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The Depew Independent
March 19, 1920

The Town of Slick
Monday was a gala day for Slick. Probably some of our readers never heard of this place. It is the first town out of Bristow on the new railroad that is building to Okmulgee. The town lot sale was held Monday and people from all parts of the globe were there buying the lots. The prices ranging from $2,000.00 down to $50.00 and when the sun started down the western slope there were but few lots left. The only house on the townsite was a negro shack which was used as an office on sale day, but before night two lumber yards were moving in and stocks of goods were on the way out from Bristow, a freight depot was started and many other signs of a city were in evidence. Our readers will hear more about Slick later.
Miss Cole and her pupils gave a candy sale yesterday for the Armenian relief. Over $11.00 was realized for the cause.
J.E. Cates, Elick Atteberry and Theodore Workman took in the Odd Fellow’s lodge at Stroud last night. They reported a fine time.
Some morning the proprietors of the Service Garage are going to have to go way out into the country after their night man. The writer lays with his head on a pillow 411 feet and 7 inches from the front door of the garage and nightly we hear people hammering on the door loud enough to wake the dead, but the garage man doesn’t let a little thing like that disturb his slumbers. Some night somebody is going to chop the door down and chain his feet to the rear of a car and drag him three or four miles into the country before he wakes up.
Rev. C.R. Broome will preach in Depew Sunday at 11 o’clock a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. N.T. Peak will also be with us in the evening. Everybody invited.
Miss Canable has resigned her position in the school and her place has been filled by Mrs. Wright of Stroud.




Oil News
Sunday night an 800 barrel well was brought in by the Red Bank Company in Section 16, Township 16, Range 8 east. This well is one mile east and between three and four miles north of town.
The Wilcox Company have their rig completed in Section 35, Township 16, Range 8 east, just east of the poor farm. This rig is three miles east and one-half mile north of Depew.
Another Brick Building
Dr. O.S. Coppedge has let the contract to a Mr. Ganz for the erection of his new brick building that will house his drug store and office. The building will be 46 feet square and will cover the site now occupied by his drug store, office and barber shop.
Timbers are on the ground and early Monday morning the old buildings will be shoved east into the street until the new building is completed, when the Doctor will move the old buildings into some residence lots and fix up a couple of places where some folks can live.
The west wall of the Carson & Lutz garage building is completed and ready for the joists. This is the best stone wall in Depew and is heavy enough to hold up a four story building, should the owners desire to put them on.
A big gas well was brought in a few days ago four miles east of Chandler and as a consequence the old town is taking on a real oil field boom.
Mrs. Chas. Whitaker, Mrs. Dingman, Mrs. Burt and another lady were here from Sapulpa Tuesday in the interest of the drive for the starving people in Europe.
Taken Up
One Sorrel Yearling Filley; on March 11. No marks or brands. Owner can have same by paying for this notice and cost of keeping. One-half mile east and one half north of Depew, on Ozark Trail.
W.W. McFarland and wife returned the first of the week froma two weeks visit with relatives in Kansas and Missouri.
(continued on page 2.)



The Depew Independent
March 19, 1920
(Continued from page 1.)

Oil News
Sunday night an 800 barrel well was brought in by the Red Bank Company in Section 16, Township 16, Range 8 east. This well is one mile east and between three and four miles north of town.
The Wilcox Company have their rig completed in Section 35, Township 16, Range 8 east, just east of the poor farm. This rig is three miles east and one-half mile north of Depew.
The Cotton Gins
The gentleman who has the contract for building the Epps and Lee gin at Depew is on the ground and looking for a place to house his family. The machinery for this gin was ordered before the first of January and the engine and boiler are now on the ground.
The Seth Barrett gin have ordered their machinery, so we understand men will be here in a short time to begin work on the building.
With four cotton gins Depew will be in position, for the first time in several years, to handle ALL the cotton that comes this way. The Independent welcomes these industries to Depew and believes there will be plenty of cotton for all of them. As for the benefit to our town and each individual it will be immeasurable.
Rev. J.S. Cansler, of Chandler, paid the Independent a very pleasant visit Tuesday. He is traveling for the Orth-Keith Wholesale Grocery Company and will make Depew regularly hereafter. He is one of the old-timers in Lincoln County.
Ivan Ford held a sale yesterday at his farm east of town. He is leaving in a few days for the western part of this glorious country in the hopes of bettering his health. We all regret to see him leave and trust that he will come back to us shortly much improved in health
A.L. Tuttle came in Tuesday from Mexico, where he had been on business. He is highly elated over Depew’s oil prospects and sold several of his lots in the first addition.





The New Bank
C. N. Lee was here from Bristow Wednesday making arrangements for the moving of his family to Depew. He will be one of the officers in the Depew National Bank, which has been granted a charter to open up for business. The new bank will put up a brick building on the lot just east of the Coppedge Pharmacy and will be ready for business by the time the cotton bolls begin to open.
The Independent welcomes this institution to Depew, believing that with another bank, and the two more cotton gins that we will have in operation by fall, that there will be plenty of business for all and that Depew will be a better and bigger town within the next few months than even our most optomistic people now believe.
R. L. Wilcoxson was here from Sapulpa Sunday. He has a good position with a refining company down there and he will have a public sale on the 2nd day of April and move down to his work. Bob has lived near Depew for the past five or six years and is one of our best farmers. He is always deeply interested in anything and everything that was for the betterment of the country. During the war he was always ready to lend a helping hand to every necessity that was essential to winning the war, his pocketbook was always open and his hands ready to do his part, and more. Mrs. Wilcoxson and daughter had the record of knitting more socks and sweaters for our soldiers than any other family in this community. The Independent joins their host of friends in reluctantly giving them up to Sapulpa, but can cheerfully commend them to their home acquaintances and can guarantee them to be equal to the best we have.
The Oklahoma Library commission has just sent a traveling library case to the Prairie View School in district No. 50. This will be kept in the school house and is open to all the citizens of the community during school hours. It contains a number of books on agriculture of interest to farmers, as well as a varied selection of interesting books in history, travel and fiction for the grades and high school.
Grover Shaffer and Saab Elias were in Oklahoma City Wednesday.




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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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