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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
January 2, 1920

Oil Going Down
The Prairie test two miles south of Depew was started this morning, we understand. The gas in the fuel line was turned in yesterday and the machinery is all in working order.
This test means a great deal to the future of Depew. If oil should be found in this hole it means that Depew is to be a sure enough oil town and that as soon as the pay fluid is hit.
With Oil selling at $2.75 per barrel and a premium on top of that we believe that the Prarie folks will find the oil if it is there and we believe that it is. Watch Depew grow.
Last Saturday at Sapulpa Miss Gretchen Gerlach and Mr. Dennis Fox were married by Dr. Loucks, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Sapulpa. This wedding comes as a surprise to their friends. Miss Gerlach is the primary teacher at forty-four. She has taught school in Creek county for a number of years and is a very efficient teacher. Their many friends extend congratulations and wish for them a long and happy life.
--Bristow Record
Captured A Live One
Monday while Saab Elias was busy waiting on some customers a son of Ham appropriated to his own use one sweater and was leaving the store with same snuggly tucked away under his blouse, when he was discovered by Saab. He proceeded to put two medium sized loads of buck shot in a double barreled splatter gun and took fairly good aim at said s.o.H., with instructions to immediately proceed to liquidate about $5.00 for goods. The said s.o.H., not having that much change of the coin of the realm, turned first white and then green and promised to negotiate for the amount pronto. He had engaged his services to John Alton to pick cotton for him out south of town and John was hereby waiting for him to take him to the cotton fields. John loaned the required amount and the s.o.H. went his way a wiser man and a strong believer in a certain maximum wherein reads something like this, “Honesty is the best policy.”
Big Residence burns
The large residence on the Betty Snell farm three miles northwest of town burned to the ground Wednesday night. A colored man by the name of Reed had just moved out of the building.
Only $500.00 insurance was carried on the building, we understand, and at the present high prices of labor and material it would probably cost four times that amount to replace it.
Buys Store At Bristow
Charles and Walter Pettegrew have purchased the Maltby Brothers store at Bristow and will take charge in a few days. We understand that both the Pettegrews are to move to Bristow in the very near future.
Lee & Epps left Bristow this week for Dallas, Texas, where they are purchasing a brand new gin outfit to be placed in their gin at Depew. Watch Depew Grow.
Blacksmith Tools For Sale
I have a complete set of Blacksmith tools that I will sell cheap. Call and see them at my Mill.
W.C. Greene
Local Items
“Grandma” Smythe is here from Ft. Worth, Texas, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kinch.
“Bunk” Ary and Bill Dunn were down from Drumright Tuesday talking Republican politics.
Herbert Merryman is here from Catoosa, visiting the family of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. West.
Take that sick watch to G.R. McFarland the watch doctor.
All the teachers in the Depew Schools have been to their various homes spending the holidays, but will be back in time to open school again Monday, January 5th.
It will pay you to bring your eggs to Ben Bennett before selling them. If you don’t believe it, try it.
Miss Beulah Roberts returned Wednesday to Edmond, Okla. where she is a student in the Normal. She spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Opp Roberts.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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