The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 16, 1910
page 14

Sapulpa Seeks To Have Sante Fe Build There

Indications point favorably toward Sapulpa getting a branch of the Sante Fe railroad. A Committee of the Commercial club has been appointed to confer with officers of the railroad...

James D. Flynn, editor of the Sapulpa American, has been elected president of the Commercial club.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 27, 1910
page 10

Negro Who Shot Officer Found Guilty At Sapulpa

Sapulpa, Okla., Jan 26 (Special) "Slim" Ellis, a negro, was found guilty of assault with intent to kill in district court today. Late one night in October last, when Deputy Sheriff J. T. Bruin attempted to place Ellis under arrest, after the later had run amuck in the colored quarter of this city, Ellis opened fire on the officer. One bullet pierced the officer's hat.

Jeff Franklin, a negro, was found guilty of assault with intent to kill in district court today. He and Mace Taylor, another negro, quarreled over a woman, which culminated in a shooting affray. Franklin was shot through the abdomen, which nearly cost him his life.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 28, 1910
page 18

Forgery Charged Against Clerk

Stephen N. Hurd, former city clerk of Sapulpa, was arrested this morning on a charge of forgery on three counts...Hurd asserts he is innocent. He says persons broke into his office during his administration and tampered with his books. He is almost a nervous wreck tonight as a result of his arrest and the serious illness of his wife.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
February 8, 1910
page 3

Prohibition Clause May Defeat Sapulpa Charter

Sapulpa, Okla. Feb 7. (Special)

Whether or not Sapulpa will adopt the commission form of government is being largely discussed. If the measure is defeated, it can be charged to a prohibition clause in the charter which appears to be most objectionable feature in the charter.

Under the terms of the new charter, it is said, the city would continue under a prohibition regime, where or not the state ever voted to discard the prohibition law.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
February 10, 1910
page 3

Alleged Counterfeiter Arrested At Sapulpa

Tulsa, Okla., Feb. 9 (Special) After hearing the complaints from many sections of the state of the systematic passing of counterfeit silver dollars and working on the case, Deputy Marshall George Hanna arrested Garfield Bryan, aged 25, at Sapulpa today...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 11, 1910
page 1

Commission Form Is Defeated In Sapulpa charter carrying the commission form of government was defeated in this city today by a majority of 42 votes out of 750 cast...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 10, 1910
page 9

New Gusher's Flow Near Sapulpa Largely Water?

...gusher on the Thelma Weaver farm...

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 24, 1910
page 3

Short Romance Ends At Altar

Sapulpa Banker Weds Cousin Of Lee Cruce After Brief But Satisfactory Courtship.

Sapulpa, Okla. Aug. 23 (Special)  A romance of short duration had a happy termination here Tuesday when Frank S. Westfall, a Sapulpa banker, married Miss Georgia Lee Cruce Meade, of Warrensburg, Mo.

Miss Meade, who is a cousin of Lee Cruce, of Ardmore, had been selected as principal of schools at Weleetka, and was here to visit friends. She arrived in Sapulpa a week ago, and meet Mr. Westfall for the second time.

As of a result of the association of the past week, they were wedded secretly Tuesday after an automobile ride.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 7, 1910
page 2

Boy Thief Gets Sentence Of Year

Sapulpa, Okla. - Following his plea of guilty to the charge of horse stealing, 16 year-old Verne Scott was sentenced to one year in the reformatory by Judge Barnum in the district court. The boy stole a horse from a widow at Kellyville, the county, and sold it.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 27, 1910
page 10

Shortage of Water Dodge At Sapulpa

After a drouth (sic) of several months in which Sapulpa suffered, one of the most remarkable water ____ probably in the west has been discovered here.

Euchee creek, which empties into Rock creek, from which stream the city water supply has been coming, is about 30 feet in width at its mouth, and is practically dry.

It has been discovered that a great volume of the water from Euchee creek empties itself into a subterranean stream. A threatened water famine was averted by damming the stream above the place where the subterranean stream starts.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
December 9, 1910
page 8

Morris To Meet Hart This Month

Sapulpa Will Be Scene of Fifteen-Round Fight December 20.

Sapulpa, Okla. Dec 8. Carl Morris of Sapulpa, "the white man's hope," was matched today to battle with Marvin Hart in this city on December 20...Morris is the undefeated heavyweight champion of Oklahoma.... Arrangements are being made here tonight for him to battle with Jim Barry some time in January.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
December 16, 1910
page 8

Morris Sizes Up Mr. Marvin Hart

"I am going to win this battle," Marvin Hart said today as he alighted from a Frisco train from a two days' trip from his home at Louisville, Ky.

The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
December 29, 1910
page 8

Morris Will Take Jim Flynn Next

Carl Morris of Sapulpa, the undefeated heavyweight champion of Oklahoma, probably will be matched for a fight with Jim Flynn in this city. Manager Eddie Robinson... Morris returned tonight from Memphis where he witnessed the Berry-Ross match...

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