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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
May 14, 1920

Prosperity Notes
Banker C. N. Lee will soon start the erection of a fine modern bungalow on some of the lots he recently purchased from Mrs. Bryden.
The walls of the Carson and Lutz building are completed and the roof is being put on. This is a fine building and will add to the appearance of west Main street.
The walls are about completed on the Coppedge building. This is a dandy brick and when the Doctor gets his new $4,000 soda fountain and other new fixtures installed he will have one of the finest drug stores in this part of the country.
The Depew National Bank building has the east and north walls about completed. The plate glass for the front arrived some time ago and the building will be completed ahead of time.
A car load of chat is on the ground for the new two story building that is to be put up on the lot just west of the Smythe building. Work will commence in a few days.
The walls of the new Epps & Lee cotton gin are being poured. These buildings are all to be of cement.
Webb Arrowood has been repairing and building to his cotton gin and is getting it in tip top shape for the big cotton crop we are going to raise this year.
Mr. Hicks has completed his building on east Main street and will open a cold drink and confectionery in same in a few days.
The mains for the water works are being layed. The company started to laying the mains at the corner of Malley and Main and have them layed for three blocks east on Main street.
Several permanent business houses are in the embroyo stage and we can expect to see several more fine structures added to the main thoroughfare before the cotton season opens.
The county is putting the chat on the Ozark Trail west from the County Poor Farm this way. They will be down through Depew before long.
Street Commissioner R. L. Pilkinton has a force of men putting Sims Avenue in fine shape. This is the prettiest resident street in town and is known as "Banker’s Row," or "Society Avenue."



Boxing Match Saturday Night
Depew is coming to life in earnest.
A boxing match has been arranged for Saturday night. Two real boxers are to give an exhibition of the manly art. The time is 7:30 and the place at the old Independent building. Jimmie Haley and Sammie Bregar stage the main event. The program will open preliminaries by local talent.
Young People enjoy Social
The Y.P.U. gave a social at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Broome, Friday evening, May 7th. Of the many young people who were invited, the following were present: Misses Martha McElroy, Carrie Maye Dunning, Margaret Rufner, Helen Kinch, Susie Richardson, Vera Hankins, Blanche Schwemley, Very Schwemley, Irene Dowell, Hazel McGuffee, Velma Cleveland, Christine Cleveland, Bernice Knapp, Freda Knapp, Clare Knapp, Lyda Buie, Bell Buie, Frances Ford, Vernal Sexton, Ruth Wynn, Frances Wynn, Lennia Warren, Winnona Arrowood, Winnifred Arrowood, Vyva Rankin, Mrs. Ula Kaser, Messers Lawrence Schiller, August King, Ula Kaser, Leo Pettegrew, Roscoe Richardson, Hobert Richardson, Azle Rose and Glenn Rush.
Everyone enjoyed the evening and we wish to see them and many more at Y.P.U. every Sunday evening.
This is the last week of school and the children are looking forward with much anticipation to the coming holidays.
Miss Maggie King is taking a well earned rest from her duties at the Coppedge Pharmacy. Miss Holton is taking her place.
Miss Cole is quite sick. Miss Schwemley has been teaching in her place.
Miss Cole’s father and sister, of Beggs, came in response to a message telling of her serious condition. Her father returned home the first of the week, but her sister will accompany her home as soon as she is able to go.
Wilbur Livecy was kicked by a horse Wednesday, sustaining a broken leg. He was brought to town where Doctor Coppedge set the broken member.
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The Depew Independent
May 14, 1920
(Continued from page 1)

Governor in the Ditch
The east bound "Governor" was wrecked at the west end of the yards at Bristow Saturday morning. The engine, smoker, baggage and express cars all went into the ditch. No one was seriously hurt, although several were badly shaken up and as one colored fellow expressed it "we was all ’bout half scared to death."
Mrs. N. M. Adkinson was on the train. The claim agent was here Sunday and settled with her for $200.00. This is the second time she has been in a wreck within the past six months.
School is out today and the kiddies are glad.
We hear that a test is to be made right at Depew’s door. The rig is to be so close to town that a fellow can throw a stone and hit it-providing he is a good "throwest." Our informant would not tell us the direction, but where ever it is, it will be watched with a great deal of interest by the oil fraternity.
Depew is going to need an ice plant some of these warm days. Let’s get together and see if we can’t start one.
Depew needs a real live Commercial Club. Let us get together and work for the betterment of this town. We are in position NOW to make a bigger and better town out of Depew if we will just forget our little dislikes for each other and pull together for the things that are necessary to make this a better town.
We already hear rumors of Republicans who are not satisfied with the preferential convention held at Bristow May 6th. In one particular case this man’s name was not brought before the convention and he is talking of coming out anyway. In our humble opinion he will number with the "also ran" class after the primary election.
Miss Dot Cozart was here from Mounds this week visiting with Miss Mildred Sanders.



"Safety First"
By Joe Kader
Talk about the prices that we paid in days of yore;
Now everything is higher than it ever was before;
We used to get a shave for ten, and then for fifteen cents,
And then they raised again just like a landlord raised his rents.

Now twenty cents for just one shave was high enough you know,
But twenty five is out of sight to have your face shaved so-
They now go to the hardware stores to buy their shaves you see,
The safety razor’s cheaper so their own barber they’ll be.

Now we can’t blame the barber if he sets his price up high,
’cause he must make a living just the same as you and I;
But if they’d put a line of safety razors in their shops
They’d make a lot of dough ’cause everybody’d shave their crops.
Rev. Broome and family are enjoying a visit from his mother.
Have your hemstitching and picoting done by Mrs. Curran, West 5th St. Bristow. Cotton 10, silk 15 cents the yard.
Mrs. Lizzie Crafton, a sister of Frank Mason, came in from Caney, Kansas a few days ago for an extended visit.
Mrs. Elmer Chamberland, sister of Mrs. Ben Bennett, was here from Dawson, Oklahoma last week visiting.
Cecil Ford is leaving for Atoka county, where he will work on one of his father’s farms during the summer.
I have bought the Sampson well drill, and am prepared to drill wells. See me if you want a well.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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