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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
January 9, 1920

Caught ’em Alive
Ralph Couch, one of the clerks at the P & H Hardware store has been sleeping in the store for some time. Monday morning about 2:30 he was awakened by a noise at the rear of the store. He just waked up enough to look and see what time it was, then turned over for a good snooze. About 3:30 he was again disturbed and saw some one pass a window at the rear of the store. He went to the phone and called W.F. Parshall and the central office notified Saab Elias and Chas. Pettegrew and then Bob Messing was notified. Saab came by and got his brother-in-law, Jim Joseph, the bunch of them came up near the same time, all armed and ready for the fray, with the exception that some of the bunch did not wear many more clothes than Eve when in the Garden of Eden, but they were loaded for bear just the same.
The men were seen in the store, Joseph and Saab knocked a board off the door, which was being used in place of a glass that was broken the last time the store was robbed and shoved an automatic shot gun in the door and demanded that they surrender, but before the robbers had reached the front part of the building Jim Joseph turned his artillery loose cutting a large gash in the stove pipe but not injuring the robbers except to put the fright into them. By this time the two robbers had their hands up and they were marched into the P & H Hardware store where they were searched and presently turned over to the Sheriff for safe keeping.
The two robbers gave a good description of the other two helping them and later K. Elias went to Sapulpa, on the train he identified a man and he was arrested when reaching Sapulpa and lodged in jail with the other two.
Found Counterfeiting Outfit
Monday while Chas. Boydston was removing some cement floor in the rear end of the building now occupied by he and his brother as a garage, he discovered a dingeramous which much resembled a lemon squeezer, but on close examination it showed that it had been used as a mold as there was still some plaster paris sticking to it. Some

time in the distant past it was an instrument used to beat work. Judging from the size of the mold it was used to make half dollars.
Local News
Wilbert Harrington went to Stillwater to take Miss Helen back to school.
Married Saturday January 3rd, William Wood and Miss Maude Bond. Elder Cates officiating. The ceremony was performed at the home of Oscar Demoss.
Constable Chas. Gould, assisted by Orley Hayhurst arrested 12 penny ante players at Milfay Saturday night. They were taken before Judge Watson at Milfay and fined $25.00 and costs each. There were four white folks and the other eight were colored.
The Independent is informed by K. Elias that the trial mentioned in last week’s paper was between he and Jay Donaldson and the other parties mentioned were not concerned only as witnesses.
Wilbert Harrington will be interested in the store purchased at Bristow, but Charles and Walter Pettegrew will have charge of same.
Mrs. George Oliver and Elmer Oliver and wife were here from Bristow this week visiting with the Harrington and Pettegrew families.
Jess McFarland is up in Missouri this week visiting relatives.
Ray Utter, Ben Combest, O.J. Jackson, Harry Coffey, Joseph Kinch and the writer attended the republican county convention at Sapulpa Thursday January 8th.
Rev Peak moved his family to Depew Tuesday. His household good which were shipped out of McCurtain some eight weeks ago arrived Wednesday.
R.P. Barker came in from Oklahoma City Friday, returning Saturday.
(Continued on page 2)
The Depew Independent
January 9, 1920
(Continued from page 1)

A New Cotton Gin for Depew
To be housed in Concrete Buildings
Epps & Lee of Bristow and owners of the Creek Cotton Oil Co. Were in Depew last week with a contract for gin machinery to be located in Depew. The contract was made by the Continental Gin Company of Dallas, Texas and called for a 4 Stand 80 Saw Plant, which is the latest and most modern Cotton Gin Machinery that can be purchased. The Plant will be housed with Concrete Buildings, and will be located near the Frisco Railroad Station. They have already purchased 8 lots to build on and also secured lease from the Frisco for what building they will have on the right of way.
Epps and Lee stated that part of the machinery had already been shipped and work would be started within the next 60 days.
In talking to a reporter Epps and Lee stated that with Depew’s cotton territory, the merchants and farmers were entitled to a First Class Cotton Gin and a Market below none of her neighbors.
It will be remembered that Epps and Lee erected a Cotton Gin at Milfay last year, and they stated that there had already been ginned in Milfay over 2500 bales cotton this season, whereas before they went in to Milfay 850 bales were the most ginned in one season.
We all know what Epps and Lee have done to the Bristow market, and they state Depew market will be held in line with Bristow market.
Republican Convention at Sapulpa
The Republicans held their County Convention at Sapulpa yesterday. There was a good crowd, despite the bad weather. The meeting reminded us of an old fashioned democratic gathering except that there was not one of the members "stewed". The delegates selected to go to the District convention at Shawnee on the 16th were instructed to vote for Jake Hamon for National Committeeman and Gen. Leonard Wood for the Republication nomination for President.
The steam roller was in good working order and the McGraw fellows took everything in good humor. J.H. Wright was reelected County Chairman and Levi Jones, Secretary.

Pie Supper at Church
The Sunday School will give a pie supper at the Church Wednesday night for the purpose of raising money to pay on the fine piano they have recently bought for the church.
Local Items
W.F. Parshall is transacting business in Shamrock Today.
Wanted:Hides and furs. Bring them to Ben Bennett before you sell them.
A.L. Hays of Tulsa is shaking hands with Depew Friends today.
You always find something Special at K & Y ELIAS.
Mrs. N. M. Adkinson has sold her property to a man by the name of Lewing.
Take that sick watch to G.R. McFarland the watch doctor.
Chas. Pettegrew has resigned as a member of the Town Board.
J.H. Wynn was in Miami, Oklahoma the first of the week looking after the interests of the town.
Office phone 42
Residence phone 150
Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Office over Stone Hardware Co.

Your Laundry work
Laundry Basket goes out each Monday.
Family washing, 8 per pound, rough dry.
All flat work ironed.

Come and Eat
I have recently rented and fitted up the Vandersall building and am now prepared to feed the hungry. I invite my friends and former customers to come and see me.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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