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The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 3, 1908
page 1

Arrest 12 for $5400 Bank Grab

Sapulpa Officers May Have The Mounds Burglars

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla., April 2 - Twelve men suspected of having robbed the Mounds bank of $5,400 early this morning, were placed under arrest by Sheriff Henry King during the raid of a joint over the Creek bank at 6 o'clock tonight. Suspicion attaches so strongly to some of them that rumors are afloat that a jail delivery may be attempted by their friends. To forestall an attack Sheriff King has placed a strong guard at the jail.

Nine of the men gave their names as Geore Morrow, W. W. Desellier, Bill Kaley, A. M. Ellis, John Ryes, James Bell, M. C. Miller, Mike Mikel and Mike O'Harry.

A man from St. Louis, stopping at a hotel here, has identified three of the men as professional crooks, who have been operating in that city. Their photographs will be taken tomorrow and copies forwarded to the authorities at St. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha. The three in particular are believed to have been engaged in robberies in several parts of the middle west during the past few months.

No one was present when the Mounds robbery took place and hence there is no way of identifying any of these men. The strongest testimony against some of them comes from Bert Grey, proprietor of a rooming house where the men were stopping. He says they left his place at 10 o'clock last night and returned at 4 o'clock this morning. The fact that Mounds is only nine miles from here adds strength to the suspicion of the authorities.

Three men were seen walking away from Mounds after the robbery. They were going north and one of them carried a bundle. Bloodhounds traced them a few miles out of Mounds today, but lost the trail.

Special to the Oklahoman.
Mounds, Okla., April 2 - Robbers entered the Bank of Mounds at 2:30 o'clock this morning, opened the safe with nitro-glycerine, secured $5,400 and made their escape.

The robbers entered through the rear of the postoffice building in which the bank was located. It took five charges of nitro-glycerine to get to the money. The robbers had made a barricade of boxes, barrels and barb wire around the bank. When citizens, aroused by explosives, started to the bank they were fired upon by the robbers and driven back. There were three of them and they fled north.

C. A. Houston is president and E. L. Houston cashier of the bank.

According to one J. F. Walker, who was on the street at the time...they opened fire on him, but he fled and escaped injury...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 4, 1908
page 22

Mind Weakening, Takes To Pistol

Long illness having convinced Mrs. E. G. Vickey (sic) that she was losing her mental balance, she told her little son this conviction, bade him to go to the home of a neighbor...his mother...pressed a 38-calibre revolver to her breast and pulled the trigger. The unfortunate woman will recover...Mr. and Mrs. Vickery (sic) are preparing to move to St. Louis.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 10, 1908
page 3

Frisco Freight Crew Is Held For Robbery

Holdenville, Okla., April 9 - H. R. Howell, C. B. Taylor, S. Seaney and E. R. Haron, a Frisco freight crew, were arrested at Sapulpa and brought here today, charged with robbing a merchandise car en route...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 23, 1908
page 2

Sapulpa Will Give Governor Reception

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla. Sept 22 - A magnificent demonstration will be accorded Governor Haskell when he opens the Third district campaign here Wednesday night.... The workers from the Glenn, Keifer, Mounds, and other great oil men centers will pour into Sapulpa on special trains...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 26, 1908
page 13

Sapulpa, Okla., Sept 25.  The city council has ordered the paving of 30 blocks on Lee, Hobson, Dewey and Main streets. Work is to begin within ten days.

Lots have been purchased by the M. E. church...on east Main street and a structure costing ____ is to be erected.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
October 25, 1908
page 13

Robbers Get $3000 From Sapulpa Car

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla. Oct 21,  The officers of this section are under the impression that an organized band of robbers are making this county their headquarters as several daring robberies have been committed within the past month and several thousands of dollars worth or merchandise has been taken. The band entered a freight car at Kellyville, seven miles west of here, and removed a quantity of dry goods, and last night a car standing in the yards at this place was entered and merchandise amounting to nearly $3,000 stolen. The officers refuse to talk regarding the matter.

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