Butler-Nichols Vows Exchanged
In Vinita Church

Couple Leaves For Trip Through South Following Ceremony

    Claiming the interest of a wide circle of friends, the marriage of Miss Frances Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John William Nichols, Vinita, to Joseph Byrd Butler, McAlester, son of Mrs. J.H. Butler, Vinita, and the late Mr. Butler, was solemnized June 1 in the First Presbyterian church, Vinita.
    Rev. James S. Griffes performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives from over the state.
    The altar was banked with huckleberry and cascades of pink and white gladioli and peonies. Tall floor baskets of pink gladioli and candelabra were at either side of the altar.
As the guests assembled Mrs. W.A. Rodman played a program of nuptial music and accompanied Mrs. J.P. Luginbuel during the singing of “At Dawning” (Cadman) and “Because” (d’Harselot).
    The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her gown was of starched white chiffon and she carried a shower bouquet of Johanna Hill roses.
    Mrs. Howard M. Nichols was matron of honor and Miss Sarah Jane Adams, Mrs. George W. Schaefer, Mrs. George O. Boone and Mrs. O.L. DeArmon, the bridesmaids. Their gowns were of organza in pastel shades and were made with tucked bodices, puffed sleeves and full skirts.
    Harry Schaefer, served as best man and Howard Nichols, Mrs. Schaefer, Mr. Boone and Mr. DeArmon, as ushers.
    Mrs. Nichols, mother of the bride wore a gown of dusty pink sheer with white accessories and corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Butler, mother of the bridegroom, was in powder blue with dusty pink accessories. Her corsage was of camellias.
    Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Nichols were hosts at a reception in the Crystal ball room of the hotel Vinita.
    Those assisting at the reception were Mrs. Ewing Halsell, Mrs. F.M. Adams, Mrs. Page Graham, Mrs. O.L. Rider, Mrs. R.L. Wheatly, Mrs. Russell Gillett, Mrs. W.K. Konahue, Mrs. J.B.A. Robertson and Mrs. Charles M. Anderson.
    Mr. and Mrs. Butler are on a wedding trip to New Orleans and other points in the south. They will be at home after June 15 in McAlester.
    Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Piper, Parsons, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelich, Tulsa; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, Claremore; Mr. and Mrs. Don Walters, Muskogee; Mrs. Emma Randolph, Topeka, Kan.; Mrs. Robertson, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Anderson, Great Falls, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Bohanon, Muskogee, and Mrs. George Provine, Miami.

From The Oklahoma, 6/9/1940

Donated by: Emily Jordan

posted 05-16-2007

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