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The Depew Independent
April 2, 1920

To Chat Trail Through Town
Commissioner Smith and Surveyors Binkley and Gillett were here yesterday and a deal was made for the town to put the Ozark Trail through town on a grade and chat the Trail from where it enters town near the depot to where it leaves town at the northwest corner of town.
This will be one of the greatest improvements that could be made.
A subscription list was passed around and several hundred dollars were quickly raised to haul the chat and to take care of the other necessary expenses.
Sells Stock Goods
Tuesday at 2:00 the stock of merchandise and fixtures of the James Joseph store were sold in one big bunch. An Oklahoma City firm buying them. The people buying it resold it and after the big sale quite a rush was made to secure the goods, which were retailed to the folks.
Quite a crowd of strangers were attracted to Depew by this sale.
At Shamrock Sunday they will dedicate the new Methodist Church and have a big dinner and the presiding Elder will be there n’everything. Several from Depew are figuring on going over.
Webb Arrowood had about a hundred dollars worth of seed cotton seed stolen from him a few days, or nights ago. Some fellow, if he plants it all will need a lot of extra cotton choppers after a while.
A carload of cement has arrived to be used in the new Epps & Lee cotton gin.
Milfay Bank Robbed
Wednesday afternoon about 3:00 word came into Depew that the Bank had just been robbed at Milfay. The Cashier, Mr. Sutton, was taken about a half mile east of Milfay and told by the lone bandit that he could now go back to town. While the robber and the Cashier were walking east from town they met an acquaintance of Mr. Sutton’s and the spoke, but Sutton had been instructed by the robber to speak to any acquaintances he might meet, but not to stop and talk. Probably Mr. Sutton would like to have said a good many things that the robber would not have cared about hearing. We understand the robber wore no mask but had his face blacked. About $800.00 was taken.

Sheriff Abner Bruce and some deputies were on the scene of the bank robbery in a few hours after the occurrence.
Church News
Sunday School at 10 a.m. as usual. Prof. Norvell, Supt. Lets make it a record attendance. There will be no 11 o’clock service on account of the Pastor and board having to go to Shamrock to the quarterly conference. This is to be the dissolution of the circuit of Shamrock and Depew both taking full time and maintaining a Pastor at each place. All are invited, yes urged to be present at 6:45 o’clock Sunday evening to help in the organization of the Young Folks’ Union, then the Pastor will preach at 7:30. The subject will be "The Gift of a Son," Isiah 1x-6. Lets all work together to make this the banner year in the history of the church. You are cordially invited to attend and take part in the work.
C. P. Broome, Pastor
Swindle is Alleged
One J. Joseph, a merchant of Depew, was recently robbed of a quantity of merchandise, it is alleged, including groceries and dry goods. Several wholesale houses whom it is also alleged that he owed, have been searching for the goods. This week some of them were located in the store of a Bristow merchant and he was arrested. Joseph it is said went into voluntary bankruptcy following the robbery of his store. The Bristow merchant claims no knowledge of the fact that the goods found in his store were stolen, and readily made bond and will fight the case.
--Bristow Record.
Many Buildings Going up at Slick
Sixteen new frame buildings are now under construction at the new town of Slick and five have been completed. Dr. Williams, of the Oklahoma-Southwestern has plans drawn for a five room stucco residence and work will be started on it in a few days. Plans have been drawn for the company’s depot. A temporary freight house has already been erected.
--Bristow Record.
C. P. Broome, our new pastor and wife and baby moved into the parsonage the first of the week.
The entertainment given Wednesday night by the public school was well attended and heartily received by the audience. The proceeds, $21.00 go towards paying for the piano bought some time ago by the school.

(continued on page 2.)


The Depew Independent
April 2, 1920
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Sheriff Bruce Lands Three Suspects
of Milfay Bank Robbery

Orley Hayhurst, former resident of Depew
Charged with Committing Crime.

Yesterday morning early Sheriff Bruce and several cars of deputies passed thru Depew on their way to Sapulpa to land in jail Orley Hayhurst, Lydia Cronin and Eula Griggs, charging them with robbing the bank at Milfay Wednesday afternoon.
The robbery was committed by one lone man, whom the Sheriff is confident was Hayhurst. The Sheriff has carefully measured the tracks and says that Hayhurst’s shoes fill the track.
Lydia Cronin and Griggs, it is alleged, aided in carrying out the robbery and helping the robber to escape.
About $800.00 was taken by the robber, the bank carrying insurance to cover the amount.
Hayhurst is a son of H. H. Hayhurst, of Tryon, Okla., and a farmer resident of this county, living on a least two miles south of town. Some of our citizens have known the Hayhurst family for 25 and 30 years and they speak in the highest terms of them. It will be regretted by the many friends of the family should the crime be fastened upon Orley Hayhurst. A young wife and child of the accused lived here with him when he was in the restaurant business.


Mrs. G. W. Oliver, Elmer Oliver and wife were down from Bristow Monday.
Mrs. J. T. Watson left Friday for Arkansas to be with her folks who are all down with the flu.
J. W. Parshall, father of W. F. Parshall, was here from Skiatook the first of the week.
Sells Out Store
K & Y Ellias sold their stock of goods, good will and fixtures to P. H. Gordon, of Tulsa, and L. Finkelstein, of Oilton. The firm and store will be known as the "People's Store."
K & Y Elias will remain in Depew and will probably erect a large stone building on their Main street lot between now and fall.
The deal was made through T. S. Martin, of Tulsa. Mr. Martin has several acquaintances in Depew, and is an auctioneer with whom Depew will probably get better acquainted with in the near future.
The Independent welcomes the new comers to Depew.
Jess McFarland and wife of Depew, were here Saturday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Milt Clingenpeel. -----Stroud Messenger
Ralph Couch, one of the clerks in the P & H Hardware store, returned to his home in Wellston, after several months service here.
Miss Ruth Vines has returned to her school after a few weeks’ visit with home folks.