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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
April 23, 1920

Near Cyclon Hits Depew
Saturday Night
Last Saturday night about 11:30 the worst storm that Depew has had since the Cyclone of May 29th, 1909.
Many houses were blown loose from their foundations, some clear of them, small buildings were wrecked and smoke houses and garages suffered.
The worst hit of all was the Cothern building recently purchased by Jay Donaldson. All the plate glass in the front of the building was blown out, not leaving a single piece as large as a good sized pancake.
The smoke house of Bias Jackson was picked up and scattered all over an alfalfa field, playing havoc with his summer’s supply of meat, lard, flour, etc.
The M. E. Church has some window lights broken and a strip of shingles taken off the roof.
The Colored School house had a lot of shingles torn off the roof and the Colored church adjoining was blown in and wrecked. The porch of the Model Cafe was taken up bodily and blown across the building. The machinery for the Barrett gin was turned over and wagon yard of E. R. Kaser nearby was demolished.
The blacksmith shops of Mr. DeLaney and W. W. McFarland both had the front blown off. The Slaughter residence was blown clear from the foundation. A great many houses suffered from the wrath of the storm. The Wynn garage was blown down and the car damaged considerably.
There is a Town Ordinance against chickens running at large. Please keep them up and avoid the penalty.
R. L. Plinkton, Marshal
Bricks Moving in Depew
Trucks are moving brick from Bristow to Depew for the Coppedge building. As soon as lime arrives work will start on laying them into the building.
Teams are piling the brick high on the rear of the lot for the Depew National Bank and work on the building will start in a short time.



Former Depew School Principal
Hurt in Storm
Mrs. Claude Faultner, nee Julia Ramsey, her husband and child were all badly hurt in the Saturday night storm. She and her husband live 10 miles southeast of Bristow, where she is teaching school. The storm destroyed their house and according to the Sapulpa papers, she is hurt worst of all. A brother of her husband was also hurt badly. Mrs. Faultner was rushed to a Tulsa hospital and at last reports was still unconscious.
Mrs. Faultner was for two years Principal of our schools and was very popular among the pupils and patrons. She is a half sister of Frank Bollinger, of Milfay. He passed through here Monday going back to be with her. He had driven down Sunday after the storm.
The many Depew friends hope that she recovers from her injuries.
The Independent is Moving
Our friends will find us located on the east end of Main street in our new home. We will be pleased to have you call and "look us over" in our new location.
If this thing don’t stop we are soon going to have the reputation of being a windy country. It has been blowing here lately until it rains and then it rains until it blows again and repeats every twenty-four hours and yet this is fine country. People seldom leave Depew that they don’t come back here better satisfied than ever. Let ’er blow.
Depew has a dairyman in the person of Al Martin. He says that one of his cows that helps to furnish milk for his dairy gives milk "with a kick in it", in fact he says that it is pretty near pure alcohol"stand back don’t crowd"there may be enough to go around.
Republican Caucus
There will be a meeting at the Independent office Thursday April 29th for the purpose of selecting 8 delegates from Depew precinct Number 1 to attend the County Republican Convention at Bristow May 6th to nominate a County Republican Ticket.
JOSEPH KINCH, Committeeman
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The Depew Independent
April 23, 1920
(Continued from page 1)

To Build Hall
Chas. Carson, W. H. Ford, C. E. McCoy, O. D. Lutz and the writer recently purchased the Langfitt lot on the south side of Main street just west of the Smythe building and as soon as the preliminaries are settled a two story building will be erected thereon.
It has not been fully decided just how deep the building will be, but it is probable that it will extend back 100 feet. The up stairs will be fitted up for a lodge hall and will probably be occupied by the Odd Fellows and Woodmen. It is planned to have the building completed before cotton begins to come to town.
When completed the down stairs will be for rent.
Ball Game Last Sunday
Manager Pilkington picked up a bunch of able players Sunday and went down to Hickory Grove, where they had also picked up a team. At the end of the 7th inning the score stood 5 to 2 in favor of Depew.
Arrangements are being made for ground near town for a ball diamond and we can expect to see some fast ball games this summer.
Church Notes
Sunday School at 10 o’clock, Preaching services 11 a.m. Subject Recreation. Young Peoples Union, 6:4t, Sermon 7:45 p.m. Subject, building a life.
Last Sunday morning our Sunday School looked like it was on an increase, but nothing like we want it to be in the near future, everybody come back next Sunday and bring some one with you. The Y.P.U. was also interesting, but we need more enthusiasm. Sunday evening witnessed one of the largest and most enthuasiastic crowds at church that we have seen for a long time, lets keep this up. A few minutes song service will preceed every sermon.
Public cordially invited to attend.











On the 29th inst the Republicans will hold a precinct caucus to select 8 delegates to the County Preferential convention to be held at Bristow on May 6th. At the Bristow convention it is proposed to nominate a Republican County ticket. There are already several that have bees in their bonnetts and will be on hand at that time and place to tell the world all their good qualifications to fill the offices aspired to.
Judging by the way Hiram Johnson ran up in Illinois, where his name had to be written on the ballot, the folks must like his style. He received nearly as many votes as Wood, and Wood was surpassed by Governor Lowden by a small majority. Lowden supporters were surprised that their Governor did not show more strength. Chicago and Cook county gave Wood a big majority. It is still hard to guess as to who will be the Republican nominee for President this fall.
Jake Blackburn had the misfortune to have his house blown away Saturday night destroying most all of his household goods and supplies. He lives south of town a mile or so.
Harve Schiller, Lawrence Schiller, Frank Barrett and Aden Utter drove down to Bristow Monday night to attend a meeting of the Carpenters union. Joe Kinch, jr. went along as chaperone.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ford and daughter were visiting with pa and ma Ford Sunday.
Joe Kinch made his usual trip to Sapulpa this week.
We can use some 3-4 and 1 pound frying chickens at 40 cents per pound. Bennett’s Grocery
Strayed:Two Mules
One Bay horse mule about 3 years old. One Bay mare mule 2 years old. Above stock strayed from my lease two miles south of Depew. Finder notify.
Chas. ALTON, Depew


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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