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 Updated: 06 Sep 2009

Long Family Cemetery
Creek County, Oklahoma
Not certain if this is the correct name
Location: ??
Jimmie Jr. obit states "Long Family Cemetery Northwest of Mounds"

Submitted by and used with permission of Vickey Hahn, July 1999.

LONG Donald 00-00-0000 11-00-1988 obit
LONG Henry 00-00-1878 04-20-1931  
LONG Jimmie Jr. 00-00-0000 07-29-1991 obit
LONG Nancy 00-00-1875 00-00-1910  
LONG Sakouaney 00-00-1837 00-00-1915  
LONG Saquaney 00-00-1850 00-00-1915  
WASHBURN Sindie 00-00-0000 08-14-1915 2Yrs.