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 Updated: 06 Sep 2009

Ansiel Cemetery
Creek County, Oklahoma
Location: located SE of Bristow on private property of a large ranch (Jackson Ranch?), 
possibly near Beggs, but in the vicinity of the Fisher community

There are several members of the Ansiel family buried there, but these are ones I'm certain.  
Elaine Vaughn  rlvaughn@ix.netcom.com  [Aug 2000]

SURNAME      GIVEN                    BIRTH             DEATH            SOURCE  COMMENTS

ANDERSON    Evelyn Bernice 00-00-0000  00-00-0000  Elaine  d/o Lucy & Bill Anderson; lived 2 mos. 19 days
BURGETT     Ernest E.      07-03-1923  11-16-1923  Elaine  s/o A. H. & Viola Burgett 
BURGETT     Mary Deen      09-27-1926  12-26-1928  Elaine  d/o of A.H. & Viola Burgett
GRANT       Henry Watson   10-17-1848  01-17-1922  Elaine  h/o Lucy Jane Houchin & Lizzie Blair
GRANT       Viola          00-00-1915  00-00-0000  Elaine  d/o Charley & Nettie Grant; died as small child