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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
April 16, 1920

Charter For Depew Bank
A charter was issued this week for the Depew National Bank, of that city, with capital stock of $25,000. C. N. Lee is to be president and H. Ralph Corey, Cashier. Both of these gentlemen are now connected with the Bristow National Bank of this city.
--Bristow Record
The walls of the Carson & Lutz building are about completed. This will add to the appearance of Main Street.
County Superintendent Helen Fitch was in town Wednesday and Thursday visiting our schools. She tells the Independent that she found our schools in fine shape. She is particularly well pleased with the progress being made in the colored schools.
Unloading Cotton Gin
Last Saturday afternoon Seth Barrett begun to unload a car load or two of cotton gin machinery. He has about one-third of his six lots covered with "cotton gin." The main part of the gin was run about four months and has been standing idle for the past five years. New machinery will take the place of all parts that were damaged in taking down and moving and when the whistle blows this fall to start ginning it will be practically a new outfit.
Under the supervision of Street Commissioner Pilkington, the Trail through town is being put in fine shape for the chat. The hill near the Malley the west end of Main Street is being cut down appreciatively, and will not be so bad when completed.
Although the weather was bad a nice crowd of young folks attended the "Y.P.U." Sunday evening at 6:30.
The topic was "books," and Rev. Broome rendered a nice talk on "The books I have read."
The only trouble now is that we want more people to be there to answer "present" when the roll is called.



Born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Goodwin Thursday April 15th, a 12 pound girl. Warren is stepping as high as a two year old.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore workman Thursday morning April 15th, a baby girl. Mother and baby doing nicely.
Next week the Independent will move to their new home where we expect to make extensive improvements in the paper.
The Independent received a nice letter and an order for some stationery from Prof. E.H. Lenox. He and his wife have been employed again for the next year in the schools at Red Fork, at a very nice increase in their salaries. Their many Depew friends will be pleased to know that they are being appreciated in their work there.
Chairman Finkelstein reports that some $40.00 was raised for the Jewish Relief. Depew’s Quota was $150.00. Last Saturday Winona Arrowood, Plura Skaggs and Margaret Rufner solicited the town, raising what they could, but it was found that the quota could not be raised.
A carload of brick is being unloaded for the Depew National Bank.
We have a DeLaval Separator that we will sell for cash or credit worth more than we are asking for it.
There was much talk of parties getting out an injunction stopping the Barrett gin from being put on the site purchased for the purpose. Some claiming that it would interfere with their business and other that it was too close in and would be a fire menace, but we believe the talk has ceased and that Mr. Barrett may go right ahead as he has started. No one denies that we need the two extra cotton gins and the Independent hopes to see the four cotton gins running full time this fall.
It was announced in Church yesterday that Thursday is a fish day. That makes four fish days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at Bennett’s grocery.
(Continued on page 2.)



The Depew Independent
April 16, 1920
(Continued from page 1)

The Big Free Show
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Main street in Depew between Sims and Malley avenue
Referee: Everybody
Participants: Jim Cook and Artie Holderby
Round One: When the gong sounded in the first, Holderby led out with a straight punch to the forehead and the guard thrown up by his opponent glanced and the result was not what might of been expected as Cook was squared and braced for another rush. Both sparring for a better position, the center of attraction was moved across from in front of the Mason & Shaffer barber shop to a softer position in front of the Harrington-Pettegrew store and when the gong for the ending of the first round was sounded the referee decided that the honors were about equal.
Round Two: This round opened with both participants ready and rearin’ to mix it. Cook led off with a blow to the jaw of his opponent and Holderby retaliated with a swift uppercut staggering his opponent and then the clinch with Holderby having a secure hold on the hair of Cook and it looked like a dog fall with the advantage to Holderby, when a son of Cook’s took a punch at the left jaw of Holderby, leaving his brand plainly visible. During the latter part of this round both shed coats and begun to get into fighting shape. When the gong sounded the fight was still raging with either participant liable to land a "knockout" blow at any time.
Round Three: This round opened with both parties sparring for shade as the sun was fast sinking behind the western horizon the fellow facing the west was to a disadvantage and both participants were trying for the "shady side." In this round Holderby landed a swift uppercut which came near putting his opponent down for the count, but he soon rallied and was leading the fray. Cook still the aggressor and by this time the town pump had been reached and the fighting was still good. The anxious crowd became so numerous at this point in the third round that the fighters became separated and friends of Jim Cook got him into a car and hustled him away while Artie Holderby went to the drug store where it was found that he had two knuckles dislocated.






Except for the son of Mr. Cook, there was no interference with the fight which lasted about twenty minutes. After it was over Cook was heard to remark that he was "sorry the fun stopped as he was just getting started to fighting."
The cause of the fight dates back some ten months ago when Holderby was asked by the Marshal to help take care of Cook, when he was having some fun fighting.
The foundation has all been made for the new Coppedge building and a cellar is being dug in the northwest corner of the site.
Last week W.A. Middleton and wife drove their car down near Hugo, Oklahoma where the father of Mrs. Middleton lives, whom she had not seen for twelve years.
Prof. Baldwin, Superintendent of Shamrock schools, had a new experience a few nights ago. A bold and fearless burglar went through his house, taking what few hard earned dollars he had in his pocket, his watch, pants and vest. Later the vest was found.
" Figgerin’" Your Tax
The time for rendering your income tax return has passed, but you can keep this for next year. This is the inside dope on how to figure your income tax as explained by the Boston-Record:
First take your income.
Add your wife’s income.
Divide by eldest son’s age.
Add your telephone number.
Subtract your auto license number.
Add electric light bill.
Divide by number of kilowatts.
Multiply by your father’s age.
Add number of gold fillings in your teeth.
Add your house number.
Subtract your wife’s age. (Approximate.)
Divide by number of aunts you have.
Add number of uncles.
Subtract the number of daughters.
Multiply by number of times you have been up in an airplane.
Subtract your best golf score.
Add a pinch of salt.
And then go out and borrow the money and
Pay the tax.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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