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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
February 13, 1920

New Councilman from Second Ward
The office of Trustee for the second ward has been having a turbulent career, but we believe it has now found a resting place. A.G. Utter was elected and when he resigned Chas. Pettegrew was appointed to fill the place and he resigned and W.M. McGuffee was appointed, but did not qualify, now Jay Donaldson has been appointed and qualified. We believe that he will make a good trustee and the Board made a wise selection in naming him.
Waterworks Have Arrived
A carload of pipe for the mains has arrived and has been hauled up and distributed over town.
Mrs. I.E. Jones and daughters, Frances and Wanema, left Monday for Salina, Kas., where they will visit relatives for a few days, when they will proceed to California, where Mr. Jones is in business. We regret to see them leave Depew, but join their many friends in wishing them prosperity and health in their new home.
New Ford Car for sale: See Harrington-Pettegrew Co.
Albert Quandel is sick at his father’s house, with the flu.
Paul Dubie, who has been Claim Agent for the Frisco for several years, and who formerly made Depew as a traveling salesman, has quit the rail road Co., and gone into the automobile business at Bristow. He is agent for the Chandler car and expects to do a big business. He was calling on Depew friends yesterday.
The teachers have been "getting theirs" this week. Miss Newton is at her home in Sapulpa, caused by an attack of the flu. Miss Kanable also has the flu and Miss Peebles has been incapacitated on account of the noted Russian disease.
Rev. Peak will preach at the church Sunday morning and evening.


Married at the home of the bride in Muskogee Monday February 9th, Captain Joe K. Barker and Miss Cora B. Daugherty.
Joe Barker is too well known in this vicinity that anything we might say would not add to the esteem in which he is held. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Barker and came to Depew with his parents some twelve years ago and has grown to manhood in our midst. When the United States declared war on Germany he was the first to volunteer his services to help put the kibosh on the kairer. He went to Camp Pike, Arkansas Training school and was made a 2nd Lieutenant and was later promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and after receiving his discharge, received notice from the war department that he had been promoted to a Captaincy. The Independent knows that the bride fills the bill and must be a daisy in every particular or Joe would not have tied to her.
The Independent joins Joe’s many friends in wishing him the best there is.
Rev. Peak and the writer went to Oklahoma City Tuesday morning and got a squint and General John J. Pershing. In the evening we were invited out to supper at the home of Andarson A. Webb, a former newspaper man at McCurtain, the former home of Rev. Peak. Mr. Webb is state publicity man for contagious diseases and one of the state’s most able man. The writer, along with the many acquaintances of Mr. Webb in this part of the country are pleased to see his ability recognized in such a substancial way, as the position he holds carries a nice salary attachment.
Hamon Wins Fight
In the State Convention at Oklahoma City Wednesday, of which the writer was a delegate from this county, Harmon was the winner of the National Committeeman race, beating his competitor, John Embry, by some 246 votes. Creek county voted as a unit for Mr. Hamon.
Mrs. P.P. Hillerman, of Sapulpa, was selected as one to go to Washington next March and cast Oklahoma’s vote in the electoral college for a Republican President. This is quite an honor for Creek County and to Mrs. Hillerman.
Sheriff Abner Bruce was in town today
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The Depew Independent
February 13, 1920
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In Wednesday’s Sapulpa American we see where William Harvey Dixon and Miss Laura Hembrow, both of Shamrock, have secured a marriage license.
Mr. Dixon is manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. And is very popular among his acquaintances.
Miss Hembrow has been Manager of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company at Shamrock for the past three years and is held in high esteem by her many friends. For several years she was with the Telephone Company here, later being manager. By her courteous manner and winning ways she made friends of all her acquaintances.
The Independent joins their host of friends in wishing them the best there is.
Drive for Relief
From February 14th to the 20th the Red Cross will have charge of a drive for the starving people of the near east. People are starving to death in Armenia and several of the other war ridden countries and unless America comes to the rescue there will be millions of human beings starve to death the next few months. In America, where we are all getting plenty to eat, we should contribute liberally to this cause.
K. Elias went down to Oklahoma City Sunday to place Kamile, his son, in a hospital. The little fellow has been suffering with a nervousness for some time.
Fred Messersmith and C.E. McCoy have applied for a license to open a pool and billiard hall in the Smythe Building.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ford Sunday February 8th a girl. Earl and his family have been living in Bristow for some time where they are engaged in the Hardware and furniture business. The Depew bunch are expecting a special free distribution of an extra good brand of cigars the first time Earl comes down. Grandpa and



Grandma Ford are as proud as peacocks of their new granddaughter.
All work in Depew High School is now fully accredited. E.E. Norvell, Supt.
Obituary Mrs. Mahaly Ryan
Mary Mahaly Ryan was born October 22nd, 1852 at Somerville, Alabama and was married to J.P. Brown December 12, 1869 at the place of her birth. In the year 1877 she moved to Arkansas. In the year 1889 moved to Indian Territory, in what is now LeFlore county. Died January 28th, 1920 at 1:30 a.m. at the home of her son in Depew, Okla.
She joined the Second Advent Church early in life and lived a true christian life. She was the mother of 10 children-9 boys and 1 girl. She leaves a husband, 5 sons, 2 brothers and 2 sisters to mourn her death.
The writer received a letter from Lee Ragon a few days ago. He is out at Phoenix, Arizona for his health. He likes the climate out there and says that his health is improving. His many friends will be pleased to hear this news. He expects to come back here shortly.
L.E. Bowran, of Stroud is here today looking for a building in which to open a grocery store.
Mr. Malley has just finished taking the school census of this district and he finds that there are 292 whites, a gain of 33 over last year, and 97 colored, a less of nine.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason has been quite sick this past week.
Fred and William Quandel are getting out and hauling rock for a stone garage to take the place of their present building. Depew will soon be in shape to handle a lot more of the automobile business if new garages keep coming and those we have keep on improving.
C.L. East is fighting the flu this week.
N. R. Allen, Joe Donaldson and Frank Mallow are back from serving out their sentences on the Petit jury at Sapulpa.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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