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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
February 27, 1920

New Bakery in Town
Mr. Crosswhite and family have moved here from Bristow and rented the Vandersall bakery and we can now eat home grown bread, pies and cakes. Mr. Crosswhite was with the Hamilton Bakery at Bristow for some time and is an experienced baker. We welcome them to our town and wish them success in the business.
Mr. M. L. Chambers, of Ada, Okla., was here Monday interviewing our folks in his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Congress. He is a very pleasant gentleman and is willing to admit that he is not an orator, but a statesman. Below we print his platform:
I Stand on The Ground for My Platform:
I am opposed to one man paying another man for the privilege of living on the earth which was made for all. I would tax improved and unimproved land the same. This will create more jobs than there are workers, get rid of land speculators, end the fight between capital and labor and make good times for all. The Single Tax is my platform. I am a poor man and ask that you pass the word of my candidacy on to your friends.
Married Friday February 20th at M. E. Church at Bristow, John F. Shawver and Miss Emma R. Carter.
John F. (Frank) Shawver is the youngest son of H. Shawver and has lived near Depew for the past ten years. He is one of the most popular young men in the community and numbers his friends by his many acquaintances.
Miss Carter, for several years resided north of town with her father, Geo. Carter, and her brothers and sisters. She has been living in Oklahoma City for some time. She is a fine young lady and besides being good looking has many accomplishments. She has a host of friends in Depew among the younger folks, having attended here some years ago.
Rev. W. C. House, of Bristow said the magic words that made the young couple man and wife.
They will reside on the farm of the Groom’s father 3 miles northwest of town.
The Independent joins their many friends in wishing them the best there is in life.
The drillers in the Prairie test two miles south of town have been under-rimming and had to drill a water well, as they had ruined their big lake of


water by letting the slush flow into it. They are down between 1,000 and 1,100 feet and drilling away.
That Depew has one of the best Doctors in the country is proven by the fact that we havn’t even a cemetery in Depew. We have often wondered why so many Shamrock folks come here for a doctor, but after passing by their cemetery a few days ago the mystery was solved. We noticed more than fifty new graves.
Store Robbed and Closed
Tuesday morning James Joseph announced that his store had been robbed of several hundred dollars worth of merchandise. It was evident that considerable goods has been removed from the store.
Tuesday afternoon several of the creditors came to town and the store was locked up and placed in the hands of the Wholesale Creditors Association.
There are lots of ugly rumors going the rounds and we may be able to tell more in next weeks’ paper.
A Well to be Drilled north of Town
The Carter Oil Co. Have made a location and bought the rig to be hauled out into the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 16, Range 8. This location is just three miles due north of town and there has never been a test drilled very near this location.
Case Thrown Out
The case against Curt Hale, Artie Holderby and J. A. and Bunion Taylor was thrown out of the County Court last Friday when called for trial.
Curt Hale was under bond for appearance at County Court and Artie Holderey was never placed under bond at all, but the Taylors are still under a federal bond.
Rev. Peak will have a special message to deliver Sunday. This will be the 5th Sunday in February, something that occurs just about once every 40 years, and there should be a good big crowd out Sunday.
Born to Mrs. O. R. Blankenship Monday February 23, a baby boy.
A crowd of young folks gathered at the home of Jim Williams in honor of Miss Maggie’s birthday, she being the first young lady to arrive in Depew and on Valentine’s evening at that.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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