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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
May 7, 1920

Tulsa Boosters Visit Depew
Tuesday morning the town was taken by storm when about 150 business men of Tulsa came up on to main street. They were accompanied by a fine band, which played several selections for our music hungry populace. Souvenirs were handed out to the little folks, who were very numerous owing to the fact that the teachers had dismissed school for the occasion.
Clarence Douglas, Secretary of the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, expressed himself to the Independent as being surprised at the building activity in Depew and prophesied that in the near future we would have "some town here."
They left here shortly before twelve, west bound.
A dance was given Saturday night in the building recently vacated by the Independent, for the benefit of the ball team. There appeared to be more girls than there were boys and from a social standpoint the affair was a frost. Good order was maintained and the music was good.
Sammie Bregar Here to Box
Sammie Bregar, Chicago feather-weight is to make his debut in Depew.
The Chicago boy is classed as one of the best feather-weights in the country, he has had seventeen fights, in Oklahoma; fifteen of those fights he has won by knock-outs, while in the other two he holds a referee’s decision over Frankie Nurdin in fifteen round battle, and defeated Carl Flemming in eight rounds.
His opponent will be Jimmie Haley, of Pasadena, California one of the best feather-weights on the Pacific coast; they will go fifteen rounds to a referee’s decision, on or about the 15th of May.
Joseph Kinch, Wilbert Harrington, Ben Bennett, Max Donaldson, W. R. Martin and Fred C. Knapp represented Depew precinct Number 1 at the preferencial convention at Bristow yesterday.


I will start May 10th, to delivering ice. Get your fee books at Quandel’s Garage.
Andy Whitmore, the cotton gin man of Milfay, was here Saturday greeting his many friends and acquaintances.
Kre-Ko Refining Company held an election on the 4th inst to elect officers for the ensuing year. A good many Depew folks are interested in the Company. The company is in fine shape now and will soon be making gasoline and other refinery products. Dr. E.W. King, of Bristow was re-elected President of the company.
Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Shaffer entertained Friday evening, April 30th in honor of Misses Linnia Warren and GertrudeCole. The evening was given to games and music. Miss Mildred Sanders rendered several nice selections. At a late hour sherbet and cake was served in fancy May baskets. Those present were Rev. And Mrs. Broome, misses Blanche Schwemley, Martha McElroy, Carrie Mae Dunning, Mildred Sanders, Maggie King and Messrs Leo Pettegrew, Lon Schiller and Lewie King. Out of town guests were Mr. Carl Shelton of Oklahoma City, Mr. Henry Osborne of Sapulpa and Mr. E. Moore of Muskogee.
May 6th, 1920
We the undersigned agree to close our place of business each day at 7 o’clock P. M. until the 1st day of September.

P & H Hardware Co.
Ford Hardware Co.
Harrington-Pettegrew Co.
H. Dowell & Co.
Donaldson Bros.
People’s Exchange
Prof. Watson, principal of the Milfay schools, was in town Saturday
Mrs. C.E. Hicks is up again after several weeks of illness
Frank Barrett left Monday for points in Montana where he will spend the summer.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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