Traffic Claims 307 Sooners During 1944

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    Last traffic fatality of the year occurred New Year’s Eve at 7 p.m. on U.S. highway 66, one mile east of Chelsea in Rogers county, when an empty gasoline truck rammed into a car, knocking it into a 20-foot ditch, according to highway patrolmen. Delmar Clint Smith, 20, route one, Vinita, driver of the car, died several hours later from a skull fracture received in the accident.
    Two Women Injured
    Smith’s wife, Margaret, 19, was injured internally, and his sister, Jewell Smith, 26, suffered possible fracture of the pelvis bone and left hip. Both women are in a Chelsea hospital.
    The gasoline truck was driven by Edgar Calvin Dooley, 24, of Duncan, Mo., who was injured, as were other occupants of the truck. Dooley is being held at Claremore, but no charges have been filed against him pending further investigation, the highway patrol reported.
    Troopsers Faine Henderson and Johnny Haye, who investigated the accident, reported that the transport was going west and passing another truck. The truck sideswiped the truck it was passing, got loose from it and rammed into the Smith car coming from the east. The truck followed the Smith car into the ditch, but did not fall on it. The traffic fatality was the only one in Rogers county during the year.

From The Oklahoma, 1/2/1945

Donated by: Emily Jordan


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