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Bethel East of Lawton , near Letitia
Bright 3 miles south of Sterling. PO from May 22, 1902, to Dec 15, 1907
Cache 12 miles west of Lawton, PO established Jan. 11, 1902. Took its name from nearby Cache Creek.
Cavnar 6 miles east of Fletcher, PO from August 1, 1904 to Nov. 14, 1905. Named for John Cavnar, local merchant.
Chattanooga Southwest corner of Comanche Co., PO established Jan 31, 1903. Named for Chattanooga, TN
Chatto Crossing Located at Fort Sill
Corral Crossing 5.6 miles north of Lawton at Fort Sill
Cove Acres Northwest of Elgin
Coxs Corner South of Sterling
Craterville Park 5 miles north of Cache, PO from Aug. 4, 1924 to Aug. 31, 1933. Named coined with reference to the surrounding Wichita Moutains. Upon the expasion of the Wichita Wild Life Refuge, the park was moved to a new location, 2 miles west of Lugert.
Cutthroat Gap Extreme northwest section of the Wichita Wild Life Refuge. Name from a savage massacre of a Kiowa village by an Osage hunting party in 1833.
Duhringe Pass Located in the Witchita Mountains
Edgewater Park North of Medicine Park
Elgin Formerly Ceegee, in northeastern Comanche Co. PO name changed to Elgin July 12, 1902, named for Elgin, Ill.
Faxon Southwestern Comanche Co., 5 miles northeast of Chattanooga. PO established Jan. 7, 1902. Named for Ralph Faxon, private secretary to Chester Long, US Senator from Kansas.
Fletcher Northeast Comanche Co. PO established May 10, 1902. Named for Fletcher Dodge, local early day resident.
Fort Sill Established as a military post Jan. 1869. PO established Seept. 28, 1869 and sidcontinued August 15, 1917, to become a branch of Lawton post office. Named by Major Generall P. H. Sheridan for his colleague, Major General Joshua Sill, killed at the Battle of Stone's River.
Four Mile Crossing Located at Fort Sill
Geronimo 7 miles south of Lawton, PO established Mar. 5, 1903. Named for Apache Indian Chief, Geronimo.
Green Meadow Acres North of Medicine Park
Grenade Crossing Located at Fort Sill
Haddon 13 miles southeast of Lawton, PO from Feb. 26, 1902 to Sept 29, 1906. No longer in existence. Named for Julian W. Haddon, first principal of the Fort Sill Indian School.
Hammel 33 2N 12W
Holliday Jct. Southwest Comanche Co., 4 miles northeast of Faxon, POO from Jan. 23, 1908 to Aug. 15, 1933. Named for Arthur O. Holliday, first jpostmaster.
Indiahoma Western Comanche Co., 12 miles east of Snyder, PO established April 23, 1902. Named coiined from the words Indian and Oklaoma.
Indiahoma Wye Northeast of Indianhoma, Quanah Mountain
Junction Southern Comanche Co., 2 miles south of Geronimo, PO from Feb. 20, 1902 to Jan. 31, 1919. No longer in existence.
Lake Ellsworth Addition Northwest of Elgin
Lakeside Village Northwest of Elgin, Richards Spur
Lawton County seat of Comanche Co. , PO established July 15, 1901. Named for Major General Henry W. Lawton, killed during the Philippine insurrection.
Lawtonka Acres Variant Name Mount Scott near Meers
Letitia Formerly Rucker, 7 miles east of Lawton, PO named changed to Letitia Nov. 28, 1903 and discontinued April 30, 1917. Named for Letitia Haggard, early day resident.
Medicine Park northest of Fort Sill, PO established Oct. 13, 1908. Named from nearby Medicine Creek.
Meers Northwest Comanche Co., PO established Mar. 12, 1902. Named for Andrew J. Meers, early day mine operator.
Mount Scott 2 miles northeast of Mount Scott , PO from Nov. 13, 1901 to Mar. 15, 1914. No longer in existence. Named from nearby Mount Scott.
Mount View 29 4N 9W
Oreana Northwest Comanche Co., 7 miles north of Indiahoma, PO from Sept. 27, 1901 to Sept. 30, 1905. No longer in existence. A mining town, named from the words ore and Anne, the given name of the wife of B.N. Turk, the first postmaster.
Parker 21 4N 11W
Peachtree Crossing
Phelps 7 miles southeast of Lawton, PO from Jan. 11, 1902 to Aug. 15, 1904. No longer in existence. Named for Robert Phelps Sompson, first postmaster.
Porter Hill West of Elgin
Postfield Airfield for Fort Sill. Named for Lieutenant Henry B. Post, Twenty-fifth Infantry, killed in 1914 at San Diego, CA, while attempting an altitude record.
Punkin Center 2N 10E
Richards Northern Comanche Co. 12 miles north of Lawton, PO from Nov. 5, 1901 to Feb. 15, 1913. . Named for William A. Richards, commissioner of the General Land Office and governor of Wyoming.
Richards Spur Richards Spur is a railroad loading switch several miles south of Richards
Ridley Jct 29 3N 11W
Rohrer 20 4N 11W
Rucker 7 miles east of Lawton, PO established Aug. 25, 1902 and name changed to Letitia, Nov. 28, 1903
Selman 7 2N 13W
Springfleld Northwest Comanche Co., 5 miles south of Saddle Mountain, PO from Feb. 18, 1902 to May 15, 1908. No longer in existence. Named from Springfield, Ohio.
Sneed Acres
Sterling Northeast Comanche Co., PO established Oct. 17, 1901. Named for Captain Charles Sterling of the Texas Rangers.
Taupa 8 miles west of Lawton, PO from Jan. 28, 1902 to Jan. 31, 1913. Named from Tau-pa, a Comanche.
Tinney Jct. 6 miles southwest of Lawton, POO fromDec. 20, 1902 to Aug. 15, 1922. Named for John Tinney, early day resident and merchant.
Wham 21 2N 14W
Wheeling Western Comanche Co. 6 miles north of Indianhoma, PO from Dec. 17, 1903 to Nov. 15, 1907. Named from Wheeling, West Virginia.
Wichita Northwest of Fort Sill, PO from Dec. 5, 1901 to Mar. 31, 1902. Named from nearby Wichita Moutains
Woodfill 6 miles east of Fort Sill, PO from March 4, 1902 to Feb. 15, 1908. No longer in existence. Named for Lewis C. Woodfill, first postmaster.
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