Adair Horse and Buggy Doctor Dies

    ADAIR, Dec. 5.—Dr. L.C. White, 75, who came to this Mayes county community in 1905 to begin his practice of medicine and who delivered upwards of 4,000 babies, is dead.
    Dr. White was a physician of the old school, and he permitted no obstacle to prevent ministering to those who needed his attention. Many times he forded creeks in his buggy. When the water was too high, he just unhitched the horse and borrowed a saddle. His mount then could swim the flooded streams.
    He went in early, however, for modern conveniences and purchased an automobile in 1911. But road conditions and lack of bridges or ferries within his practice area kept its use down in the early years.
    In trips to Locust Grove and Strange, he frequently found the Grand river flooded and crossed horseback.
    Talking to friends recently, Dr. White estimated he had delivered an average of about eight babies a month during his 43 years of practice here, which would place the number well over the 4,000 mark.
    Among these babies were many sets of twins, three to one family. His first set of twins still is living. One of them, Mrs. T.R. Barnhart nee Nan Poplin, in Muskogee, and the other, Van Poplin, in Adair. He has been called on to deliver grandchildren of babies of his early practice completing three-generation service.
    He practiced surgery in a small way, but sent major cases to hospitals in Muskogee and Tulsa.
    He was born in Kentucky and after finishing at the Louisville medical school came to Adair in August, 1905. Except for a few years he has been the lone physician in Adair.
    He was on the Adair school board 14 years, served on the town council, was for 20 years president of the County Medical society. He was a Mason and a charter member and elder of the Christian church and held membership in other organizations.
    Dr. White died at his home in Adair Saturday at 6 p.m. following a heart attack.
    Besides the widow, he is survived by a son, Carl Chandler White, a teacher at Springfield, Mo. Arrangements are incomplete at the Luginbuel funeral home in Vinita.

From The Oklahoma, 12/6/1948

Donated by: Emily Jordan


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