The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 12, 1909
page 7

Divorced But He Did Not Know It

Sapulpa Doctor, Thinking Differences Patched, Finds Himself Wifeless

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla., March 11 - Easily the most surprised man in Sapulpa yesterday was Dr. Otto Seibert, whose wife secured a divorce unbeknown to him.

During the later part of 1908...Mrs. Seibert, through her attorney, R. B. Thompson, brought an action for divorce... The action was tried at the October 1908, term of court and there was no defense on the part of the husband.

The judge...declined to grant a decreee, but stated that he would do so at the next term if the parties desired it. No advice to the contrary was forthcoming, so Attorney Thompson called up the case and the decree was granted.

Yesterday, when he was told that he was a divorced man, and that his former wife had had her maiden name, Effie Katon, restored...Seibert exclaimed, "We patched up our differences two months ago and have been living together ever since."...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 4, 1909
page 25

Santa Fe May Build Line Into Sapulpa

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla., April 3 - Verification was given a rumor sent out from this cit a few days since regarding the movements of the Santa Fe road and a proposition to close up a gap between Paul's Valley on the south and a spur line from the north by the arrival in the city of Locating Engineer Justice of the Santa Fe road...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 11, 1909
page 8

Destructive Fire In Sapulpa Railway Yards

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla., April 10 - At 2 o'clock this morning, fire destroyed the automatic coal elevator recently installed at this place and for a time seriously threatened the hundred cars that surrounded it and the three-story railroad Y. M. C. A. building which stands not far from it. On account of changing the water mains, the pressure was weak and this greatly added to the danger of the flames spreading.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 15, 1909
page 7

Gamblers Getting Away From Sapulpa Warrents

Special to the Oklahoman.
Sapulpa, Okla., April 14 - As a result of a the passing of an anti-gambling ordinance by the city council which will be effective tomorrow, there have been four hundred warrants issued for the arrest of alleged gamblers. This has caused a general exodus of the gambling fraternity and outgoing trains in all directions have carried them to other cities...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 30, 1909
page 6

Floods Of Water Run In Sapulpa Streets

Sapulpa, Okla. May 29 (Special)
One of the heaviest rain and hail storms in years visited this part of the state today. The streets were flooded with water and much damage has been done in surrounding country. Lightning ignited an oil tank in the Glenn Pool oil field this evening and it burned in a flash that lighted the country for miles.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 1, 1909
page 1

Sapulpa Accepts The Ardmore Iron Foundry

A committee from the commercial club that was sent to Ardmore to inspect the plant of the Ardmore iron foundry report favorable and the club will accept the terms of the proposal to remove the plant to Sapulpa... James Dean Flynn is president and manager.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 16, 1909
page 3

Serious Federal Charge Against A Sapulpa Man

Tulsa, Okla. June 15. (Special) United States Deputy Marshall Geo. Hanna went to Sapulpa today to get C. M. Hughes, arrested late yesterday on a charge of impersonating a collector of internal revenue...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 9, 1909
page 10

Man Charged with Texas Murder Held In Sapulpa

Sam Hatchett Believed To Have Slain Girl At Hillsboro

The constant following for a year of a man charged with a heinous crime was rewarded here today as Jim Evans stepped from a train from Hillsboro, Texas, to recognize Sam Hatchett, about to take the same train to Chandler. Hatchett's arrest immediately followed...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 5, 1909
page 2

First Seven-Day Paper In State Is At Sapulpa

Sapulpa, Okla., Aug. 4 (Special)  The first seven-day paper in Oklahoma is the Sapulpa American, which issued its first Monday edition, which was its first morning edition, this week. The American is the original Sapulpa Democrat in a republicanized form. James Dennis Flynn, former editorial writer for the Ardmore Statesman and a promoter of some note, is the new editor and proprietor. He announces that L. T. Russell, democratic bolter, formerly editor of the Lawton State Democrat, the Anadarko Democrat and the Ardmore Morning Democrat, but lately editor of the Elizabeth Evening Times of Elizabeth, N.J., a Heart publication - L. T. Russell, the anti-Haskell and anti-Bryan democrat will contribute.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 5, 1909
page 1

New Move In Brooks Case

County Attorney May Order Arrest of Suspect Held At Sapulpa.

Wife is Unconcerned

Declares Firm Belief That Her Husband Was Foully Murdered.

___ to action over the death of Dee Brooks, well known Oklahoma City bathouse proprietor; whose mangled remains were found strewn along the tracks of the Frisco Railway company at an early hour Sunday morning, an investigation into the causes surrounding the supposed fatal accident was ordered by the county attorney's office yesterday.

It is possible that Clarence Young, a negro under arrest at Sapulpa, who is suspected of possessing information regarding the movements of the dead man prior to the accident on the Frisco tracks, may be returned to Oklahoma City today following the filing of an affidavit in the office of the County Attorney Reardon. Young has been detained in the Sapulpa county jail since Sunday morning, and following a rumored attempt to escape has remained strangely silent regarding his movements just previous to the time of the bathouse proprietor's death.

Movements of Brooks.

Trailing the movements of Brooks, from the time he left his home, 905 West Chickasaw street, when he bade a fond farewell to his wife, Saturday afternoon, it was leaned yesterday that the man engaged in a violent quarrel with a well known restaurant keeper during which it is said that threats to "get even" with Brooks were made regarding the settlement of an account at the restaurant. Officer Ferguson prevented a clash at that time.

This account is said to have been incurred in behalf of a local woman who is said to have declared that "Brooks will suffer of this humiliation of myself."

Surrounded by her three children, Mrs. Dee Brooks was seen at her home at 905 West Chickasaw street, last night by a reporter. The woman said "I am satisfied that my husband has been a victim of foul play, and I am certain that robbery was not the motive for the commission of the crime. When Dee returned home in his buggy at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, he wore a peculiar expression which denoted that he had had some trouble, about which he would not talk. He usually carried large sums of money on his person. After my son and myself had unhitched the horse and taken it to the barn in the rear of our home, we returned only to find the buggy empty. Twenty minutes later, my husband was ground to pieces by a Frisco switch engine. I believe that he met with a mishap before he came home and tried to conceal it from me. How he disappeared from the buggy, I cannot explain. All I know is that he acted  very strange and appeared weak. He must have been carried from the buggy by somebody. It is certain he was unable to leave the buggy to come into our home, he was unable to leave it to travel down those railroad tracks in a direction which he has never taken towards town before."

Buggy Is Stained.

It is said that the buggy in which Brooks rode to his home on Sunday morning contained spots which resembled blood-stains, indicating that the man had been stabbed and then placed in the rig, and was taken to his home by his horse which knew the route to the Brooks' home...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
October 20, 1909
page 9

Sapulpa Votes Charter For City Government

Sapulpa, Okla., Oct 19 (Special) As a result of an election held here today as commission form of government by a decisive majority was  adopted and $315,000 in bonds voted to increase the water and sewer systems.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 18, 1909
page 9

Shawnee After Packery From Sapulpa Firm

...proposition made to the citizens of Shawnee by M. B. Wells, head of the Wells Sapulpa Packing plant, soon to open in this city...delegation of business men from Shawnee visited Sapulpa today.... In the party were J. W. Ruby, C. S. Hart, C. W. Cook, G. H. Kerfoot and J. H. Maxey.


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