Jung
Lawrence and Janell Jung
Mark Wayne and Christi Ann (Pierce) Jung
Mike, Kristie, Cale, and Chloe Jung
Steve and Audra (Ball) Jung


Comanche County OKGenWeb
County Coordinator: Linda Simpson

This Page Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 19:38:55 UTC
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